Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Zionist AmeriKan MSM Gives Helen Thomas the Heave-Ho

"Veteran reporter Helen Thomas quits over remarks"

She was given the quit or you are FIRED, folks!!


"Helen Thomas was quoted out of context‎
Jun 07, 2010

Fearless, decent seeker-of-truth Helen Thomas, 89, the pre-eminent challenger of political power for a half-century as dean of White House correspondents, has resigned her position with Hearst Newspapers. She acted in the wake of controversy that erupted when she told reporters “Jews should get the hell out of Palestine.” While speaking plainly on behalf of the rule of law in occupied Palestine, her message was submerged when reporters gave it an anti-Semitic twist by quoting words out of context.

Wow, AmeriKa's jewsmedia is good at

It is a sad finale to an unprecedented career in aggressive, constructive journalism. In her departure from the White House newsroom, America is the loser....


Also see
: Israeli Propaganda Poses as AmeriKan News


Longtime White House scribe Helen Thomas caused more than a few eyebrows to perk up when video surfaced on Friday of her declaring that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland.

"The video is actually old. The real issue is that Helen Thomas has twice asked direct questions in the White House Press Room that are VERBOTEN by das Israeligruppenfuhrer!

In his first Press conference as President, Helen asked Obama what nations in the middle east have nuclear weapons right now; a question Obama danced away from without asking.

And this week, Helen asked the White House spokeslug about the attack on the Gaza flotilla that included attacks on the US-flagged "Champion" and the kidnapping of 12 Americans in international waters (the death of one American had not been confirmed at that time).

These are questions that Israel does not like, and Ari Fleicher is trying to make an example out of Helen Thomas to keep the rest of the US media in line before they start listening to the growing voice of moral outrage shouting across the land.
" -- Wake the Flock Up

Update: Journalist Helen Thomas quits amid Israel furor

More reaction:

"Helen Thomas you are heroic. I'll miss you and so will just about everybody else. The media will not reflect this so the public can settle in and accept their own conclusions - but take it from me. You are a hero. You are one of my heroes.


I second that.

and then there were none