"It is foolishness to look at “militant Islamists” and the CIA Special Forces teams who are sent in to fight them as two separate entities, without realizing that they are one and the same. In Central Asia, the scary “Islamists” appear, as if by magic, wherever the oil companies have an interest."
"CIA moves to boost its Afghan operations; Intelligence surge parallels recent military buildup" by Greg Miller, Los Angeles Times | September 21, 2009
WASHINGTON - The CIA is deploying spies, analysts, and paramilitary operatives to Afghanistan, part of a broad intelligence surge that will make the agency’s station there among the largest in CIA history, according to US officials.
When complete, the CIA’s presence in the country is expected to rival the size of its massive stations in Iraq and Vietnam at the height of those wars....
And you know what that means, readers.
Ever hear of the Phoenix Program?
Related: The Boston Globe's Invisible Ink: Blackening Out Blackwater Assassins
The Boston Globe Bucks Up the CIA
Now you know who is crawling around Afghanistan.
The agency’s station is based at the US Embassy in the capital city of Kabul and is led by a veteran with an extensive background in paramilitary operations, officials said. But the bulk of the CIA’s workforce is scattered among secret bases and military outposts in the country....
A recent Senate report criticized the CIA’s role in Afghanistan during the past eight years, saying the agency provided large quantities of money and support to warlords, some of whom had ties to the drug trade and some who parlayed their US backing into high-level positions in the Afghan government.
Look, ANY THINKING PERSON can SEE it is WESTERN INTEL AGENCIES that are directing the drug trade for their globalist masters.
Related: Afghans Need Taliban Return
The spies are being used in a range of assignments - teaming up with special forces units pursuing high-value targets, tracking public sentiment in provinces that have been shifting toward the Taliban, and collecting intelligence on corruption in the Afghan government.
I told you they were ASSASSINATION SQUADS!
And Karzai must be on shaky ground, huh?
The intelligence surge goes beyond the CIA to involve every major spy service, officials said, including the National Security Agency, which intercepts phone calls and e-mails, as well as the Defense Intelligence Agency, which tracks military threats.
No more Taliban phone calls, huh?
The deployments coincide with fresh warnings from US spy services that the insurgency in Afghanistan is gaining territory and strength. “The Taliban is at its most capable level since 2001, when it was ejected from the country,’’ said a Defense Department official who has access to classified intelligence estimates. The official, and others, spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the subject.
They were NEVER EJECTED from the country, liar!
The official said that the Taliban’s geographic gains have slowed only because it has pushed into almost every area with a significant Pashtun population - the tribal networks that make up the Taliban’s home turf.
Hey, what's another lie, right?
"pushed into northern Afghanistan this year for the first time"
“They seem never to have a shortage of manpower,’’ the official said. “And there doesn’t appear to be any shortage of funding.’’
As to the manpower, well, THEY LIVE THERE!!! They are DEFENDING THEIR HOMES!
And you BETTER CHECK with the SAUDIS on the funding!
Officials said that the insurgency is believed to have between 15,000 and 20,000 fighters. The estimates are imprecise, officials said, because there are loose affiliations among the groups, each of which is composed of fighters with varying commitments.
But they are all LUMPED together under the "Taliban" label!
The CIA’s buildup is the latest escalation there. After having only a handful of operatives in Afghanistan after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the agency’s presence climbed to an estimated 150 by the end of 2001, and 300 at the close of 2005.
What crap! Since when is the CIA in the business of handing out statistics and operation levels, huh? I'm smelling propaganda!
The influx parallels the US military expansion, and comes at a time when the nation’s spy services are under pressure from Army General Stanley A. McChrystal to improve intelligence on the Taliban and find ways to reverse unsettling trends.
Among them are a two-fold increase in roadside bombs, a growing sophistication in the assaults aimed at coalition troops, and evidence that a Taliban group has developed an assembly-line approach to grooming suicide bombers and supplying them to other organizations.
US officials have also been alarmed by a more sophisticated suicide attack - sending multiple fighters armed with guns to carry out coordinated assaults before detonating their bombs.
--more--"You know, I'm so tired of the propaganda that I'm not taking this kind of talk seriously anymore:

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-- Your friends at Boston.com--Obama wants Afghan mission clarified before deciding on more troops--"
I'm also sick to death of the DAMN CENSORSHIP of the Boston Globe!
"Obama: Afghan troops decision can wait
WASHINGTON (AP) — An expected request for U.S. reinforcements...
Media reports Friday and Saturday said Gen. Stanley McChrystal has finished it but was told to pocket it, partly because of the charged politics surrounding the decision....
McChrystal found security worse than he expected when he took command this summer to lead what Obama described as a narrowed, intensive campaign to uproot al-Qaida and prevent the terrorist group from again using Afghanistan as a safe haven.
In the interviews taped Friday at the White House, Obama mentioned concerns about the "mission creep" that befell former President George W. Bush's attempt to build and prop up a viable democratic government in a country unaccustomed to central rule and sensitive to foreign meddling.
Who isn't?
Obama said he's asking this question now of the military regarding his plan: "How does this advance America's national security interests? How does it make sure that al-Qaida and its extremist allies cannot attack the United States homeland, our allies, our troops who are based in Europe?"
"If supporting the Afghan national government and building capacity for their army and securing certain provinces advances that strategy, then we'll move forward," the president continued. "But if it doesn't, then I'm not interested in just being in Afghanistan for the sake of being in Afghanistan or saving face."
--more--"And I'm no longer interested in his or the MSM's double-talking lies.