The second reason?
"Many of the affected charities are bouncing back"
People no longer want to hear about the POOR JEW -- especially when they are a bunch of money-grubbing looters (and worse)!!!
"Jewish center cuts back; A $500,000 loan helps keep it afloat" by Steven Rosenberg, Globe Staff | April 5, 2009
On the eve of the festival of Passover, the largest Jewish institution in northeastern Massachusetts has run out of cash and is being forced to borrow $500,000 to keep its doors open.
Great! Now they will find out what it is like to pay back usurious loans! Jewish vampires even suck from their own, huh?
Hard hit by the economic turndown and an exodus of hundreds of members to the new Marblehead YMCA, the Jewish Community Center of the North Shore is putting up some of its 90-acre Middleton property, Camp Simchah, as collateral to help obtain the loan.
"Things are challenging," said Perry Frankston, who resigned last week as JCC executive director but has agreed to stay on until the financial crisis eases. Meanwhile, the JCC is taking other actions to keep its deficit from deepening. Employees have taken pay cuts of up to 7.5 percent, and Frankston said the center plans to cut its budget by as much as 15 percent next year.
In the late 1970s the JCC faced a similar financial crisis. At that time philanthropist Robert Lappin and others rallied to help raise $1.3 million from area Jews to help pay off the JCC's mortgage. Lappin, who has given more than $30 million over the years to Jewish causes on the North Shore, said he believes a similar fund-raising effort now would not succeed.
"I think the institution does not have the broad base of affluent supporters who are capable of raising the money," he said. Without deep-pocketed donors, JCC and federation officials are reviewing area Jewish institutions to see if there's a way to pool their resources....
--more--"Don't you wish you had resources to pool, Amurka?
"Jewish agencies forced to downsize; Madoff, economy have big impact" by Michael Paulson, Globe Staff | May 22, 2009
Jewish organizations in Boston and beyond are going through a significant downsizing as a result of a combination of the down economy and the Madoff scandal.
Combined Jewish Philanthropies, an umbrella organization that helps finance several hundred local Jewish groups, gave preliminary approval yesterday to a 15 percent cut in the amount it will distribute next year. The organization had already cut its budget by 15 percent, laid off about 10 percent of its workforce, and imposed a 7 percent pay cut on senior managers and a one-week furlough for everyone making over $45,000.
The Reform Jewish movement plans to close its regional office in Needham next week. The Bureau of Jewish Education, in Newton, is debating whether to close after Combined Jewish Philanthropies cut 80 percent of its funding. Multiple organizations, from the Anti-Defamation League to Hebrew College to Facing History and Ourselves, have laid off small numbers of workers, and many others have trimmed salaries, benefits, or programs.
"The American Jewish community has probably lost 30 percent of its wealth, and we have no idea how to cut the costs of the Jewish community by 30 percent," said Jonathan Sarna, a professor of American Jewish history at Brandeis University.
Related: Poor Little Brandweiss
Sarna said that across the nation, there are unusual signs of the impact: In addition to widespread cutbacks, a few Jewish organizations are merging with non-Jewish organizations, and some Jewish community centers are closing.
Don't you feel sooo bad for them, 'murkns?
I mean, never mind the anal rape you have taken at their hands -- its always how much the looting Jew is doing for you in the Zionist Globe, and yes, I'm sick of Zio-centric racism and bias! Thus the title of this post.
Opinions differ about whether the Jewish community, which has over the last decades established and funded an extraordinarily diverse network of schools, synagogues, and community organizations, is going through a major shakeout or a temporary belt-tightening.
See: Zionist AmeriKan MSM Getting Defensive Over Madoff
The organizations are facing multiple overlapping problems: their own endowments, as well as those of charitable foundations, have lost value because of the collapse of the stock market; individual contributors are being less charitable because of job losses, portfolio declines, or just general economic insecurity; government funding for Jewish social service providers is being cut; and Jewish philanthropists appear to have been disproportionately affected by the Madoff Ponzi scheme.
