An Egyptian woman wore a surgical mask as another covered her nose in Cairo's underground yesterday. (Eman Helal/Associated Press)
Oh, how I would love to see more veils in AmeriKa! It would beautify the place!
"WHO designates pandemic alert on swine flu; Sharp rise in global cases triggers move" by Nick Cumming-Bruce and Andrew Jacobs, New York Times | June 12, 2009
GENEVA - The World Health Organization raised its alert on swine flu to the highest level yesterday, in its first designation of a global pandemic in 41 years.
Calling further spread of the virus "inevitable," the organization's director general, Margaret Chan, said, "We are at the earliest days of a global pandemic." The new H1N1 strain, she said, is "spreading easily from one person to another, and from one country to another" in more than one region of the world.
Sure sounds like the EndGame to me!!!! Ever see the movie " V ," readers?
Related: Swine Flu Swirling South
And WHY?
Meanwhile, Swiss pharmaceuticals company
Related: There is Money to be Made in Multiple Sclerosis
The vaccine was made in cells, rather than grown in eggs as is usually the case with vaccines, the company said. Chan said the current pandemic is "moderate" in severity, with the overwhelming majority of patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the absence of any medical treatment. And scientists are painstakingly tracking its every movement.
"The virus is spreading under a close and careful watch," Chan said. "No previous pandemic has been detected so early or watched so closely."
Well, people like to see how their projects turn out.
The declaration will trigger drug makers to speed production of a swine flu vaccine....
Did you just hear a CHA-CHING?
In the United States, while swine flu appears to be abating in many states, the virus is causing an increasing level of respiratory illness in New England and elsewhere in the Northeast, federal disease trackers said yesterday.
Strange, no?
The new leader of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Thomas Frieden, said it was unclear why the Northeast was experiencing a higher level of transmission....
I can HAZARD a GUESS: The government and authorituies released some of the man-made germ here -- for OBVIOUS ($$$) REASONS!
As the disease moves into the developing world, where rates of chronic disease are high and health systems typically poor, Chan said....
Yeah, and it will KILL a LOT of PEOPLE, 'eh, GLOBALIST?
The virus itself may also change quickly, becoming more lethal....
Translation: they will release a mutated version of the damn thing later!
Just a test run, eh?
Also see: The Swine Flu Salvo
"The virus writes the rules, and this one, like all influenza viruses, can change the rules without any rhyme or reason," Chan said....
I wish I could believe in them.
Sadly, my state is one of the biggest suckers and waiting laboratories:
"Prom-goers dress with class for class; Don formal wear after event held on a school night" by Nandini Jayakrishna, Globe Correspondent | June 13, 2009
Phi N. Tran, 17, who reached school groggy-eyed at about 7:30 yesterday, said he slept in his dress shirt and gray tie so he would not have to change in the morning. He was almost glad, he said, that the dance was postponed last month because at about that time he had a high fever, nausea, congestion, and dizziness. "I bet it was the swine flu," he said, rubbing his eyes.
Yeah, sue, I'll bet it was. Better go get checked and get a shot then, guinea pig.
Awright, they already brainwashed the kids; however, it gets worse:
Mandatory vaccinations as an ancillary benefit.
"Flu onset exposed supply problems; Hospitals fear stockpiles too low; Mass. seeking $1 million boost" by Stephen Smith, Globe Staff | June 15, 2009
The arrival of swine flu in the United States exposed gaps in the supply chain that delivers medication, masks, and even testing swabs to hospitals and doctors' offices - shortcomings that could prove vastly more worrisome if a deadlier strain returns in the fall, officials say.
In Massachusetts, where the state health agency had to tap its emergency cache of flu-relief pills to supplement dwindling private supplies, the administration of Governor Deval Patrick is asking the Legislature to spend $1 million more to bolster the state stockpile, a request that is pending.
Hear that cash register ringing for the pharmaceuticals?
And across the nation, from sprawling federal agencies to small local health departments, disease trackers are urgently evaluating their response to swine flu, with eyes trained firmly on the autumn months.
I told ya: Swine Flu to Return in Fall
That is when specialists expect two flu strains to circulate widely: the seasonal variety, capable of killing thousands, as well as the swine strain. The specialists operate against a backdrop of unpredictability, knowing that earlier novel flu strains sometimes petered out, while others roared back in mutated, deadlier forms....
I think we know which ones the population-culling globalist masters are planning, no?
Related: Armageddon Is Now
The supply shortages tended to be localized, Massachusetts health authorities said, but they reflected the vagaries of the fragile just-in-time economy that provides medical goods on a daily, as-needed basis....
Give me Sicko or give me death.
Disease specialists fear that the appearance of twin flu strains could sorely tax the nation's healthcare system....
It looks like I'll be getting death, huh?
To help prevent future voids, the Patrick administration is poised to expand the state's reserves. It's unclear how many courses of flu medication could be purchased with the money requested by Patrick.... But even in New England states where shortages were not as evident, the appearance of swine flu in a period when the threat from influenza is usually receding tested expectations about the timing and birthplace of a global epidemic....
EL STINKO!!!!!!!
And lest you doubt me and were we are headed, observe:
"US implements vaccine plans" by Associated Press | June 15, 2009
WASHINGTON - Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says production of a swine flue vaccine is being set up in case a program is recommended.
I'd say it is ALMOST a CERTAINTY!
The government is making every effort to be prepared as the swine flu runs its course, Sebelius said. Sebelius said the government is working with governors and health and schools officials in case a major vaccination program is needed. She said production of a vaccine could start as early as late summer and be ready by the fall....
You have BEEN WARNED, Americans!
DO NOT TAKE the SHOT!!!!!!
"State reports first swine flu death
A 30-year-old Boston woman is the first person in Massachusetts to die from swine flu, public health authorities announced this afternoon.
And the agenda is ADVANCED once again!