The problem I have is the SELECTIVITY of the MSM in deciding WHICH PROTESTS merit attention.
What I noticed quite clearly was the sign "How Many Have to Die?," and -- I'm sorry to be such a one-trick pony, readers -- the first thing I thought of was the WARS in IRAQ and AFGHANISTAN/PAKISTAN (as well as what is happening in Africa and Palestine).
"Protest targets horse carriages" by Matt Collette, Globe Correspondent | December 7, 2008

Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition members quietly protested yesterday at Faneuil Hall. (Essdras M Suarez/Globe Staff)
Faneuil Hall bustled yesterday afternoon as tourists and shoppers roamed the stores and performers danced, played instruments, and posed for pictures. But the horse-drawn carriages, many of them covered in tinsel and Christmas decorations, stood motionless.
About two dozen protesters from the Massachusetts Animal Rights Coalition, a nonprofit organization that advocates for the humane treatment of animals, held signs and handed out fliers that called for banning horse-drawn carriages in Boston. The protesters gathered at the corner of Chatham Street and Merchants Row, where hansom cabdrivers park, waiting for business....
Related: Institute for Critical Animal Studies
And a tremendous tremendous hat tip to that blogger. He is the source of my profile photo, a photo I so adore (and anyone who is a reader of this blog knows why).
Don't get me wrong; I understand the difference between fantasy/fiction and real life. That's what makes the real life abominations and atrocities even worse, and why the film aspect gives them that much more meaning and depth.
And here is one more thought: that movie I like so much? How come it is hardly played in syndication? Forgive me for stepping out of line, but TNT bought it, chopped it, and canned it. Is it the message the film conveys? I mean, they run Lord of the Rings enough without the whack-whack!