Monday, July 5, 2010

No Heart in the Heartland

Before beginning this post I just want the reader to consider that the pro-illegals, agenda-pushing paper that supposedly cares for them are the same folks that brought them the globalization scheme that undercut local industries and agriculture, forced populations to flee to cities and other countries for jobs, and is using them for their own personal pleasure and profit.


illegal immigrants, who mow the lawns, trim the hedges, clean the swimming pools, park the cars, serve the hors d'oeuvres, tidy up the mansions, and do many of the other things that make life so enjoyable for the rich"

How does it feel to be used after being sold the American dream?

Related: Illegals Already Have Amnesty

Also see: Hitching a Ride With Homeland Security

Plus the wealthy don't have to bother with icky-pooh health and social security taxes, etc.

It's a FRAUD DEBATE, folks, and is there to DIVERT YOUR ATTENTION as the New World Order is constructed piece by piece in front of your eyes.

And when you try to stop it and stand up for your community and the rule of law you are attacked by the agenda-pushing press.

"Immigration measure heads to Neb. voters; Divisive ordinance would ban hiring, renting to illegal residents" by Timberly Ross, Associated Press | June 21, 2010

FREMONT, Neb. — Angered by a recent influx of Hispanic workers attracted by jobs at local meatpacking plants, voters in the eastern Nebraska city of Fremont will decide today whether to ban hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants.

See: How to Take Over and Occupy a U.S. Town

The vote will be the culmination of a two-year fight that saw proponents collect enough signatures to put the question to a public vote. If the ordinance is approved, the community of 25,000 people could face a long and costly court battle. Either way, the emotions stirred up will not settle quickly....

Where everything seems to end up in free AmeriKa these days.

Also see: Around AmeriKa: Cornhusker Abortion Law Goes to Court

Hey, what do you know, another divisive issue pushed by my paper.

Across the nation, people have expressed anger about — and demanded action against — the poor enforcement of federal laws to prevent illegal immigration....


Your FAILED STATE of a GOVERNMENT has FAILED to PROTECT the BORDERS be it the southern land border or the oil washing up in the Gulf.


Fremont’s Hispanic population has surged in the past two decades, boosted by recruitment to the Fremont Beef and Hormel plants, and the city maintains an enviably low unemployment rate. Nonetheless, residents worry that the jobs are going to illegal immigrants who they fear could be a drain on community resources....

Actually, they are because of the medical and schools systems, but if you say that the MSM and culture brand you racist.

And if you say, well, then end the wars and bank looting you are anti-Semitic.

Supporters of the proposal say it is needed to make up for what they see as lax enforcement by federal officials. Opponents say it could fuel discrimination.

Ron Tillery, executive director of the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, which opposes the measure, said businesses are concerned that the E-Verify system is not reliable and that they would be subject to fines if forced to rely on it. He pointed out that the main targets of the ordinance, the Fremont Beef and Hormel plants, would not be covered by it anyway because they are located outside the city....

As we used to say, MUCH ADO about NOTHING!

BIDNESS gets what it wants in AmeriKa!



"Neb. town backs illegal immigration rules" by Associated Press | June 22, 2010

FREMONT, Neb. — Voters in the eastern Nebraska city of Fremont yesterday approved a ban on hiring or renting property to illegal immigrants, the latest proposal in a series of immigration regulations taken up by communities around the country.

Well, GOOD for THEM!!

About 57 percent of voters in Fremont supported the proposal, according to unofficial results that must be certified by the election commissioner. The measure is likely to face a long and costly court battle, with the American Civil Liberties Union saying it will try to block it before it goes into effect....

I know the ACLU does some good work; however, they have not stopped torture and when you think about what have they really accomplished?

They surely have NOT protected our civil liberties the last ten years.

WASHINGTON — Advocates demanding stricter rules against illegal immigration, including those backing Arizona’s new law clamping down on undocumented immigrants, have long argued that state lawmakers have been forced to act because of Congress’s reluctance to take the lead.

