"‘CIA suspect in Bhutto’s assassination’ Slain Pakistani opposition leader Benazir Bhutto could have been targeted by the CIA as part of its recently-exposed alleged assassination program, reports say."
Pakistan’s Latest “Double-Game” Reveals Possible Baitullah Mehsud/PakArmy Connection
The Perceptive Pakistani People and Propaganda
Looks like we got one, huh?
"Terror case may turn fight in new direction" by Adam Goldman and Devlin Barrett, Associated Press | July 27, 2009
NEW YORK - When American-born Al Qaeda recruit Bryant Neal Vinas was captured in Pakistan late last year, he wasn’t whisked off to a military prison or a secret CIA facility in another country to be interrogated.
Instead, the itinerant terrorist landed in the hands of the FBI and was flown back to New York to face justice. Months before President Obama took office with a pledge to change US counterterrorism policies, the Bush administration gave Vinas all the rights of American criminal suspects.
Oh, stink.
Watch: VIDEO
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh and the OSI
Prop 101: Al-CIA-Duh's Greatest Hits
Prop 101: The "Terrorism" Business
New York Times Admits War on Terror is U.S. Creation
That enough for ya, 'er....
And he talked. While an American citizen captured in Pakistan certainly presents a unique case, the circumstances of Vinas’s treatment may point to a new emphasis in the fight against terrorism, one that relies more on FBI crime fighters and the civilian justice system than on CIA interrogators and military detention.
See where it is going, right?
This is so offensive to me because it is such garbage, this Amerikan "Al-CIA-Duh."
And it is EVERYDAY "ISLAMIC EXTREMIST" S*** in so many pieces in the Boston Globe -- without any WAR VIOLENCE REPORTED AGAIN TODAY in my printed copy!!
Related: Sunday Uprising in Afghanistan
Occupation Iraq: Violence Down 75%
Vinas provided “an intelligence gold mine’’ to US officials, including possible information about a suspected militant who was killed in a Predator drone strike in November, said a senior law enforcement official, one of several authorities who spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Definitely CIA.
Another law enforcement official said that under questioning, Vinas, 26, gradually provided a “treasure trove’’ of information, allowing US counterterrorism officials to peer deep inside the inner workings of Al Qaeda....
Authorities have long been concerned about Al Qaeda’s interest in recruiting outsiders who can blend in easily. It was not the first time an American had gone to Pakistan for Jihad.
With a capital J, huh?
Others had preceded him such as John Walker Lindh and convicted terrorist Jose Padilla.
Yeah, those guys got tortured.
Also see: Sunday Globe Censorship: Torture Task Force
Of course, we ain't doing that no more (sigh).
WASHINGTON - An American from Long Island, N.Y., who was captured while fighting as an Al Qaeda militant in Pakistan has pleaded guilty to charges of conspiring to commit murder outside the United States and is now cooperating with authorities, according to a federal indictment and interviews with US and European officials.
Bryant Neal Vinas, 26, is one of a handful of Americans known to have made the trek to Al Qaeda’s secret Pakistani compounds, and his cooperation is opening a rare window into the world of Western militants in the network’s hide-outs, anti-terrorism officials said.
This is such absolute s***, readers!
Vinas has admitted to meeting Al Qaeda operations chiefs and giving them information for a potential attack on New York commuter trains, conversations that resulted in a public alert in November, said the officials, who requested anonymity because the case is ongoing.
So he was at Langley to talk with his case officer, huh?
Vinas told investigators that he fired rockets during a militant attack on a US military base in Afghanistan, the officials said. Pakistani forces captured him in November, and he is in US custody.
What a crock!
An indictment was unsealed yesterday after repeated queries from the Los Angeles Times in recent weeks. Until then, the case had remained a closely guarded secret at the heart of interconnected investigations in at least seven countries.
Yeah, they don't like to expose their inform...., 'er, assets or agents!
“It is a massive case,’’ said a US Justice Department official.
The US-born son of immigrants from Peru and Argentina, Vinas was raised a Roman Catholic and played baseball in tidy working-class suburbs where Elks lodges mixed with taquerias. His unlikely transformation into an Al Qaeda fighter nicknamed “Bashir el Amriki’’ (Bashir the American) underscores fears that other Americans followed the same route, officials said.
Yeah, I guess now that ADAM GADAHN has been OUTED as Adam PEARLMAN they need a NEW AmeriKan "Al-CIA-Duh," huh?
“His background is clearly unusual,’’ said a senior European anti-terrorism official. “I am not aware of other Americans who went with him or who have trained recently in [Pakistan]. . . . He stands out. A Latino American is an unusual profile.’’
Really?: Memory Hole: What Four Years of Torture Will Do to an Innocent Man
Since his capture, Vinas has been talkative and cooperative. He has provided a detailed account of his sojourn and lengthy testimony for upcoming terrorism trials in Europe, the officials said.
He's an AGENT, INFORMANT or ASSET, readers!!!
In March, he gave a statement to a Belgian magistrate and investigators in New York that will be used as evidence against three jailed Belgians who admitted to training with Al Qaeda, according to European and US officials. Vinas’s father says he does not know where his son is.
Or even who he is.
“The FBI asked me all kinds of questions about him, but they don’t tell me nothing,’’ said Juan Vinas of Patchogue, N.Y.
Even during the years when Osama bin Laden’s Afghan camps trained thousands, US recruits were scarce.
