Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Globe and the New Media: Ticketing Texters

"Police find success, frustration in targeting texters" by Martine Powers |  Globe Staff, January 15, 2013

It was an elaborate crackdown, the first of its kind in West Bridgewater: Plainclothes officers stationed along Route 106 spotted dozens of people engrossed in their cellphones while they drove. A quarter-mile ahead, uniformed officers pulled the drivers over, 51 in ­total, for texting while driving.

But while 37 people were given $100 citations or warnings, 14 others were let go. They were not texting, they ­explained; they were dialing a call or looking at directions, both still legal.

The Jan. 5 operation, prompted in part by an ­increase in rear-end accidents in the town, highlights the prevalence of texting while driving, while illustrating why more jurisdictions are not cracking down....


Also seeHands-Free Texting Devices Pose Great Risk to Drivers

I'll send along any other texts I get.