Friday, September 26, 2008

The Boston Globe is a War-Mongering, Zionist Mouthpiece

They are the ones bringing it to you -- which explains the lying, divisive, agenda-pushing, war-promoting, Muslim-hating, biased, Zionist propaganda posing as "news" in its pages. Looks like there may not be a purchase of the Zionist scitte sheet tomorrow then!!! I was foolish to shell out a buck today! HOW OFFENSIVE!!!!!! And how humiliating for me!!! Look out below for language!

Please see: Iran is NOT Building a Nuclear Bomb

Since the New York Times is the owner and parent of the Boston Globe, maybe you should know this, readers

Israel Writes The New York Times News Pages

The New York Times: Israel's Mouthpiece

New York Times Admits Israel Controls U.S.

The New York Times Tells Another War-Mongering Lie

Also see: Look What Came With the Sunday Times