Friday, December 5, 2008

LBJ'S Last Jab at the Kennedies

I found the comment most revealing since LBJ was undoubtedly in on JFK's death and hated brother Bobby.


"LBJ tapes detail his concerns about Nixon; Saw any effort to delay Vietnam talks as 'treason'" by Kelley Shannon, Associated Press | December 5, 2008

AUSTIN, Texas - .... In one newly released recording, Johnson can be heard expressing condolences to Senator Edward M. Kennedy after the assassination of his brother, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, in 1968.

"Ted, I know what a burden you bear, but your shoulders are broad and you've got lots of people who love you and who want to help you," Johnson told Kennedy. Kennedy's voice is barely audible in the recording, but he can be heard thanking Johnson and telling him "both my parents appreciate" his condolences. --more--"

I didn't care about the rest of the story because it is calling to hear that war-mongering war-criminal Johnson talk about peace -- he of the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the mass-murder of millions (as well as the chem warfare on our own troops).

Besides, anyone who has studied the history of the period knows Nixon used the Dragon Lady to send messages to South Vietnam that they would get a better deal from the Republicans. Nixon then extended the bombings into Cambodia and Laos! It is just like in 1980 when Casey and Bush pulled the October surprise on Carter, leading to Iran-Contra.

We got PROBLEMS NOW, and as much as I love history, this is OLD NEWS (as is typical from the MSM)!