Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Green Destruction of the United States

The bloggers already called it.

"A blueprint for a green agenda" by Armando Carbonell | December 4, 2008

Armando Carbonell is senior fellow at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Great, another globalist institution given an op slot to push the agenda!

.... However, special attention should be paid to the kinds of infrastructure projects to be funded, and how these projects fit into a broader, long-range plan. We're at a transformational moment when economic competitiveness, energy independence, responding to climate change, and developing a transportation system for the 21st century can all converge. The New England region can do its part by being ready with a model plan that transcends traditional boundaries....

So SAY GGODBYE to the UNITED STATES of America and SAY HELLO to the North American Union, and whatever other alphabet organizations the GLOBALISTS are going to ENJOIN US IN!

Don't believe me?


Another useful organizing framework is something the Lincoln Institute has worked on with the Regional Plan Association - dividing the country into about a dozen "megaregions," like the Boston-to-Washington corridor or the Pacific Northwest. Investments in transportation infrastructure should be organized and coordinated so that they make sense for these large regions and are not just a compilation of existing projects from each metropolitan area. It would be the responsibility of each of these megaregions to come up with the transportation agenda most meaningful to them, and that means governors must work together on transportation initiatives that transcend state boundaries....

Someone said that would happen, but for different reasons; however, you SEE the AGENDA being PUSHED, right?


Also see Climate Change Causes Power Blackouts and related links within.