But with little sign that Congress will act on comprehensive immigration reform this year, advocates for immigrants are also taking matters into their own hands. Like their political opponents, they have turned to their state legislatures to fight back....

Yeah, the rest of the agenda-pushing WaPo PoS is all pro-illegals.


And are THESE PEOPLE TRULY looking out for YOUR INTERESTS, American?

NEW YORK — Chief executives of several major corporations, including Hewlett-Packard, Boeing, Disney, and News Corp., are joining New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to form a coalition advocating for changes to US immigration policy — including a path to legal status for undocumented immigrants now in the United States.

Yeah, I CAN SEE WHY the RICH SOPS would want AMNESTY!!

The group includes several other big-city mayors and calls itself the Partnership for a New American Economy. It seeks to reframe immigration reform as the solution to repairing and stimulating the economy.

Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of News Corp., appeared together yesterday on Fox News to discuss the effort.


“We’re just going to keep the pressure on the congressmen,’’ Murdoch said. “I think we can show to the public the benefits of having migrants and the jobs that go with them.’’

Bloomberg said, “Somebody has to lead and explain to the country why this is in our interest.’’

In statements yesterday, the chief executives said that their companies — and the nation — depend on immigrants....

Yeah, and you SEE WHY from ABOVE!


Not only are they SELF-SERVING SLIME, but they are DISINGENUOUS A**HOLES, too!!!!!

The group says it intends to make its point to policymakers by “publishing studies, conducting polls, convening forums, and sponsoring public education campaigns.’’

Translation; They are going to PAY for a TON of PROPAGANDA that they are going to THROW AT YOU in the coming months, American!

This as the ECONOMY SETTLES into what history will record as the GRAND DEPRESSION and the END of AmeriKan Empire!

The tactics are similar to those used by Bloomberg’s coalition of mayors who support gun control.

And they have FAILED!

Bloomberg has for years criticized the federal government for its immigration laws, proposing in 2006 a plan that would have established a DNA or fingerprint database to track and verify all legal US workers.


He has recently taken up the fight again, declaring this week that US immigration policy “is national suicide.’’

Why don't you hop on that bus, Mike!?

“If you want to solve the unemployment problem in America, you have to open the doors to immigrants who will come here, create businesses, because when the tide comes in, everybody’s boat rises,’’ Bloomberg told reporters yesterday. “We need more immigrants, not less.’’

Oh, THAT ECONOMIC PHILOSOPHY went DOWN in the 1980s, Mike!!!!!!



Two massive fences along the long and porous southern border.... the structure would help preserve Israel’s Jewish majority.... we cannot allow thousands of illegal workers to infiltrate into Israel via the southern border and flood our country.’’


William Gheen, president of the Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, which supports strict immigration laws, called the chief executives “traitors’’ and said he and his supporters are discussing a possible boycott of the companies involved.

“What is it with these billionaires who want to betray Americans that have made them who they are?’’ Gheen said. “This country club doesn’t seem to care about anything but their money and power.


“Millions of Americans are unemployed and underemployed, and they want to turn millions of illegals into voters.’’

Ahhhhhh, yes, NOW WE SEE!!!!


Besides, it is ALL a BIG JOKE, right, Glob?

"Farm jobs create seed for Colbert’s work spoof" by Juliana Barbassa, Associated Press | June 25, 2010

Another self-promoting PoS that simply is no longer funny.

Related: A Self-Promoter of the Worst Kind

Of course, how would I know? I never watch.

SAN FRANCISCO — In a tongue-in-cheek call for new immigration policies, farm workers are teaming up with comedian Stephen Colbert to challenge unemployed Americans: Come on, take our jobs.

Then the rich would be unhappy and they would have to pay a wide variety of taxes.

Arturo Rodriguez, the president of the United Farm Workers, said workers are tired of being blamed for taking American jobs.

Now the group is challenging the nation’s unemployed citizens to apply for the some of the thousands of agricultural jobs posted with state agencies. The group said applicants can fill out an online form to be trained and connected to farms.

Oh, that is why the want ads in the paper are razor-thin.

