Thursday, December 11, 2008

What You Use a Wheelbarrow For in Zimbabwe

I understand that this is your typical, agenda-pushing demonization of a guy who deserves it; however, I post these stories because I CARE about about the people of Zimbabawe!

Related: Zimbabwe Photo Album

I don't care if Mugabe were the devil incarnate; how can the world allow beautiful people like them to suffer ?

"In Zimbabwe, families agonize as lives slip away" by Robyn Dixon, Los Angeles Times | December 11, 2008

BUDIRIRO, Zimbabwe - A bony limb flops from the wheelbarrow in limp resignation. A head lolls amid the pile of blankets. A woman is trundling her elderly mother home from a clinic to die.

In Zimbabwe's cholera-ravaged townships, the dying make their final journey home in wheelbarrows and pushcarts, sent away from clinics by nurses too overworked and underpaid to care much about who survives.

Yeah, it is the HEALTH CARE WORKERS FAULT!! Notice how the GLOBALIST MONSTERS and their POLICIES driving this crap are NEVER IMPLICATED?

One 71-year-old man, Tarcisius Nerutanga, had to carry his dying 27-year-old son, Allan, home during the weekend. When Nerutanga was summoned to the clinic in Budiriro township, he found Allan dumped on a wooden bench outside, racked by severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Oh, man, a father carrying his dead son home. Stop it, will you, just stop it!

"They didn't say anything. They just said, 'Take him home,' " Nerutanga said, as his wife, Loveness, sat on the concrete floor in their tiny room, weeping silently. Allan Nerutanga died Monday.

Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic has killed at least 775 people and sickened more than 16,000, the United Nations reported yesterday. Under normal circumstances, the waterborne disease is relatively easy to treat....

Yeah, I'm sure the U.N. SANCTIONS that were slapped on DID NOT HELP!! Same thing happened in Iraq, and Maddy Albright said the PRICE was WORTH IT!!!!


A tangle of problems makes the disease intractable: decaying water-system infrastructure; sewage pipes left unrepaired; governmental failure to buy water-treatment chemicals or collect garbage; a lack of nurses because of low wages; a shortage of medicines; poverty; and declining literacy because of the education system's collapse.

In one area of Budiriro, a township hit hard by cholera, swallows swooped in arcs over the green pools of sewage alongside the streets. Children with soccer balls made from plastic bags played in the streets, leaping across channels of raw waste.

Oh, no!! Please tell me these children were not gathering sewer water?

Children collected stagnant water yesterday for use at home in Harare. The collapse of Zimbabwe's health and sanitation systems has created fears of a regional cholera epidemic.
Children collected stagnant water yesterday for use at home in Harare. The collapse of Zimbabwe's health and sanitation systems has created fears of a regional cholera epidemic. (Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/ Associated Press)

I see TRASH in the picture!!! Oh, my aching heart!!!!

This is an INDICTMENT of the WORLD, that's what this is!!!! This is PREVENTABLE!!!!

Look, Mugabe may be Lucifer himself, but THESE PEOPLE NEED HELP!!! Who cares about GOD-DAMN POLITICS?

There was a makeshift latrine nearby for the entire neighborhood, placed behind a sagging plastic wall. The burden of caring for the dying often falls to the families.

In the last hours of his son's life, Tarcisius Nerutanga lifted Allan's body onto his knee, hugged him and begged him to cling to life. Loveness Nerutanga kept feeding and cleaning Allan, silently praying.

Oh, I can't take it, I can't take it! I can't type, I can't see the keys!

Allan Nerutanga died grieving that his life was over before he could rescue his parents from their grinding poverty, his mother recalled....

And even at the end he was thinking of them!!

(Blog author needs to break now, because he is breaking down!)
