Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Another Day, Another NOPP

And just what exactly is a NOPP may you ask?

Well, in these parts it means NO Printed Paper purchase, and it is become a more frequent occurrence.

I've already looked at the Globe web site today and noted what stories I may have possibly read had I intended to purchase a printed Globe this morning.

The problem is that when I do not buy and read a printed paper I am much less interested in the Boston Globe web site.
In fact, I am less likely to read the material at all.

Maybe there is something wrong with me, readers.

Maybe I am too hard to please.

Maybe you should see for yourself, and you can decide whether the articles are something you are interested in and whether I am being well-served by New England's largest newspaper.

Maybe it is just me. Maybe I have been wrong about the Globe and AmeriKa's MSM all this time. Maybe I have been unfair.

Globe, newspapers across US see circulation fall

Reason Number One Why No One Reads the Boston Globe Anymore

Reason Number Two Why No One Reads the Boston Globe Anymore

Reason Number Three Why No One Reads the Boston Globe Anymore

"When you suck up to just 2% of the population, the other 98% are going to leave!" -- Wake the Flock Up

I guess it is not just me.

Btw, for a June 30th morning it is chilly here.

I suppose that is why there are no global warming stories today.