According to the Labor Department, more than half the nation’s farm workers are illegal immigrants.

Comedy Central’s “Colbert Report’’ plans to feature the “Take Our Jobs’’ campaign on July 8.

Stephen Colbert will feature the “Take Our Jobs’’ campaign  on July 8.

Stephen Colbert will feature the “Take Our Jobs’’ campaign on July 8. (Jim Cooper/Associated Press/File)

Yeah, you can $mile like that when you are not hurting for work.


Also see: Occupation Iraq: The Colbert Report

I'm so sick of frauds on television... and here is the BIGGEST FRAUD of ALL!

"Obama turns to ‘broken’ immigration system; Seeks to frame debate prior to fall election" by Peter Baker, New York Times | July 2, 2010

Covered by the most fraudulent AmeriKan newspaper!

WASHINGTON — President Obama pressed Congress yesterday to adopt a sweeping plan to fix a “fundamentally broken’’ immigration system, taking on a volatile issue that has inflamed passions in a weak economy heading into the fall midterm campaign....

The president’s decision to elevate the issue reflected more of a political strategy than a legislative one, because the White House has no plan to actually push a bill this year through a Congress already consumed by other issues. Instead, Obama’s focus appeared intended to frame the debate for the approaching election....


The MSM is trying to make the NEXT ELECTION be about gays and immigrants!

Well, it is going to be about the wars, looting, and support for war-criminal Israel because WE are the PEOPLE WHO CARE and WHO VOTE!!!!!

I found that out this Fourth!

Republicans fired back, casting Obama’s speech as cynical demagoguery and arguing that the real problem is an administration that does not do enough to enforce laws already on the books. Moreover, they said, with 15 million Americans now unemployed, this is the wrong time to loosen the rules on the estimated 8 million illegal immigrants currently in the work force.

“We could cut unemployment in half simply by reclaiming the jobs taken by illegal workers,’’ said Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, cochairman of the Reclaim American Jobs Caucus. “President Obama is on the wrong side of the American people on immigration. The president should support policies that help citizens and legal immigrants find the jobs they need and deserve, rather than fail to enforce immigration laws.’’


The immigration debate has flared in recent weeks....

Yes, because of the AGENDA-PUSHING MSM!

The White House has been under pressure to tackle an overhaul of immigration policy this year on the assumption that it could face a more hostile Congress after the November election. The president met separately this week with immigration advocates and with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.


His attention to the issue was also a favor to Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Democratic leader, who promised to pursue legislation as he battles for reelection in a state with a rising Hispanic population.

What is great about that is BULLS*** doesn't cost you anything -- except credibility, that is.

Better get chasing it, Obama, because it's gone from your presidency.

Obama invited Reid to meet at the White House after yesterday’s speech.

Obama made clear he had little interest in carving out some elements of immigration policy that might pass this year, instead insisting on a comprehensive package like the one proposed by Senator Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat, and Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican.

See: Illegal Amnesty Next On Obama's Agenda

But, but, but... NYT said no.

The senators’ plan would create a process for Social Security cards with biometric data like fingerprints or retinal patterns to help ensure that illegal workers could not get jobs.

The president used yesterday’s speech to praise the contributions of immigrants to US society and to reject the most dramatic solutions to illegal migration. Mass deportations would be “logistically impossible and wildly expensive,’’ he said, but blanket amnesty is “unwise and unfair’’ to those who played by the rules.

Unless, of course, you are ISRAEL!!


He also used the opportunity to repeat his opposition to Arizona’s new law, calling it divisive and a bad precedent....

What is divisive is the agenda-pushing megaphones we call newspapers.


Also see: Detained to Death

Antiterror tactic is assailed, defended

The Illegal Immigrant Imprisonment Industry

Clear the Court: Boning Immigrants

Starting to GET a CLUE about AmeriKa now?

Yeah, TOO BAD the SAME FORCES that are "looking out for you" are simply USING YOU, immigrants as a source of cheap labor and scapegoat after their policies forced you to flee your country!