For more read my Animal Cruelty posts.
"150 dead dogs found packed in freezers at Michigan home" by Associated Press | July 25, 2009
DEARBORN, Mich. - Police yesterday found about 150 dead dogs packed in freezers in the basement of a Michigan house littered with feces and trash where more than 110 live dogs, mostly Chihuahuas, were rescued this week.
Related (follow the links): First Endeavour of the Day
WTF, readers?
Dearborn’s police chief, Ronald Haddad, said the 56-year-old man found Wednesday in the suburban Detroit home with the animals may have been living with an increasing number of dogs for up to three or four years. “The house was in complete disarray, very cluttered and, with 100-plus dogs running around in there, very filthy,’’ he said.
A criminal investigation was underway at the two-story brick home, Haddad said. He said the case could be forwarded to prosecutors for possible animal cruelty charges. Haddad said 112 live dogs had been removed from the home as of yesterday, and police believe about five more may be hiding inside. He declined to release details about the breed of the dead dogs.
The man living in the house was taken to a local hospital for observation, and a lawyer acting as family spokesman said he was getting a psychiatric evaluation. Investigators previously said the man apparently was hoarding the dogs. Neighbors in the past had complained of an odor at the home, which had a neatly cut lawn. But this week was the first time officials got inside, and crews needed masks to breathe.
Forty-two ailing and feces-covered dogs were rescued Wednesday. Crews returned Thursday and found more than 60 dogs. About 10 more live dogs were found yesterday, police said. The smell, noticeable from the street, may have been contained previously because windows were closed and covered....
I'm not only having a hard time believing this, I'm having a hard time wondering how someone lives in a house that reeks of dog shit.
I'm even further disturbed and troubled by this next item:
"Police: Accused cat killer could be a 'sociopath'
MIAMI (AP) - A south Florida teenager accused of killing more than a dozen cats fits the profile of a sociopath and responded with laughter when police first spoke to him about the cat deaths, a detective said in an affidavit released Monday.
The 10-page affidavit notes that Miami-Dade County detectives used an electronic device to track 18-year-old Tyler Hayes Weinman's car and traced his cell phone before charging him with the macabre crimes. The tracking device showed the car had stopped near places where at least two dead cats were later found....
In this case, I'm glad for the tyranny!
If convicted, Weinman could face up to 158 years in prison.
That's too lenient.
Police believe Weinman, who has been released on bond, was behind the deaths of at least 19 cats whose mutilated bodies were discovered by their horrified owners or other concerned residents in the Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay neighborhoods during the spring.
Because he's a Jew? WTF?
Altogether, more than 30 dead cats were found in the neighborhoods between April and June.
The affidavit supporting Weinman's arrest warrant details how the investigation progressed and helps explain why police grew suspicious of Weinman, whose divorced parents live in both communities. It says Weinman, who had been expelled from two high schools, was spotted by police on surveillance in Cutler Bay after midnight on May 14 and 15. Both times, when a police detective told him about the cat killings, Weinman laughed, the affidavit says. It also says Weinman joined an online Facebook group dedicated to catching the south Miami-Dade cat killer.
Oh, that last bit is just an INSULT from the little NaZionist, isn't it?
During a May 15 traffic stop that led to an arrest for marijuana possession and driving with a suspended license, police also found a "cutting instrument" outside the teenager's driver's side window....
But otherwise, a good little Jewish boy.
But Weinman's lawyer said none of the evidence directly connects his client to the crimes.
"It's really important to note that there's not one single witness in there that says Tyler Weinman touched a cat," said Weinman's attorney, David Macey.
Prosecutor Elijah Levitt said the affidavit "speaks for itself."
In one interview with police, the teenager reportedly became excited when he described a "tearing sound" that occurs when skin is ripped from a cat's body during dissections, according to the documents. A high school teacher told investigators that cats that are dissected in a classroom setting are prepared for the procedure, so no such noise occurs.
Look, we only did frogs!!! WTF kind of school was he going to?
After consulting with staff doctors in the Miami-Dade Police department's psychological services section, detectives concluded that Weinman fit the profile of a sociopath.
I'd say so.
