"Steroids scandal hits home; Ortiz, Ramírez tested positive for performance enhancers in ’03" by Bob Hohler, Globe Staff | July 31, 2009
A decades-long scandal that has sapped the integrity of the national pastime....
Yeah, never mind the integrity of the news media, government, or any other rotten, corruption-infested institution here in AmeriKa!
Related: Ya Gotta Love Sports!
“The news blindsided me,’’ Ortiz said in a prepared statement....
"he confirmed that the news report is accurate"
What gives, big Poopie?
"Suffering from 'roid rage'" by Dan Shaughnessy, Globe Columnist | July 31, 2009
David Ortiz lied to you. It seems safe to say that his entire Red Sox career is a lie.
And those life-changing Red Sox championships of 2004 and 2007? Are they forever tainted?
You bet.
He confirmed that the news report is accurate, and said he was going to look into the matter and have more to say later.
Red Sox Nation is stunned and saddened.
Now David Ortiz looks like one of the television evangelists who gets caught in a seedy motel with a hooker....
At least he doesn't look like a lying, looting, mass-murdering war criminal(s) with millions of deaths on his head. Good thing, 'eh, Danno?
Oh, I think I'm ready to cry!

‘At first I didn’t believe it. But I guess I just didn’t want to.’ Callie Adams 20-year-old fan from Pembroke (Jonathan Wiggs/Globe Staff)
Hey, look, no one wanted to believe Bush was a war criminal, but you gotta face up to the tru.... oh, yeah.... sorry.
"For legions of fans, a magic spell is broken" by Peter Schworm and Brian Ballou, Globe Staff | July 31, 2009
Countless fans adrift and disillusioned....
At least it's over baseball and not looters, liars, and wars.
Ortiz’s reported positive drug test, while unfortunate, would not diminish their affection for the fan favorite.
Maybe he will get a monument like the rest of our war criminals. Amazing capacity of Americans for self-denial and delusion, no?
A torrent of intense and often conflicting emotions. Some were bitter, as though a spell had been lifted, and Ortiz’s magic no longer held sway. Others were disappointed, even crushed, but put up a brave face.... even if they wouldn’t let themselves believe it.
“The kid in you wants you to hope it’s not true,’’ Kevin Murray, a 35-year-old from Millbury, said between bites of an Italian sausage outside the park. “Even if you knew it all along.’’
Ooooh, I don't know about that sausage, dude: Fenway Franks, Get Your Fenway Franks Here
Related: Do Not Eat at the Boston Globe
The reasons being you can't flush the toilets if you have to go.
With reports yesterday that Ramírez had also tested positive for performance-enhancing substances in 2003, fans struggled to accept an achingly hard truth. The team’s two titles, won with Ortiz and Ramírez wreaking havoc in the middle of the order, now held a flaw.
Oh, tell me about about it!
And let the divisions begin, 'eh, Globe?
For Hispanic fans the news hit especially hard. At Fenway, Colombian-born Oscar Casallas, a 28-year-old from Brookline, said steroid use has little stigma in many Latin American countries.
“It’s like taking vitamins,’’ he said....
Many fans fiercely defended Ortiz.... But at Fenway yesterday, many simply felt betrayed that Ortiz, an amiable personality whose steadfast denials of drug use struck many fans as sincere, had potentially been misleading them all along. Some took it personally....But WARS BASED on LIES, LOOTINGS based on LIES, and the DESTRUCTION of they hold dear means NOTHING to them!!!!!!!
Ian Cox, 9, like many fans, said he would still cheer for him just as hard.
Some fans continued to maintain that Ortiz was innocent, and berated the media for dredging up old news instead of focusing on the games.
But he admitted it, folks!!! And if you WANT TO BERATE the MEDIA, pick up a BLOG SITE, will ya? And please, DO IT OVER SOMETHING IMPORTANT!!!!!
Most fans, however, were torn, their hearts and minds seemingly deadlocked.
“At first I didn’t believe it,’’ said Callie Adams, 20, from Pembroke. “But I guess I just didn’t want to.’’
Sadly, when it comes to 9/11 and the truth of what happened, most Americns do NOT want to know. Even the supposedly receptive audiences -- antiwar and the like -- shy away from it, as if ignoring the truth will make it go away.
Of course, you know what is important here:
Ortiz’s advertising deals likely to walk off in scandal
Aww, poor Poopie!
What, the MILLIONS he's making for HITTING a BALL with a STICK ain't enough?
I get NOTHING for playing pick-up basketball, so please excuse me if I don't bleed for the lying sack of s***.
Athletes trading steroids for hormones
That's how they are getting around it, huh?
Ready for a final insult?
"Globe Editorial Say it ain’t so, Papi"
Ah, why not give you the whole kit-and-kaboodle:
- Photo Gallery His career | Interactive Ortiz's stats
- Red Sox 8, A's 5 Papi propels Sox over A's
- Bob Ryan Ortiz's positive test latest sorry chapter
- Teammates express their support | Ortiz's statement
EXPOSURE of the VARIOUS LIES and PLOTS that the bloggers unearth everyday?
Oh, wait, game is almost on. I better grab a beer and get going....
"Over beers, a taste of what’s to come; Gates, Crowley vow to meet again" by Joseph Williams, Globe Staff | July 31, 2009
WASHINGTON - A survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press showed that two-thirds of those questioned disapproved of the way the president handled the incident.
Though other factors also dragged down his ratings - including anxiety about the economy, his healthcare overhaul, and the spiraling deficit - the poll indicated that the president’s approval ratings among whites slipped from 53 percent late last week to 46 percent early this week.
The agenda-pushing racial division of the Zionists never stops.
Obama’s remarks touched off a firestorm of criticism that threatened to overshadow his message on healthcare and other key agenda items.... But the media attention was intense. Cable TV news shows ran countdown clocks to the meeting and dispatched live trucks and extra reporters to the White House.
Yeah, I SAW THAT on CNN and it sent me into a PROFANITY-LACED TIRADE!!!
The LEAD STORY at 4 pm, Ze'ev, 'er, Wolf?
The episode was the most significant racial controversy to engulf the nation’s first black president six months into his first term, and it forced the White House to resort to damage control....
Media-driven, of course, as are all things.
After criticizing Crowley on national television, Obama’s public approval ratings quickly slipped....
It's not just that; it is the ENDLESS STRING of BROKEN and UNKEPT PROMISES that the American people are in NO MOOD FOR after the Bush years!
They were told to be patient then, and they are still being told that. NOTHING has CHANGED and THAT'S WHY the POLLS are HEADING into BUSH COUNTRY!!!!!!!!