Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Zionist Terrorists Go On Rampage in Palestine

And have been since 1948!

I've read a lot of garbage reports from the AmeriKan MSM, but this is ONE of the WORST ACCOUNTS I have EVER SEEN!!!!

"Dozens are hurt as West Bank settlers and Palestinians clash; Dispute over ownership of settler building" by Nasser Shiyoukhi, Associated Press | December 3, 2008

HEBRON, West Bank - Israeli settlers and Palestinians hurled stones at each other yesterday near a disputed home in this West Bank city, injuring two dozen people, including a serious head wound to a Jewish teenager, medics and Israeli officials said.

So the tone has been set: the violence was equal on both sides, and some poor, poor, Jewish teenager was hit in the head with a rock!! NEVER MIND the DEAD PALESTINIANS that come LATER in the piece!!!!

Seventeen Israelis and Palestinians were arrested, police said. The clash was the worst outbreak of violence in the dispute over ownership of a four-story building, where settlers have defied an Israeli Supreme Court order to vacate. On Monday, hundreds of right-wing Israelis rushed to the house following rumors that eviction was imminent.

Oh, so we have JEWISH TERRORISTS on our hands, do we? Yup, they DEFIED a COURT ORDER, huh? Notice how the "settlers" are "right-wing Israelis" -- NOT ZIONISTS?!!!! Yeah, case closed on AmeriKa's shit MSM and its Zionist bias!!

Hebron, holy to Jews and Muslims, is one of the most volatile flashpoints in the West Bank. About 500 hard-line Jewish settlers live in guarded enclaves amid some 170,000 Palestinians in the city, and the sides frequently clash.

Yup, they are HARD-LINE Jewish settlers -- NOT Zionists!!!! And the "sides frequently clash" -- omitting the fact that it is the JEWISH TERRORISTS who are RESPONSIBLE for MOST, if not ALL, of it!!! Don't worry, it GETS BETTER!

Israeli security forces did not intervene Monday as hundreds of settlers threw stones at Palestinian cars and houses, defaced a Muslim cemetery, and damaged Palestinian property in several other areas of the West Bank.


Fighting started again yesterday, with settlers, some of them masked, throwing rocks at Palestinian houses.

Yeah, well, NONE of this is surprising to me -- although you wonder why it is in the BACK HALF of the DAMN ZIONIST REPORT!!!! And if you haven't noticed -- in contrast to the tone set by the Jew MSM -- the ZIONIST TERRORISTS STARTED IT!!!!


In one incident, young settlers battered the door of a Palestinian house with a wooden pole, and residents rushed to the roof to throw rocks at the group below. A 16-year-old Israeli was hit in the head in this confrontation, witnesses said. Hospital officials described his injuries as serious.

Oh, so the SHIT JEW we are supposed to feel SO SORRY FOR was a LITTLE SHIT PIECE of TERRORIST, huh? Yeah, I AIN'T FEELING SORRY for that piece of ZIONIST SCUM SHIT!!!


Eighteen Israelis were injured, medics said. Their Palestinian counterparts reported seven Palestinians hurt by stones. Late yesterday, the military declared the Palestinian section of Hebron off limits to Israelis.

Oh, MORE ISRAELIS were injured than Palestinaians? As reported by a SHIT JEW WAR DAILY, right? I know what I'll be wiping with next time I take a dump!!!!

And that last action by the Israeli military is really a piece of work; HOW OFTEN are ISRAELI SECTIONS accesible to PALESTINIANS? That's why there is a WALL, right?


An Israeli air strike killed two Palestinians in southern Gaza yesterday, dealing a new blow to efforts to restore a cease-fire.

The Israelis STRUCK GAZA AGAIN while NO ONE was watching, huh? WTF did GAZA have to do with the WEST BANK?

The army said it attacked militants who fired mortar shells at Israeli troops. Palestinian medical officials said the dead were civilians, boys ages 16 and 17.

If you think I'm buying what some scum-sucking, lying, land-stealing, mass-murdering, war-criminal NaZionists say, well, then you aren't paying attention and you will be sucking up shit Jew lies!!!!

Also yesterday, an Israeli military court convicted the Palestinian Parliament speaker, Abdel Aziz Duaik, of membership in Hamas. Sentencing is Dec. 18.

Oh, being a MEMBER of a POLITICAL PARTY is a CRIME to the "ONLY DEMORACY" in the Middle East, huh? What an OUTRAGE!!! Time to LOCK UP all the REPUBLICANS, huh?

Now imagine if it was PALESTINE that was LOCKING UP JEW LEGISLATORS: we would NEVER HEAR the END of the SCREECHING in the JEW PAPERS!!!!


Here's more from the Jew York Times (in a BRIEF!)

"Israel: Airstrike Kills 2 in Gaza

An Israeli airstrike aimed at a militant squad in southern Gaza killed two Palestinian youths on Tuesday, and a militant was shot and killed in the West Bank when he tried to elude arrest. Palestinian medical officials said the two killed in Gaza were brothers, ages 15 and 17.

Nothing about them being CIVILIANS, 'eh, Jew York Times? Just another Zionist shit sheet, which is why I am glad I NO LONGER PURCHASE or READ them!

An Israeli military spokesman said the target was a squad that had fired a mortar shell 20 minutes earlier. The armed wing of Hamas said it fired eight mortar shells at Israeli forces on Tuesday. An Israeli force also killed a militant in the West Bank city of Nablus when he tried to escape arrest, the Israeli military said. Palestinians said the militant, 27, belonged to Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades. The Israeli military said he was involved in a recent attempt at a terrorist attack in Israel.

If that is so, then he is FATAH!!!! You know, Israel's FRIEND!! But they will still BLAME HAMAS!!! Nice game the shit NaZionists of Iz-ray-HELL have going, huh?


Gee, NOTHING about the SETTLER'S RAMPAGE, 'eh, Jew York Times? They are WORSE than AP!!!!

And if you don't like the language, readers, I'm sorry! I DON'T LIKE the NEVER-ENDING STREAM of ZIONIST JEW SHIT that passes itself off as "news" around here!!!!

Somehow, they "FORGOT" this, too

"Palestinian seriously hurt in Jerusalem stabbing, says Jews attacked him

A 31-year-old Palestinian man was seriously wounded in Jerusalem early Wednesday in a stabbing that he said was perpetrated by religious Jews.

The victim, an East Jerusalem resident, told police the incident began when four Jews wearing skullcaps approached him near the ultra-Orthodox neighborhood of Mea She'arim. They asked him for the time, and then proceeded to stab him in the back repeatedly....

That's a JEW for you!!!

Police believe the motive for the attack to have been nationalistic. No arrests have been made as yet in connection with the incident....

Yup, ZIONISTS STAB PEOPLE and they GET AWAY WITH IT in Iz-ray-HELL!!!!!!!!!

In October, police arrested nine Jews suspected of recent assaults against Arabs in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, including several firebombings that set several homes ablaze.

Translation: They arrested NINE JEW TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!