Related: Where Your Pension Went
Many local organizations were spared direct impact from Madoff because they pool their funds and invest them collectively through Combined Jewish Philanthropies, which did not invest with Madoff. But some have suffered indirectly because their donors were hurt by the fraud.
"There was a bubble of wealth, and the kind of philanthropy that was pouring into Jewish institutions was great," said Rabbi Daniel L. Lehmann, president of Hebrew College in Newton. "But now you have a recalibration which is going to have a dramatic impact on the landscape of the Jewish community, in terms of which institutions will survive and reinvent themselves and which won't."
And that organ-harvesting operation isn't going to help the image.
Even before the stock market tanked, Lehmann's own institution had been in serious financial trouble and had layoffs and cutbacks. "There's definitely a contraction going on in the Jewish community that's very, very worrisome."
Awwww, poor Jews!
Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the most important source of funding for many Jewish organizations in Eastern Massachusetts, is not imposing an across-the-board cut on its beneficiaries. Rather, it is trying to protect its top priorities: aid for the needy and outreach to the young. The organization is protecting or expanding financial aid to Jewish day schools and to social service and job placement programs.
Yeah, what you realize after a while is the Jew largesse extends only to their own and their agenda-pushing interests. That's why the world ends up despising their lying, looting shit-asses!
The impact on Jewish schools and synagogues appears to be somewhat less dire, although the schools are grappling with increased demand for financial aid from families in which a parent has lost a job. Jewish social service organizations have been hard hit because of the state's budget crisis, but have also benefited because Combined Jewish Philanthropies and some donors are prioritizing aid.
See: Stimulus Bill is For Jewish Interests Only
But not too much: Public Loot For Private Projects
"We ended up getting support from some foundations that we've not gotten support from before," said Jerry Rubin, president of Jewish Vocational Service. Seymour J. Friedland, chief executive of Jewish Family & Children's Service, said that while unsolicited gifts have increased, the organization has been indirectly hit by the Madoff scandal because several foundations that were contributors were forced to stop making new grants.
At this point, I am really, really sick of the Jewsih supremacism passing itself off as a newspaper, folks. What insulting s*** -- and it gets worse (keep reading).
Jewish Vocational Services has laid off eight people and ended two programs. Jewish Family and Children's Services has laid off a small number of people and has reduced or eliminated a few programs. Jewish Family Service of Metrowest has cut salaries, but spared its lowest paid employees.
The country has lost millions of jobs!
The Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Boston, which has provided assistance to the area's 14 day schools, 32 preschools, and 70 synagogue-based afterschool programs, is trying to figure out whether it can survive without funding from Combined Jewish Philanthropies or whether it will simply assist in transferring its most successful programs to other institutions and then close its doors.
Another hard hit organization is the Jewish Community Relations Council, which is entirely funded by Combined Jewish Philanthropies and is losing 20 percent of its budget. The council's executive director, Nancy K. Kaufman, said her organization will move forward "with enormous creativity."
--more--"Pffft! How you doing, Amurkn?
Would another bowl of Zionist supremacist s*** help?
Also see: Defending Madoff
"Uneasy times for the Shapiro family; Ties to Madoff could spur effort to recover investment gains" by Beth Healy and Steven Syre, Globe Staff | July 6, 2009
Eleven days ago, while Bernard Madoff was in a Manhattan jail cell awaiting his 150-year sentence, his old friend Carl Shapiro was enjoying a family dinner at the Four Seasons in Boston. He and his wife, Ruth, were celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary with their children and grandchildren at the luxury hotel, where they often dine.
Yeah, he's really hurting.
The festive affair belied the uneasy times for the Shapiro family. Three days before attending the party, Shapiro son-in-law Robert Jaffe was accused by federal regulators of delivering $1 billion in client funds to Madoff, reaping $150 million in improper payments in return. Shapiro, who has lost at least $545 million to Madoff, is one of numerous large investors who are under investigation by US authorities.
