Translation: "Dont look now to israel"
Another unique and intriguing perspective on events: Mumbai, Gaza and Hebron: All on the same road!
Also see: DEBKA Report [possible disinformation]: India seeks Israeli help, commandos reach Delhi ‘Islamabad to use all options if attacked’
"Hoax prompted Pakistan alert during Mumbai seige; Indian authorities announce arrest of two suspects" by Laura King, Los Angeles Times | December 7, 2008

The two men who authorities believe were involved in the attacks on Mumbai stood in Indian police headquarters with their heads covered. (Reuters)
How come their patsies get prettier hoods than ours?
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - .... Authorities in India reported the first arrests since the end of the siege in India's commercial and entertainment capital, which killed more than 170 people....
One of the arrested men was a counterinsurgency police officer who may have been on an undercover mission, the Associated Press reported, citing security officials in Indian Kashmir who demanded his release.
Can you say INSIDE JOB, readers? I knew you could!
The report also is likely to raise new questions about the competence of Pakistan's civilian government....
And CUI BONO, 'eh?
The newspaper's account said it took intercession by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other diplomats to establish that the Indian foreign minister, Pranab Mukherjee, had not made the call to Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari on the night of Nov. 28, threatening military action against Pakistan.
Pakistan's Information Ministry said in a statement that the call in question was put through because it was believed to have come from a recognized exchange within India's Foreign Ministry, but did not address whether Pakistani officials had been duped. A Western diplomat and a Pakistani security official confirmed the broad outlines of the Dawn account....
So WHO would have been trying to start a WAR, readers? The call didn't come from Nariman House, did it?
Most analysts believe a Pakistani group could not have carried out the Mumbai attacks without the help of local Indian accomplices, and the two arrests reported yesterday by Indian authorities could help support that theory. But a police official cautioned that the two men, who were arrested in Kolkata on Friday, did not necessarily have direct links with the attackers or previous knowledge of the plot.
Why the back-off?
Senior police officers in Indian Kashmir, which has been at the heart of tensions between India and Pakistan, said one of the men was an Indian counterinsurgency officer, Mukhtar Ahmed. They called for his release, saying he was one of their own and had been involved in infiltrating Kashmiri militant groups.
Infiltrating and DIRECTING them like OUR FBI GOONS?
The report of Ahmed's involvement added to the growing list of questions about India's ill-trained security forces, which are widely blamed for not thwarting the attacks.
Funny how Amerika's allegedly "ill-trained security forces" were never disciplined for "not thwarting" the 9/11 attacks, 'eh?
The other arrested man was identified as Tauseef Rahman of West Bengal state. Both men were charged with fraud and criminal conspiracy. Authorities in New Delhi said the arrested pair had bought large batches of cellphone SIM cards that included one later used by the gunmen during the attacks. How the SIM cards came into the attackers' possession remained unclear.
Why do I suspect MOSSAD of planting them? Notice how the only "conspiracies" are amongst "Islamic extremists?"
Police say the gunmen were in touch by mobile phone with handlers in Pakistan while the siege was taking place, allegedly seeking guidance on how to proceed and on whom to kill and whom to spare among their hostages. --more--"
Wait a minute! Are they trying to say assassins were on the phones saying, "You want me to kill this one?"
Ha-ha-ha!! Yeah, right. I can hear them now: "I don't know, what's the name?" Assassin: "Who are you?" Wouldn't that SLOW DOWN the OPERATION a bit?
So if the attack was against westerners and Jews, how come mostly Indians were killed?
Oh, and don't worry, world. There is not going to be a war tomorrow.
NEW DELHI - Hostility between India and Pakistan is at its worst in years, but tensions stemming from the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India, are unlikely to bloom into full-blown war between the nuclear-armed rivals - at least for now, according to analysts on both sides of the border....
But you know, we can always hope for later (puke!). Doesn't that seem to be the tone they are taking?
Any war would be devastating financially, especially at a time of worldwide recession. India's economic juggernaut has lost some steam; and even more dire, Pakistan has had to appeal to the International Monetary Fund to keep its economy afloat. Foreign investment in both countries, which fled during the 2001-2002 standoff, would vanish once again in the event of an armed clash.
"No one can afford it," said Abhay Matkar, a former Indian Army major in Mumbai. "Both countries are not ready for war, and it will not happen." Tammy Haq, a popular talk-show host in Pakistan, questioned whether Pakistan's armed forces were even prepared militarily for a war, conventional or otherwise. "We've had decades of propaganda about how strong we are, but we can't win a war," Haq said. "We have an army that's fat, not a well-oiled fighting machine."
Not as fat as ours!!!
Another factor leading to the relatively restrained response might be the lessons learned from a somewhat similar attack that occurred seven years ago this month, an incident that some observers say almost led both countries to do the unthinkable and press the nuclear button.
On Dec. 13, 2001, a group of gunmen stormed the Indian Parliament building in New Delhi and came close to killing the high-ranking lawmakers inside. When the siege was over, more than a dozen people lay dead, including the five assailants and several police.
Well, doesn't that just STINK to HIGH HEAVEN!!!!
That attack also was blamed on Pakistani Islamic extremists, allegedly abetted by the country's powerful intelligence agency. Within days, India lashed back by deploying the first of hundreds of thousands of troops along its border with Pakistan, which promptly followed suit. The military standoff lasted for months before intensive international diplomacy helped dissuade the archrivals from launching their fourth war in 55 years.
Four wars in 55 years? About due for another one, aren't they?
After meeting with Pakistan's prime minister and military chief in Islamabad yesterday, Senator John McCain said Pakistan understands it must take quick action against any terrorists connected to the Mumbai attacks who are living in Pakistan, the Associated Press reported.
Asked about the possibility that India may take military action if Pakistan does not react to its allegations, McCain said he believed Islamabad would cooperate with India and take timely "specific acts to avert any further deepening of this crisis. McCain came to Pakistan as part of a regional tour with other members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham.
McCain warns Pakistan of Indian air strikes
Although the number of dead in the coordinated assault in Mumbai was more than 10 times that of the 2001 attack on Parliament, the Indian government has shown no signs this time of moving soldiers closer to Pakistan, despite some public pressure for hard-fisted action. Part of India's forbearance, some analysts say, is because it ultimately gained little from the 2001-2002 military faceoff.
NO ONE gains from wars save the globalists, the bankers that fund them, Israel, and the war looters.
For more on the Mumbai cover story, go HERE and scroll down as you read.