"The degradation of oil slows down over the years. The microbes move on, as the large and complex compounds that remain, known as the asphaltenes, are too hard to digest. What’s left tends to be dense, tarlike, largely inert, and attractive only to people who pave roads"
Here's where you will find the stuff -- right along with Obama's presidency: at the bottom of the Gulf.
"Spill’s damage could persist for decades; Gulf will survive, scientists say, but it won’t heal soon" by Joel Achenbach, Washington Post | June 8, 2010
WASHINGTON — .... Twenty-three years earlier, in 1979, an oil well named Ixtoc I had a blowout in 150 feet of water in the southern Gulf of Mexico. The Mexican national oil company Pemex tried to kill the well with drilling mud, and then with steel and lead balls dropped into the well bore. It tried to contain the oil with a cap nicknamed the Sombrero. Finally, after 290 days, a relief well plugged the hole with cement and the spill came to an end — but only after polluting the Gulf with 138 million gallons of crude.
That remains the worst accidental oil spill in history — but the Deepwater Horizon blowout off the Louisiana coast is rapidly gaining on it. The
Ecosystems can survive and eventually recover from very large oil spills, even ones that are Ixtoc-sized. In most spills, the volatile compounds evaporate. The sun breaks down others. Some compounds are dissolved in water. Microbes consume the simpler “straight chain’’ hydrocarbons — and the warmer it is, the more they eat. The Gulf spill has climate in its favor.
Scientists agree: Horrible as the spill may be, it’s not going to turn the Gulf of Mexico into another Dead Sea. But neither is this ecological crisis going to be over anytime soon. The spill will have ripple effects far into the future, scientists warn.
“This spill will be lasting for years, if not decades,’’ said Doug Inkley, senior scientist at the National Wildlife Federation.
Some of the immediate effects of a spill are obvious, such as soaked and suffocating sea birds in the Gulf. But some types of ecological damage, such as to the reproduction rates of sea turtles, are hard to measure and can take years to document.
While government, industry, and MSM shovel s*** at us!!!!
A whole culture and way of life gone, something that did survive hurricanes.
This IS WORSE than Bush's Katrina.
The Pacific herring population collapsed after the spill for reasons that remain in dispute among scientists.
See, it is OKAY to DISPUTE INDUSTRIAL-SIZED SLAUGHTER and ECO-GENOCIDE but gawd help you if you dispute global warming.
Two intensely studied pods of killer whales in the sound suffered heavy losses in the spill and have struggled since. One of the two pods has no more reproductive females. It is doomed to extinction.
The degradation of oil slows down over the years. The microbes move on, as the large and complex compounds that remain, known as the asphaltenes, are too hard to digest. What’s left tends to be dense, tarlike, largely inert, and attractive only to people who pave roads.
The oil drifting north from the Ixtoc spill not only wiped out hundreds of million of crabs on Mexican beaches but, far to the north, killed 80 percent of the segmented worms and shrimplike crustaceans that live in the sand of Texas beaches, said Wes Tunnell, a biologist at Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi. But the tiny animals have rapid reproductive cycles, and in about 2 1/2 years they had recovered, he said.
There are on record since 1970 about 1,700 spills from tankers in which at least 2,100 gallons of oil were discharged into water.
Oh, so no big deal, huh?

A brown pelican coated in heavy oil struggled in the surf yesterday on East Grand Terre Island in Louisiana. (Win Mcnamee/Getty Images)."

An oily pelican waded yesterday near Barataria Bay, La. About 100 miles of coastline in two states has been affected so far. (Jose Luis Magnana/ Greenpeace via Reuters)
And HOW MUCH PRESS are the ANIMALS actually getting?
"BP plans to upgrade containment device in July; Company says larger cap will curb oil’s surge" by Ray Henry, Associated Press | June 8, 2010
NEW ORLEANS — Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen, the government’s point man for the oil spill response, was in Washington to brief President Obama and top federal officials on the government’s battle against the spill.
Ever notice the MSM ALWAYS FRAMES EVERY ISSUE and ITEM like it's a WAR?
Obama sought to reassure Americans by saying that “we will get through this crisis’’ but that it would take dedication.....
Oh, the PATERNAL-PROTECTOR just like BUSH, huh?
I'm starting to wonder if the guy isn't just a liar but downright delusional!!
Tar balls continued to roll onto shore yesterday morning farther west at Pensacola Beach, Fla., leaving a line in the sand visible from the high-rise condos above as the sun rose. Beach walkers had to stay between the line of dime- and quarter-size tar balls and the retreating surf or risk getting the gummy, rust-colored gunk stuck to their feet.