Yeah, money that was allegedly never there now -- although this guy lived larged and funded his racist Zionist projects the whole time.
And now, as a client who has known Madoff for five decades, Shapiro has to worry if the court-appointed trustee recovering funds for victims will try to seize any profits he or his charitable foundation received from him over the years....
THIS is why you are TANKING, GLobe! The RANK JEWISH SUPREMACISM doesn't go over well with the rest of us!
In some ways, life continues as usual for two of the men closest to the Wall Street swindler. They have returned from Palm Beach to the Boston area for the summer, as they typically do. There was the recent wedding of the Jaffes’ son Steven, and they recently attended the bar mitzvah of the child of some friends.
But in other ways, life is changing in ways big and small. Jaffe will not be a regular at the Pine Brook Country Club in Weston this season; he’s taken a year off from the golf club “for financial reasons,’’ his spokesman said.
Oh, the pain! This is "journalism" in AmeriKa? New England's largest paper?
Meanwhile, Shapiro, 96, has been pained to see a large part of his personal fortune wiped out, along with half of the charitable foundation that has donated in his family’s name to hospitals, art museums, and schools in Greater Boston and Palm Beach.
But HE'S STILL EATING at the FOUR SEASONS and life is STILL GOOD!! Just DIE ALREADY, you stink-f***!!!
96, huh? I smell life extension technology! Ever notice these cretinous monsters seem to live forever?
And check out this SELF-SERVING LOOTING the Jewish War Daily calls "charity."
The family uses another entity to sometimes direct contributions to the foundation: Wellesley Capital Management Inc. It has a small staff, and its officers are Shapiro’s three daughters: Linda Waintrup, listed as president; Rhonda Zinner, and Ellen Jaffe, Robert’s wife.
On Madoff’s customer list - flawed and error-ridden though it is - no entity is mentioned more times than Wellesley Capital Management. The firm, or the address and suite number of its office, appears 129 times, with clients that include Shapiro family trusts and two of the Jaffes’ sons.
Other investors with longtime relationships with Madoff also appear multiple times on the list: Jeffrey and Barbara Picower and their foundation, which Picard has alleged took billions more in money out of Madoff accounts than they put in, show up 10 times, and New York money manager Ezra Merkin, who funneled $2.4 billion in client money to Madoff, shows up eight times. Stanley Chais, the Beverly Hills money manager charged with fraud by the Securities and Exchange Commission, is listed 68 times.
Related: The GMAC-Madoff Connection
The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors
One possible explanation for the large number of Shapiro family accounts on the client list is that Carl Shapiro’s relationship with Madoff dates back to the 1960s. People who know Shapiro said he thought of Madoff as a son. In the days before the collapse of his scheme in December, Madoff asked Shapiro for $250 million, which his friend gave him. Shapiro was as stunned by Madoff’s confession as anyone, say people who know him.
I've quit believing lying Jews, sorry.
Known for an exacting attention to detail, Shapiro has kept a firm hand in the workings of his charity and his finances, according to people who know the family. He takes a personal interest in many of the nonprofits the foundation funds.
But he had NO IDEA the whole thing was a looting fraud!
He set up Wellesley Capital rather than hire an outside firm to manage his affairs.
Yeah, so he could set his daughetrs up with a nice salary while directing the damn thing! Remember, folks, this is ALL GOING TO JEWS, one way or another!!!
And for years he used a New York accounting firm run by a friend of Madoff’s to prepare the foundation’s taxes, which often were filed late.
If he even paid any.
The question many are asking is this: How could Shapiro or other Madoff investors have failed to see that something was amiss when they received returns that beat the market so consistently?
We already know the answer: he was in on it.
Boston attorney Harry Miller said part of the answer lies in human nature. “If things were really good, you might look the other way and not look into what was going on,’’ he said.