Ahem: U.S. Training Terrorists in Nevada
Bryant Vinas told investigators that he arrived in December 2007 in the northwestern Pakistani badlands dominated by Al Qaeda and the Taliban, according to anti-terrorism officials.
Yeah, gimme that salt shaker; I need a grain.
"Young Somali jihadists ‘radicalized’ while in US, federal investigators say; Joined Shabaab, group aligned with Al Qaeda" by Andrea Elliott, New York Times | July 12, 2009
Oh, HOW SWEET! A Jew York Times piece!
MINNEAPOLIS - They had fled Somalia as small boys, escaping a catastrophic civil war. They came of age as refugees in Minneapolis, becoming naturalized US citizens and embracing basketball and the prom, hip-hop, and the Mall of America. By the time they reached college, their dreams seemed within grasp: one planned to become a doctor; another, an entrepreneur.
But last year, in a study room on the first floor of Carlson, the men turned their energies to a different enterprise.
See: What Happens When You Don't Cooperate With The FBI
And follow my links (clap, clap), dear readers, follow my links (clap, clap), follow my links (clap, clap), follow my links (clap, clap), follow my links (clap, clap)!
In November, Hassan and two other students dropped out of college and left for Somalia, the homeland they barely knew. Word soon spread that they had joined the Shabaab, a militant Islamist group aligned with Al Qaeda that is fighting to overthrow the fragile Somali government.
The students are among more than 20 young Americans who are the focus of what may be the most significant domestic terrorism investigation since 9/11. One of the men, Shirwa Ahmed, blew himself up in Somalia in October, becoming the first known American suicide bomber. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Robert S. Mueller III, has said Ahmed was “radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota.’’
Meanwhile the GLOBE is CELEBRATING Somalia terrorists, 'er, immigrants here in New England!
I don't even want to comment anymore because I'm sick of this puke shit passing as 'news" in the "jewspaper!"
An examination by The New York Times, based on interviews with close friends and relatives of the men, law enforcement officials, and lawyers, as well as access to live phone calls and Facebook messages between the men and their friends in the United States, reveals how a far-flung jihadist movement found a foothold in America’s heartland.
So BE SCARED, America!
Those "terrorists" could STRIKE ANYWHERE, at ANYTIME!!!
The men appear to have been motivated by a complex mix of politics and faith, and their communications show how some are trying to recruit other young Americans to their cause.
The case represents the largest group of US citizens suspected of joining an extremist movement affiliated with Al Qaeda. Although friends say the men have never thought of carrying out attacks in the United States, FBI officials worry that with their training, ideology, and US passports, there is a real danger that they could.
You know what else I heard?
INERT BOMBS will also BLOW UP and STEEL SKYSCRAPERS will fall into their own footprint at free-fall speed because of fire.
Most of the men are former Somali refugees who left the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in two waves, starting in late 2007. While religious devotion may have predisposed them to sympathize with the Islamist cause in Somalia, it took a major geopolitical event - the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia in 2006 - to spur them to join what they saw as a legitimate resistance movement, said friends of the men.
Yup, COVER UP ALL U.S. INVOLVEMENT, you sacks of sh....!
Please see Slow Saturday Special: Ethiopia Reinvades Somalia and rememeber, link, link, clap, clap!
Yeah, that's right, they are STILL OCCUPYING the place even though you NEVER HEAR ABOUT SUCH things from the agenda-pushing MSM!
The case has forced federal agents and terrorism analysts to rethink some of their most basic assumptions about the vulnerability of Muslim immigrants in the United States to the lure of militant Islam. For years, it seemed that “homegrown’’ terrorism was largely a problem in European countries like Britain and France, where Muslim immigrants had failed to prosper economically or integrate culturally. By contrast, experts believed that the successful assimilation of foreign-born Muslims in the United States had largely immunized them from the appeal of radical ideologies.
So BE PREPARED for a WAVE of a CRACKDOWN coming up, Muslims of AmeriKa!
nd let's not forget America's Patriots.
Btw, when was the last time you saw or heard about what the U.S. has caused in either place?

Internally displaced Pakistanis from Swat, Buner and Lower Dir queue for emergency tea rations at a relief camp
"Exodus of Pakistani civilians as battle against Taleban rages
With jet fighters screeching overhead, tens of thousands of people fled Pakistan’s once-idyllic Swat Valley yesterday, increasing a humanitarian crisis that threatens to undermine public support for the military campaign against the Taleban.
The UN says that more than 200,000 people have left Swat in the past few days, and another 300,000 are on the move or trying to leave after the collapse of a three-month-old peace deal between the Government and the Islamists this week. They will join the estimated 555,000 who have fled other conflict zones in northwestern Pakistan since August, taking the total number of displaced people in the region to more than one million."
Try 3 million now.
"Despair, devastation in war-ravaged Swat Valley
From the air, the valley in the foothills of the Hindu Kush looks undisturbed. Green fields amid clusters of drab houses. A closer look at Swat reveals how well the Pakistani Army fared in its military campaign to wipe out the militants. The cost of success: massive destruction that is sure to hamper the lives of already suffering residents just starting to trickle back to the homes they fled."
Also see: Slow Saturday Special: Somali Summer Camp
Can you see why I am so dejected at New England's largest newspaper and its "reporting?
And blogger's s*** tools.