But we are ALL ABOUT LOVE and PEACE!!!!!
That's if you take the omitting, obfuscating Zionist Amerikan MSM at its word.
I don't.
"Iranian airliner skids off runway, killing 17" by Ali Akbar Dareini, Associated Press | July 25, 2009
AGAIN? Oh, STINK, readers!
An Iranian plane carrying 153 passengers and crew skidded off the runway and crashed Friday while landing in northeast Iran, killing at least 17 people, the state news agency said.
First a takeoff and now a landing within two weeks?
Television footage showed the plane sitting at an angle, its tail resting awkwardly on the ground and the mangled front end pointing toward the sky. The rest of the aircraft appeared largely intact. The official IRNA news agency reported that in Friday's crash, the plane's tires failed on landing and the craft skidded into a wall. No wall was visible in the footage broadcast on TV.
This from the no videos at the Pentagon crowd!
The Russian-made Ilyushin-62 plane had flown from Tehran, the Iranian capital, to the northeastern city of Mashhad, 600 miles away. Among the dead was the manager of the privately owned Aria Airlines, operator of the plane.
The crash came just over a week after another Iranian passenger plane nose-dived into the ground shortly after takeoff, killing all 168 people aboard. Iran's aging fleet is plagued by maintenance problems, blamed on financial straits and U.S. sanctions that make it harder for the country to get many types of spare parts.
U.S. sanctions prevent Iran from updating its 30-year-old American aircraft and make it difficult to get European spare parts or planes as well. The country has come to rely on Russian aircraft, many of them Soviet-era planes that are harder to get parts for since the fall of the Soviet Union.
There is BLOOD on YOUR HANDS, AmeriKans!!!!!!
Iran's worst crash came in February 2003 and also involved a Russian-made Ilyushin that plowed into the mountains of southeastern Iran, killing 302 people -- mostly members of the elite Revolutionary Guard....
Smells like TERRORISM to me!!!!
And think about it: Iran can't admit because they are under enough pressure without looking weaker; the Zionist-controlled, cover-up AmeriKan MSM isn't going to blow the whistle.
Related: Breaking News: Iranian Airliner Destroyed in Terror Attack
"Plane nose-dives in Iran, killing all 168 aboard; Jet’s tail on fire before crash, witnesses say" by Ali Akbar Dareini, Associated Press | July 16, 2009

The impact of the Caspian Airlines Tupolev jet plowed a deep, long trench into a field outside the village of Jannat Abad, Iran. (Khalil Emami/ AFP/ Getty Images)
That's an odd looking debris field for a crash.
TEHRAN, Iran - A Russian-made jetliner carrying 168 people nose-dived into a field after taking off from the Iranian capital yesterday in a fiery crash that shredded the aircraft and killed everyone aboard - Iran’s worst air disaster in six years. Witnesses say the plane’s tail was on fire before it went down.
It was the latest in a string of deadly crashes in recent years that have highlighted Iran’s difficulties in maintaining its aging fleet of planes.
Yeah, that's it: Mystery surrounds crash of 'fit to fly' Iran plane
Iranian airlines, including state-run ones, are chronically strapped for cash, and maintenance has suffered, specialists say. US sanctions prevent Iran from updating its 30-year-old American aircraft and make it difficult to get European parts or planes as well. The country has come to rely on Russian aircraft, many of them Soviet-era planes that are harder to get parts for since the Soviet Union’s fall.
So the U.S. is ALSO indirectly RESPONSIBLE for this through their inane policies!
The Caspian Airlines Tupolev jet’s impact plowed a deep, long trench into an agricultural field outside the village of Jannat Abad, and the aircraft was blasted to bits. Flaming wreckage and personal items were strewn over a 200-yard area. Firefighters put out blazes from the crash, but smoke smoldered from the pit for hours as emergency workers searched for data recorders and other clues to the cause....
I'm sorry, world, but the photographs and descriptions look and sound TOO MUCH like Shanksville, PA on 9/11. Ergo, the plane was either BOMBED or SHOT DOWN! MSM NEVER tells the truth about plane crashes,
The cause of the crash was not immediately known....
But the MSM DROPS the story like a hot potato!
I mean, they spent days and days on the French liner that went down off the Brazilian coast, so WTF?
The MSM's subsequent AVOIDANCE of this crash actually tips the reader off to western involvement!
Most of the passengers were Iranians, many of them from Iran’s large ethnic Armenian community, as well as 11 members of Iran’s national youth judo team. Five Armenian citizens were among the dead, Armenia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, along with two Georgians, including a staff member from the Caucasus nation’s embassy in Yerevan....
Georgia is an Eastern European base for the Jewish mafia.
Age itself may not be a problem - jets that are even older are in service around the world - but keeping them maintained is. Masoud Mohajer, an aviation expert in Tehran, said Iranian airlines can’t afford to keep even Russian planes in shape because of lack of government support.
This is STINKING even more now!!!!
“Iranian airliners don’t have enough cash even to buy new Russian planes. The government controls ticket prices. It’s not profitable for airliners,’’ Mohajer said. Some of the jets in Iran’s fleet are US-made craft bought before the 1979 Islamic Revolution, which led to a cutoff in ties between the nations. US sanctions since prevent Iran from buying parts for those planes or new ones....
--more--"Blood on your hands, AmeriKa.