"Two men charged with beheading cat"
BRIDGEPORT -- Two city men have been charged with beheading a white cat near an East Side intersection. Josue Saint-Fleur, 36, of Park Street, and Ruben Tzoc, 25, of Coleman Street, were charged with cruelty to animals and disorderly conduct. Each man was freed after posting a $2,500 bond.
The arrest came when officers on patrol Thursday afternoon allegedly spotted the two defendants crouched over an object at Park and Maple streets. As they approached, the officers were waved down by a passing motorist who reported the men were in the process of cutting off a cat's head.
When the officers got to the intersection, the defendants fled, leaving the cat's head in the street. After searching the area, the officers spotted Saint-Fleur and Tzoc carrying a white shopping bag. When approached, police said one of the defendants told the officers he had a cat in the bag. When the officer looked inside he allegedly saw the body of a white cat, its head missing.
Saint-Fleur told the officers they had been renovating a nearby house and found the cat in the basement. Police said he had no explanation for why they beheaded the cat, but contended the animal was already dead when they did it.
--more--"Readers, this item REALLY, REALLY BOTHERS ME because I HAVE a CAT THAT LOVES ME!!!!!
And you didn't think it could get worse, did you?
"Florida teen charged in killings, mutilations of cats" By Sarah Larimer, Associated Press | June 15, 2009 MIAMI - A South Florida teenager was arrested early yesterday and accused of killing and mutilating the cats of his neighbors - a disturbing string of deaths that has horrified residents and shaken animal lovers in two Miami-area communities.
WTF is WRONG with OUR KIDS, America?
Has the WAR and DEATH CULTURE finally taken its toll?
Tyler Hayes Weinman, 18, was taken into custody at a party, police said. He was still being questioned at Miami-Dade police headquarters while authorities praised the arrest at a press conference yesterday morning.
He's JEWISH!!!!!!!
"I understand that pet owners feel very strongly about their little family members," Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson said. "Animals bring happiness and comfort to our lives. So to see them so violated and mutilated just defies all common sense and it's painful for everyone involved. Thankfully, for this community, the terror has come to an end."
Yes, "terror" is the right word.
And YOU BET WE FEEL STRONGLY about our "little family members" because THEY ARE SENTIENT BEINGS that HAVE EMOTIONS and FEEL PAIN!!!!!
In the past month, residents in the Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay neighborhoods have reported finding more than two dozen cats killed and mutilated. Some of the cats were missing fur - neighbors said some had been skinned - and appeared to have been cut with a sharp, straight instrument, police said....
Well, let's SKIN HIS little SNOT-NOSE ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--more--"Better yet:
That is for ALL of 'em!!!!
Another friendly feline:

Judi Campbell, at home in Northfield with her husband, Don, has put off hip surgery because of money worries. (Nancy Palmieri for The Boston Globe)"
Who could do such things to a cat?