All right, so he's a little thin.
"Franklin Park Zoo gets a new addition; 6-foot-4-inch baby giraffe set to join exhibit" by Woody Romelus, Globe Correspondent | July 26, 2009
The young Masai giraffe - - was born Thursday.
With the warm sun beating down, the baby giraffe rested comfortably in an enclosure at the Franklin Park Zoo yesterday, his watchful mother standing nearby....
Related: A Day at the Boston Zoo
Ah, let's make him a free agent, huh?
"Goodbye, Jumbo; The identity crisis of the modern zoo" by Keith O’Brien | July 26, 2009
In zoo parlance, they’re known as charismatic megafauna. We’re talking lions, tigers, and other large creatures. They are the big-ticket beasts and the reason, historically anyway, why people have come to the zoo. Where there is megafauna, the thinking goes, there will be crowds.
That’s partly what made Ron Kagan’s decision so shocking. The executive director of the Detroit Zoo announced in 2004 that he was voluntarily sending his zoo’s two Asian elephants to a California sanctuary, where the land was plentiful, the weather temperate, and the elephants could roam.
Oh, maybe they know Maggie!

I think I just found a power forward.
The reason, Kagan said, was simple. To paraphrase: The zoo, despite its best efforts, was essentially ruining the elephants’ lives.
Well, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE being PENNED UP in a BOX, human?
And IF you think you are SO SUPERIOR to the animals, watch this: ORIGINAL Elephant Painting
Kagan’s choice, which is still reverberating in the zoo industry five years later, marks the latest twist in a long, often clumsy, historical shift - from animals caged for our delight, to a more enlightened conservation message, and finally to the notion that zoos can actually change human behavior by teaching us about the ways we’re damaging the natural world.
You mean, like THROUGH WARS, right?
Readers, I am tired of the misanthropic, agenda-pushing s***ters passing themselves off as "reporters."
Now more than ever, zoos are bringing the message of wildlife conservation to the forefront, making it not only part of their marketing plans, but their core missions. Indeed, some zoo directors now say conservation is the only pure reason for keeping animals at all.
You know, they CAN'T PRINT ONE THING without having SOME AGENDA-PUSHING AXE to WIELD!!!!
Yet within this noble notion there is a fundamental and nagging problem: Zoos, despite their evolution, remain a form of entertainment, with the animals unwittingly playing the main roles....
Oh, now THAT DOES IT!! I really can't take the RANK SPECIESISM and ELITISM of the Zionist War Daily!!!
Also see: Meet Mrs. Jumbo
Pink Elephants On Parade
Yeah, what about the circuses, Globe?
Then again, I should expect nothing less these days!!!!!!
Should they be keeping animals at all? If so, which ones, and why? Should elephants be in zoos? Should gorillas?
Quick answer? NO!!!!
FREE 'EM ALL!!!!!!
One final insult:
The power of these close encounters, said Lee Ehmke, director and CEO of the Minnesota Zoo, where the exhibit “Russia’s Grizzly Coast” opened last year, is that people are being compelled to care. There is nothing, zoo officials argue, like being face-to-face with an animal. That makes people appreciate the beauty of nature....
Readers, that just hurts for SO MANY REASONS!
One is the IMPLIED INSULT because I CARE and I'M NOT FACE-to-FACE with the animal!!!
Also see: Slow Saturday Special: The Boston Globe's Pet Semetary
Another is the fact that such a statement is to be found in a MUSLIM-HATING, WAR-PROMOTING, ENEMY-CREATING, AGENDA-PUSHING S***-SHEET of ZIONIST WAR PROPAGANDA!!!
I think the SAME thing applies to AFGHANS, PAKISTANIS, IRAQIS, SOMALIS, and ANYONE ELSE YOU CAN THINK OF that the Globe somehow UNDER-COVERS or IGNORES!!!
Today's exhibit A: UN: 35000 displaced by new fighting in Congo
See if you can find anything about that in here.