Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another Russian Die Off


"New, high resolution version

Wake Up to the Real Deal. from Phillip Marlowe on Vimeo."

Secret Facts - Soviet & Jews"

Jewish Murderers Of The Russian Revolution The third Revolution was the Bolshevik uprising in Russia, of which this treatise focuses. The Bolshevik Revolution was financed by Jewish bankers, led by Jacob H Schiff of the Jewish Banking house, Kuhn, Loeb Co. Jews gained prominent roles in the Soviet government.

"Study links alcohol abuse to spike in Russian deaths" by Douglas Birch, Associated Press | June 26, 2009

MOSCOW - The tragic die-off was largely invisible outside of Russia, but devastated Russian society. The study is part of a long-running debate among public health scientists as to the causes of an unprecedented spike in mortality in the post-Soviet era.

Some researchers have blamed the crumbling of the Soviet healthcare system, increased smoking, changes in diet, or a loss of jobs that raised stress levels for the mysterious rise in deaths. Many others, such as Zaridze and his team, pin the blame on increased drinking....
