"Unknown thousands dying in Zimbabwe, health groups say; Hospitals are shut, clinics out of drugs" by Michelle Faul, Associated Press | December 9, 2008

Women carried buckets of water in Budiriro near Harare, Zimbabwe yesterday, where a cholera epidemic is killing hundreds, as the nation's clinics run out of drugs. (Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi/ Associated Press)
Why must they SUFFER SO?
Related: Cutting Through the African Bush
Kenya Calls For Regime Change in Zimbabwe
JOHANNESBURG - Thousands of Zimbabweans are dying, uncounted and out of sight in a silent emergency as hospitals shut, as clinics run out of drugs, and as most residents cannot afford private medical care, health groups say.
Even as deaths from a cholera epidemic climbed into the hundreds, international and local organizations say many more people are dying needlessly in a disaster critics attribute to President Robert Mugabe's government.
Lovely, beautiful people, too!!! Did you SEE THEM?
The toll will never be known, according to Itai Rusike, executive director of the Community Working Group on Health, a civil society network grouping 35 national organizations.
Yeah, death tolls are only important when Jews or Westerners are involved. If you have a dark skin or are Muslim, who cares, right? Well, I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Zimbabwe used to have one of the best surveillance systems in the region," Rusike said in a telephone interview. "But phones are not working, nurses are not there, so their information system has collapsed. . . . It is very difficult to tell how many people have died. "These are symptoms of a failed state," he said in a telephone interview. "Nothing is working."
So now the Western globalists can take over (with former colonial power Britain in the lead).
The British charity Oxfam agreed with estimates of thousands of unreported deaths due to the collapse of the health system and says the situation will get worse with the onset of the rainy season, which lasts until February.
I guess the U.N. and WESTERN SANCTIONS DIDN'T HELP, either, huh?
Here's a newsflash for you: they NEVER DO!!!!
"When you look at people who are already weakened by hunger, many already weakened by HIV and AIDS, and with rainy season comes malaria, and we know anthrax is spreading, it's really just a recipe for disaster," spokeswoman Caroline Hooper-Box said in neighboring South Africa....
WTF? The West throw its WHOLE COCKTAIL of TOXINS at Zimbabwe?
"On December 12, 1991, while serving as chief economist for the World Bank, Summers authored a private memo arguing that the bank should actively encourage the dumping of toxic waste in developing countries, particularly "under populated countries in Africa," which Summers described as "UNDER-polluted."
WTF? They dumped all that crap in Zimbabawe?
She said many people Oxfam interviewed in Zimbabwe say they have cut back to one meal in three days. Some are trying to survive on insects and berries....
I don't give a crap if Mugabe is the devil incarnate -- GET THE ZIMBABWEANS some DAMN FOOD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe the U.N. could get them a table for lunch:
"Every table was set with a single fresh rose (from the rose gardens outside, I was told) and a full complement of three forks, two knives, and two spoons in silver plate..... The buffet tables could have graced a high-end ocean liner. I watched a gentleman in colorful African garb pile his plate with slices of roast sirloin and potatoes mashed with feta cheese. A post-retirement-age couple from the East Side scarfed up most of the egg rolls, though more came out quickly....
I made for the roast leg of lamb with rosemary sauce after I filled my salad plate with chilled asparagus and slices of a duck and pork terrine.... fresh tomato soup and bowls of pasta primavera.... The dessert buffet table practically groaned under a spread of apple and pumpkin pies, cheesecakes, tarts, half a dozen cheeses, sliced fruits, bowls of berries, and, off to one side, three urns of ice cream"
These the same guys who are supposed to HELPING AFRICANS? Yeah, right!
As businesses collapse, unemployment has risen to 80 percent with the majority of the population depending on handouts from a growing diaspora; more than a third of a population has fled, many to South Africa and Britain, but some as far as New Zealand....
See how colonialism still keeps its roots? Former British subjects flee to Britain, just as former French subjects (Algeria) flee to France!
Save the Children, a British charity, said hundreds, if not thousands, of pregnant women and their children "stand a very high risk of death."
Then GET IN THERE NOW!!!! Those women are JUST LIKE the ONES in the PHOTOGRAPH!!!
Oh, Lord, I can not imagine ANYTHING WORSE in this world than the DEATHS of PREGNANT WOMEN!!!!! Yup, water on my keyboard!
Zimbabwe director Rachel Pounds said the United Nations reported that 700 women were recently turned away from hospitals in Harare that are no longer able to provide maternity services. Last week, Health Minister David Parirenyatwa appealed for help from international organizations.
"Our central hospitals are literally not functioning. Our staff is demotivated and we need your support to ensure that they start coming to work and our health system is revived," he was quoted as saying in The Herald.But are the SANCTIONS LIFTED? No!
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