The teen did not attend Monday's hearing, but his stepmother and his attorney were present. No trial date was set. Police removed box cutters, several knives, hypodermic needles and a metal dental tool, according to court documents. They also took an iPod, computer equipment, a pair of shoes and a piece of paper that contained typed directions.
Macey argued that the items, which were taken from Weinman and his parents, did not represent "the fruit of criminal activity" and are unrelated to any crimes. Miami-Dade police released few details after Weinman was arrested in mid-June, citing an ongoing investigation. Authorities said other arrests might be forthcoming, but no other suspects have been charged yet.
--more--"Strange that the Zionist Globe missed that follow-up report, huh?
Related: There’s More Than One Way to Skin a Jew
"Florida teen charged in killings, mutilations of cats" By Sarah Larimer, Associated Press | June 15, 2009 MIAMI - A South Florida teenager was arrested early yesterday and accused of killing and mutilating the cats of his neighbors - a disturbing string of deaths that has horrified residents and shaken animal lovers in two Miami-area communities.
WTF is WRONG with OUR KIDS, America?
Has the WAR and DEATH CULTURE finally taken its toll?
Tyler Hayes Weinman, 18, was taken into custody at a party, police said. He was still being questioned at Miami-Dade police headquarters while authorities praised the arrest at a press conference yesterday morning.
He's JEWISH!!!!!!!
"I understand that pet owners feel very strongly about their little family members," Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson said. "Animals bring happiness and comfort to our lives. So to see them so violated and mutilated just defies all common sense and it's painful for everyone involved. Thankfully, for this community, the terror has come to an end."
Yes, "terror" is the right word.
And YOU BET WE FEEL STRONGLY about our "little family members" because THEY ARE SENTIENT BEINGS that HAVE EMOTIONS and FEEL PAIN!!!!!
In the past month, residents in the Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay neighborhoods have reported finding more than two dozen cats killed and mutilated. Some of the cats were missing fur - neighbors said some had been skinned - and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument, police said....
Well, let's SKIN HIS little SNOT-NOSE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--more--"Better yet:
That is for ALL of 'em!!!!
Another friendly feline:

Judi Campbell, at home in Northfield with her husband, Don, has put off hip surgery because of money worries. (Nancy Palmieri for The Boston Globe)"
Who could do such things to a cat?
See: Al-CIA-Duh Hates Cats
Did you just hear a quack, readers?
"Driver pleads not guilty to animal cruelty
A Massachusetts man has pleaded not guilty to a charge of animal cruelty after authorities said he ran over a mother duck as she was walking with 12 ducklings in a shopping mall parking lot last month. The driver, Joshua Linhares, 25, of Acushnet, was released on personal recognizance following his arraignment yesterday.
Another Jew?
Jim Sheerin, first assistant clerk for New Bedford District Court, said Linhares’s case was continued to Sept. 25 for a pretrial hearing. Linhares told police that he did not see the ducks at Dartmouth Mall and that he left the scene because witnesses were laughing at him (AP)."
He must be Jewish because he is sure lying like one. Whether that, or the paper is full of s*** again, and either way it ain't good for them.
"Acushnet man charged with killing duck released on personal recognizance
Police and witness statements who say Linhares laughed and sped away seconds after he ran over the duck.... A woman who was stopped at the intersection near where the incident occurred said Linhares smiled at her, then sharply turned his vehicle and sped directly at the ducks.... As Linhares drove by after the incident, the woman said he smiled and laughed. He left the parking lot, even though witnesses were yelling at him to stop....
A store surveillance video, which appeared to corroborate the witness statements that Linhares smiled and laughed as he drove off.... After the incident, the security officer walked outside to the parking lot and gathered the 12 ducklings and their dead mother into a box.
I'm having a hard time keeping a grip on myself right now.
I know they are "only" animals and not people, but do you not think they feel pain?
Can't sense their mommy is dead?
According to Dartmouth Animal Control, the mother mallard had been nestling for at least five years in a retention pond behind BJ's and Home Depot at the Dartmouth Town Center. Every spring, traffic on Faunce Corner Road would halt as the mother led her ducklings down the ramp from Sears and across the road to the Paskamansett River.
Never again (sob)!
And he even looks Jewish!
Also see: I'm Quacking Up!
The Ugly Duckling (and Other Bedtime Stories)