Saturday, July 10, 2010

Boston Taking the Money and Biking

That's why we call it STIMULOOT!

"Bike sharing in Boston gets $3m federal grant" by Eric Moskowitz, Globe Staff | July 9, 2010

The federal government awarded $3 million yesterday to Boston’s planned bike sharing program, giving the city and its partners seed money to purchase the stations and bicycles needed to launch next spring.

Is THIS AGENDA-PUSHING GARBAGE what you wanted to BORROW to FUND, Americans?


"If all goes as planned, Bostonians and visitors will ride these bikes to run errands, reach their workplaces, travel from tourist site to tourist site and from meeting to meeting.... "

The DAY IS SEE a SHITTER in a SUIT on one,

Yup, the day I see the POLITICIANS and the STINK ELITE out there SWEATING THEIR ASSES off THEN I will BELIEVE!

So when are they GIVING UP the LIMOS!!!?

"Now the question becomes whether enough people will put their lives on the line riding on bicycles along city streets.... "

YOU FIRST, s***-bag!!!!!!!

Am I wrong, readers?

"The hair-raising negotiation of Charles Circle was not the only fright. As the newbie pedaled tentatively through windblown rain.... forcing the rookie’s second screeching halt of the morning"

Hop on, readers!

The federal award, coupled with $2 million in previously pledged local sponsorships and grants, is enough to purchase roughly 500 bicycles and at least 50 rental stations, said Nicole Freedman, who runs Boston Bikes, the program that Mayor Thomas M. Menino created to make Boston more bike-friendly.

Related: The End of Boston's Bike Program

“This takes us over one of the main hurdles with bike share, which is having enough funding to have a launch size that we’re confident will succeed,’’ said Freedman, an Olympic cyclist.

Are you one, readers?

Too few bikes and rental stations could doom the program to irrelevancy, she said....

I hate to break the news to you but it ALREADY IS!

This is simply a way to WASTE TAX LOOT and KEEP HER JOB!

Menino and others did not want to invest tax dollars to start the program when budget cuts were necessary elsewhere.

Where do you think the FEDS GOT the $$$?

Officials expect annual costs to be covered by user fees.

As you TAKE YOUR LIFE into your hands!

The plan is to have people pay for membership, roughly $5 a day or $85 a year, for unlimited access to a network of bikes and stations. The bikes can be rented at one station and returned at another.

I'll KEEP THAT in my POCKET, thank you -- and I will also survive your city!!

Trips shorter than 30 minutes will be free for members, while longer trips will require additional payments....

The city convinced the federal government that bike sharing could be a viable component of a robust, green public transit network.

The DAY the FAT CATS and POLITICIANS get OUT of the LIMOS and JETS will be the day I listen!


And WTF?


"Boy, 13, accused of armed robbery; Charged after alleged attempt to steal a bike" by Globe Staff | June 19, 2010

A 13-year-old Roxbury boy was charged with attempted armed robbery and three counts of assault and battery on police officers after allegedly trying to steal a bike from a 16-year-old boy from Dorchester, Boston police said yesterday....

Police found the victim and were interviewing him when he saw the suspect ride up on another bike and said, “That’s the guy who wanted to take my bike.’’

Officers stopped the suspect, who allegedly gave them several false names. Once the suspect’s identity was confirmed, the officers discovered he had several outstanding warrants. The suspect resisted arrest and kicked officers while they were trying to handcuff him, police said....

The Suffolk district attorney’s office said yesterday the youth has apparently been missing from home and school since April and was the subject of a warrant obtained by the Department of Probation regarding prior delinquency convictions.

Prosecutors from District Attorney Daniel F. Conley’s office recommended $25,000 bail and orders that, if the suspect does post bail, that he be released only to a parent, that he abide by a 6 p.m. curfew, that he attend school, and that he stay away from the victim, a spokesman for the office said yesterday.

A court clerk set bail at $1,000 and imposed only the stay-away order.

The case will return to court for a bail review on June 30.


I think I'll just stay out of Boston completely.