It appears the Shapiros are cutting their Madoff ties one by one. The foundation has fired the accounting firm Konigsberg Wolf & Co., the family’s spokesman said. Neither Shapiro nor Jaffe attended Madoff’s court appearances, nor did they submit character references to the judge who sentenced Madoff. Indeed, not a single person did so on his behalf.
I hate to say it, but the stab-you-in-the-back, cut-you-loose characteristic sure seems like a Jewish one.
Also see: To Israel, With Love....
Of course, as it turns out, the poor, poor Jews ended up "losing" nothing.
"Lappin takes hit for workers; Boss restores $5m fund lost to Madoff" by Sean Sposito, Globe Correspondent | July 16, 2009
Lappin’s generosity is reminiscent of Aaron M. Feuerstein, the businessman who was celebrated for keeping workers of his Malden Mills, maker of Polartec, employed after a spectacular fire destroyed several of the company’s buildings in Lawrence in 1995.
Yup, the generous Jews! Sigh.
Lappin has also revived his charity, which supports Jewish education and culture programs on the North Shore. On Sunday, the foundation helped send 82 Jewish teens to Israel after raising $450,000 in private donations for the Youth to Israel travel program.
I told you; the charities are EXCLUSIVELY JEWISH!!!!
Many Jewish philanthropies and social organizations were particularly hard hit by Madoff, because he had used social networks to get them or their major donors to become clients. They include Hadassah, which lost $90 million, and Yeshiva University, $110 million. The foundation of Boston philanthropist Carl Shapiro lost as much as half its money, $145 million, to Madoff.
Aww, boo-hoo-hoo for the poor looting Jew!
But now, with Madoff in a North Carolina prison serving a 150-year sentence, many of the affected charities are, like Lappin’s, bouncing back.
Mark Charendoff, president of The Jewish Funders Network, said an audit of his organization’s 800 members found many donors trying to maintain giving levels in 2009. “Their intent was to buckle down and provide extra assistance for those non-for-profits that they care most deeply about,’’ he said.
Just wondering WHERE all that $$$ is coming from, aren't you?
"One man's imperative to give; Move to restore workers’ losses came as little surprise" by Sean Sposito, Globe Correspondent | July 18, 2009
This week, Lappin honored a promise. He and his family donated $5 million to restore the retirement savings of about 60 employees of various family enterprises, including the Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation. The charity was almost wiped out when the Ponzi scheme run by Bernard Madoff collapsed. Lappin and his family had invested all of their employees’ 401(k) retirement plans with Madoff more than a decade ago.
Related: The Lappin Foundation
The most racist site you’ll see today
And he's bailing out Jews, of course.
“I am absolutely thrilled,’’ said Amy Powell, a former publicist for the foundation and one of the employees whose savings were restored. “I really knew in my heart, all my heart, that Mr. Lappin would do all he could do for his employees.’’
Lappin had invested so heavily with Madoff that it cost him much of his personal fortune. The foundation lost $8 million when Madoff’s assets were frozen last December, and for a time was forced to shut its doors. Lappin said that now, after Madoff and the payment to employees, his personal net worth is less than $5 million, about a tenth of what it was before the scandal broke.
Think I'm believing these Jewish liars?! Besides, he's still sitting on about $5 million? Poor racist Zionist Jew.
Btw, what do you think these "CHARITIES" are doing? They are LAUNDERING MONEY and in the ORGAN-HARVESTING BUSINESS!
Yet giving his own money to the employees was simply the right thing to do, he said. “At least from the feedback, they feel very grateful and happy, which makes me feel very happy,’’ said Lappin. “So far no kisses, but I have had some hugs.’’
This is making me ill.
Family and friends said Lappin feels an imperative to give. Over the years, that led him to sponsor 17 education, interfaith outreach, and family development programs under the umbrella of his namesake foundation. He has given more than $30 million to Jewish causes on the North Shore. After the Madoff scandal, he raised $450,000 to restore the foundation’s Youth To Israel travel program. It sent 82 Jewish teens on pilgrimages to Israel just last Sunday.
