It is as I said: the narrative of the next five months is the surge worked and George
W. Bush won Iraq.
Otherwise, what is with the propaganda? NON-COMBAT related?
Would they BE THERE if we hadn't OCCUPIED the place?
Just MORE DECEPTION from the AmeriKan MSM!!!

I posted the picture because it is a VIOLATION of the GENEVA CONVENTIONS!!
You are not suppose to show prisoners bound and hooded; however, the AmeriKan MSM does it all the time when it is US or OUR GUYS!
Compare that to the screeching the MSM and government do when it is "terrorists" or Iran (remember the Brits that invaded Iranian waters?) showing off their captives!!!!
Yeah, the HYPOCRISY does get to me.
BAGHDAD - A US soldier is being held in connection with the shooting deaths of two fellow Americans on Sunday at their patrol base south of Baghdad, the US military said in a statement yesterday.
Oh, so we had a FRAGGING, did we? That is BAD for the OCCUPATION, folks!
This is the same sort of thing that happened in Vietnam!!!!
News of the deaths came on the same day that seven American soldiers were killed in the southern Iraqi desert when their helicopter crashed. Military officials said that the early morning crash was not caused by enemy fire. They also said that two other US soldiers died in two separate incidents Wednesday, not as a result of combat but under circumstances that have not been disclosed.
That means 11 US service members have died since Sunday for noncombat-related reasons.
Also yesterday, a car rigged with explosives, exploded as it traveled between the towns of Shatra and Nasiriya, killing both men inside instantly, police said. The target, they said, was a nearby police checkpoint.
In Baghdad, a roadside bomb exploded in the upscale Karrada neighborhood, wounding two policemen. Another roadside bomb detonated in eastern Baghdad, wounding six members of the force, police said.
Oh, yeah, Iraq is just grand!
Thanks for lying us in there and continuing to lie about -- and minimize -- the hell-hole that is Iraq, shit Zionist MSM!!!!