Saturday, June 1, 2013

Slow Saturday Special: Finkel Falls For the Fraud

I'm sick of Jewsih supremacism, but then again, they are only serving dwindling readership:

"Aliyah Finkel, now 15, said she was preparing for her bat mitzvah when she learned about the Anne Frank Sapling Project, which was distributing saplings from the tree to 11 sites across the United States. The saplings were being awarded to organizations that embodied Frank’s belief in equality, demonstrated consequences of intolerance, or showcased historic events in civil rights and social justice."

Tell it to a Palestinian who has had his olive trees bulldozed or burned.

RelatedThe Diary of Anne Fraud 

I'm sorry, but there it is. Maybe it should be called the Liary.

Also see: Slow Saturday Special: A Killer of Trees

New Jersey Beat Back Beetles