Yeah, it is ECLUSIVELY JEWS that are helped by the "charity!"
Anyone else and the divisive, agenda-pushing jewsmedia would be hollering discrimination!
“He’s among moral giants,’’ said Rabbi Yossi Lipsker of Swampscott, director and founder of Chabad-Lubavitch of the North Shore, which runs Hebrew schools and other programs. Lappin, who helped the rabbi fund his center, “embodies the highest ideals of our traditions,’’ said Lipsker. “He’s a lover of his people. He’s a lover of the land of Israel.’’
I'm ready to puke on this Zionist s***. This is disgusting, world.
This is a newpaper?
Lappin’s story begins....
Who gives a fuck?
In 1968, Lappin sold the vacuum cleaner business, and a few years later, he established his Youth To Israel program. He chose to send Jewish teens on trips to Israel “because of my concern about Jewish continuity, and the realization that an Israel experience changes teenagers’ lives and how they feel about being Jewish like nothing else that they can do. This is the most effective thing that we can do for Jewish teenagers to enhance their Jewish identity,’’ he said.
Try substituting WHITE for JEWISH and see how the racist Zionist MSM treats you.
It wasn’t until 1991 that Lappin started investing with Madoff, after hearing from a group of employees he had sent to New York to interview money managers. He had crossed paths with Madoff in the largely Jewish social scene in Palm Beach, Fla. “I knew him personally because I stayed at The Breakers hotel in Palm Beach in the winter, and he had a cabana there,’’ Lappin said. “So I used to see him quite often. I had a nodding acquaintance with him.’’
Oh, isn't that special?
Although “I didn’t invest all of our money with Madoff,’’ said Lappin. “I did invest all of the 401(k) plan’s money and all of my charitable foundation’s money with Madoff.’’
Oh, so he DIDN'T INVEST his OWN MONEY in Madoff, huh? Pffft!
Until the scandal broke, Lappin did not suspect anything was wrong with Madoff, who Lappin “used to see every now and then’’ and who was well-regarded in the community they shared. “The last thing I would’ve expected, particularly after eight SEC inspections of Madoff’s operation, is that he would be a fraud,’’ Lappin said.
Related: U.S. Government Knew About Madoff Scheme Since 1960
“I just trusted him as an outstanding person - we thought - as a Jewish person, as a businessman, and as a philanthropist.’’
Yeah, no racist supremacism there.
Peter Lappin said the decision to replace the employees’ losses was immediate, and that he, his brother, and his sister all supported their father’s wishes. “You know what? The opportunity to build the wealth back will refund us,’’ he said. “We’ll recover to some extent over time.’’
Oh, no doubt, what with states tossing tax loot at you all over the place.
There’s another gift for which Lappin is known in Salem. At the corner of Essex and Washington streets is a city park named for his parents and built on a site donated by the philanthropist and his brother Stanley. Everybody knows it as the park with the statue of Samantha from “Bewitched,’’ something of a mascot for the Witch City.
So what was that, another Jew pogrom? Certainly would be appropriate for the synagogue of Satan
"Sorry, "Wake Up to the Real Deal." was deleted at 12:17:45 Mon Jul 27, 2009. We have no more information about it on our mainframe or elsewhere"
“I don’t know if there’s a nonprofit organization in our city that hasn’t received attention’’ from Lappin, said Kimberley Driscoll, mayor of Salem. “I think his generosity is boundless.’’
--more--"I'm not the only one noticing, God Bless 'em:

Sandy Buchanan (left) and Dana Richardson waved to the bus carrying the jury yesterday after evangelist Tony Alamo’s conviction on 10 accounts of sex abuse in Texarkana, Ark. (Evan Lewis/Texarkana Gazette via Associated Press)
"Shouts of “Bye, bye, Bernie’’ - Alamo was born Bernie Lazar Hoffman - came from a crowd gathered on the Arkansas side of the courthouse, which straddles the Texas-Arkansas border."
Oh, he's gonna find out the meaning of that word.