Tuesday, July 6, 2010

United Liars in Afghanistan

I routinely dismiss anything the United Nations says these days anyway.

Just another tool of the Israelis, just like AmeriKa's newspapers.


The Afghan puppet government is crumbling before our eyes. We must talk to the Taliban

As one of the tribal elders from the village of Jegdalek asked me: 'How many times can they apologise for killing our innocent women and children and expect us to forgive them?

'They come, they bomb, they kill us and then they say: "Oh, sorry, we got the wrong people."

'And they keep doing that.’

Keep that in mind as you plow through the AmeriKan MSM horse shit.

"Insurgent violence on rise in Afghanistan, UN says; But US causes fewer deaths of civilians" by Rod Nordland, New York Times | June 20, 2010

KABUL, Afghanistan — With an average of an assassination a day and a suicide bombing every second or third day, insurgents have greatly increased the level of violence in Afghanistan, and have become by far the biggest killers of civilians here, the United Nations said in a report released publicly yesterday.

The report also confirms statistics from the NATO coalition, which claimed a continuing decrease in civilian deaths caused by the US military and allies.

I thought something smelled familiar.

At the same time, it blames stepped-up military operations for an overall increase in violence....


The report depicted a concerted effort by insurgents to deliberately single out civilians....

Please, WATCH WERE YOU are STEPPING, readers!

"Now stop and think here for a moment. All revolutions depend on public support. Revolutionaries try to first win the people before they take on the government. So, no revolutionary goes out and murders civilians in cold blood. Did Washington and his men just mow down a marketplace of their fellow colonials for the heck of it? No, they did not. Washington and the Founding Fathers knew that their revolution to build a new country needed the support of those who would live in that country. This is true for every revolution in history. Therefore, these acts of terror being blamed on the insurgency must all be fakes, committed by intelligence agencies working for the governments to be blamed on the insurgents in order to destroy public support for the revolution
." -- Wake the Flock Up


"The Taliban is growing and creating new alliances not because its sectarian religious practices have become popular, but because it is the only available umbrella for national liberation," says Pakistani historian and political commentator Tariq Ali. "As the British and the Soviets discovered to their cost in the preceding two centuries, Afghans never like being occupied."

Also see:
Afghanistan's Other Government

And today, readers?

"More and more, people here look back to the era of harsh Taliban rule from 1996 to 2001, describing it as a time of security and

Oh, oh, oh!!!! I'm so offended by the AmeriKan MSM and its bullshit!

Without providing statistics, the report singled out “escalation of force’’ episodes for casualties inflicted by the coalition.

Oh, the "report" had NO NUMBERS or EVIDENCE for the MURDERS of the OCCUPATION, huh?

A f***ing PoS U.N REPORT is what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are episodes in which civilians are killed at military checkpoints or near military convoys, often because they fail to understand or to heed orders.

Yeah, it is ONLY THEIR COUNTRY which we LIBERATED for them, right? How can you CALL THIS JOURNALISM? What PoS "reporting!"

Oh, right, it's the NYT!

The report, which was released by the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, cited the military’s efforts to minimize such casualties, including a public information campaign, non-lethal warning methods, and “a reiteration of the July 2009 tactical directive by the commander of the International Security Assistance Force limiting the use of force.’’ The commander, General Stanley A. McChrystal, has emphasized the reduction of civilian casualties as a key goal of the war effort.

In an unrelated news conference in Kabul yesterday, a spokesman for NATO, Brigadier General Josef Blotz, gave a similar assessment, although it was based on a different set of NATO statistics on civilian casualties....

I now view the U.N as EVIL, folks!

Wherever they go they bring MISERY with them!


Of course, NATO is ATTACKING MORE and KILLING LESS, according to my PoS paper!

"NATO launches more strikes on Taliban leaders; Strategy mimics tactics used on Iraq insurgents" by Deb Riechmann, Associated Press | July 2, 2010

KABUL, Afghanistan — After a four-hour gunfight, US and Afghan troops seized a key Taliban figure as part of a strategy that NATO officials said yesterday had eliminated more than 100 insurgent leaders in the past four months.


The campaign to disrupt the Taliban’s midlevel command structure is moving into high gear just as a new Afghan government is poised to offer economic incentives to entice low-level foot soldiers off the battlefield — a twin approach to pressure the Taliban’s top echelon into seeking peace.

Are YOU TIRED of the MSM BULLSHIT, readers, because I HAVE HAD IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The campaign against the Taliban leadership, a strategy used successfully against both Sunni and Shi’ite insurgents in Iraq, is intensifying at a time of rising violence and growing concern in Washington and other allied capitals over the direction of the war....

When we are KILLING SO MANY Taliban leaders?

What STINKS about THIS ARTICLE, 'eh?

Surprise attacks against the Taliban leadership are carried out mostly by US special operations troops, whose numbers in Afghanistan have tripled in the past year....

But we are KILLING LESS PEOPLE with our CIA-sponsored ASSASSINS!

Also see:The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Blackening Out Blackwater Assassins

The Boston Globe Bucks Up the CIA

"Al-CIA-Duh" Invades Afghanistan

CIA Assassins Lend a Helping Hand in Afghanistan

CIA Strike Teams Swoop Into Afghanistan

More Assassins Headed to Afghanistan

Petraeus' Private Eyes

Yup, MORE MURDER on the WAY from the guy who "pioneered" it!

The latest reported capture happened Wednesday night when a prominent local Taliban leader was seized and 31 insurgents killed at a compound in the remote Baghran district in the northern part of Helmand province.

Taliban fighters fired rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns before troops ordered an air strike on their compound.

Yeah, NOTHING HAS CHANGED despite the pronouncements by war criminals from on high.

Troops seized several other insurgents as well as dozens of automatic weapons, grenade launchers, and 20 pounds of opium, NATO said.

So who planted that stuff at the scene?

There were no Afghan or NATO casualties, the alliance said....

As efforts to dismantle the Taliban’s midlevel leadership structure intensify, the Afghan government is working to persuade the lower-level Taliban fighters to lay down their weapons and return to their villages. This week, President Hamid Karzai signed a decree to launch the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program, offering protection, jobs, literacy and vocational training, plus development aid.

So WHEN are YOU going to get THOSE THINGS from YOUR GOVERNMENT, Americans?

And here you are TOSSING AWAY BILLIONS over DAMN LIES!!!