Jody Haas, a tourist from Aurora, Ill., was among the few walking the beach early yesterday after a crowded weekend. Haas, who had visited the beach before, said it was not the same.
“It was pristine, gorgeous, white sand,’’ she said. “This spot is light compared to some . . . It’s just devastating, awful.’’
At Barataria Bay, La., just west of the mouth of the Mississippi River, large patches of oil the consistency of pancake batter floated in the still waters yesterday. A dead sea turtle, caked in brownish-red oil, lay splayed out with dragonflies buzzing by.
The Barataria estuary, which has become one of the hardest-hit areas, was busy with shrimp boats skimming up oil and officials in boats and helicopters patrolling the islands and bays to assess the state of wildlife and the movement of oil. On remote islands, oil visibly tainted pelicans, gulls, terns, and herons.
Gee, a whole two/three sentences buried three-quarters of the way through the slick, 'er, report.
If I didn't know better I would almost think the MSM is covering up the destruction.
Allen said yesterday that BP has to make improvements on getting money to individuals and businesses harmed by the spill.
BP officials are trying to capture as much oil as possible without creating too much pressure at the leak or allowing the buildup of ice-like hydrates, which clogged a containment dome about a month ago.--more--"
On to the next government and BP press release, 'er, MSM report:
"Oil plumes spread far below surface, researchers say; More concerns raised over effect on eggs" by Justin Gillis, New York Times | June 9, 2010
The government and university researchers confirmed yesterday that plumes of dispersed oil were spreading far below the ocean surface from the leaking well in the Gulf of Mexico, raising fresh concern about the potential impact of the spill on sea life.
Yup, something the BLOGS and others have been POINTING OUT for WEEKS!
But you know the AmeriKan MSM....
Related: What is a MSM Update Made Of?
That is why NEWSPAPERS SUCK and why their industry is DYING!
Caught in their own oil slick of LIES, you might say.
Scientists outside the government noted that the plumes appear to be so large that organisms might be bathed in them for extended periods, possibly long enough to kill eggs or embryos.
Then it WILL BE a DEAD SEA despite what was SAID ABOVE, hanh?!!!
They said this possibility added greater urgency to the effort to figure out exactly how sea life is being affected, work that remains in its infancy six weeks after the Deepwater Horizon explosion....
The announcement of test results came as the White House said that President Obama would make his fourth trip to the region next week, visiting Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida on Monday and Tuesday....
The test results appeared to confirm information first presented three weeks ago by another group of researchers, who found evidence of large plumes of dispersed oil droplets in the deep ocean....
Yeah, MSM NEEDED LYING GOVERNMENT APPROVAL before they could "go with" the cover-up, 'er, story!!!
The government’s confirmation of subsea oil plumes is significant in part because BP, the oil company responsible for the leak, had denied that such plumes existed, and NOAA had previously been cautious in interpreting the preliminary results....
Yeah, but they are RIGHT OUT FRONT with the GLOBAL WARMING LIES!
Yeah, MINIMIZE the OIL SLICK, you lying SoBs of GOVERNMENT!!!!
Also see: AmeriKan MSM Complicit in ClimateGate
Descriptions of the plumes from the two groups of scientists are filling in details of one of the most remarkable findings: the realization that much of the oil in a deep-water blowout may remain below the surface.
Of course, we all know the mo$t important thing about oil, right?
I mean, LOOK WHO is telling you ALL about it!
"Obama remarks fuel sell-off of BP, drillers; Companies tied to spill have lost $125b in value" by Mark Williams, Associated Press | June 9, 2010
NEW YORK — Investors pummeled shares of oil drillers and BP yesterday, after President Obama talked tough about dealing with the worst oil spill in the nation’s history....
Awwwwww, poooowww widdle billions-in-qwuawterly-pwofits BPwee!!!!!!
Obama told NBC’s Matt Lauer in an interview for the “Today’’ show that he has spoken with Gulf fishermen and oil spill specialists about the spill. Lauer noted that some critics say this is not the time for the president to only meet with specialists and advisers but to “kick some butt.’’
“I don’t sit around just talking to experts because this is a college seminar,’’ Obama said. “We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers — so I know whose ass to kick.’’
As ISRAEL KICKS YOURS, huh, 'bomber?
Yeah, I thought my butt was feeling kind of sore after the last 16 months.
How is yours, American?
The comments helped set the stage for a big sell-off of BP and drilling companies with operations in the Gulf....
Goldman Sachs even suggested....
Goldman Sachs said....
No apologies coming your way, AmeriKan people.
Also see: Is Obama BP's Poodle?