And do you know how sick I am of seeing this?

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-- Your friends at Deal with 'Blue Dogs' sets up health care vote--"
I guess I waited too long because I can't find it on the web, either. Why you gotta remove and rewrite healthcare articles is beyond me.
Manual type then.
"Legislators relent on healthcare cost; Obama asserts plan will protect US consumers" by Liz Sidoti and David Espo, Associated Press | July 30, 2009
WASHINGTON -- Congress reported progress yesterday on legislation to overhaul the nation's healthcare system, as President Obama asserted the plan would protect Americans and limit insurers' power.
"We have a system today that works well for the insurance industry, but it doesn't always work well for you," Obama told more than 2,000 people in a Raleigh, N.C., high school gymnasium. "What we need, and what we will have when we pass these reforms, are health insurance consumer protections to make sure that those who have insurance are treated fairly and insurance companies are held accountable."
Why should we HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT? I mean, they are SUPPOSED to be ABOUT OUR HEALTH, right?
The pitch was part of a retooled message intended to regain momentum for the overhaul. In the pitch he also made at a grocery store in Bristol, Va., Obama pledged that any bill he signs will include....
Whatever. That was two months ago.
Some things haven't changed, though.
But as word of the agreement spread, liberals objected. "They have no idea how many people are against this," said Representative Lynn Woolsey of California, head of the Progressive Caucus. "They can't possibly be taking us seriously if they are going to bring this forward."
No, they do not, Lynn. Isn't it obvious, from the wars right on down?
House Republicans also opposed the legislation....
But unlike Democratic proposals, the GOP plan wouldn't require individuals to get coverage or employers to offer it.... "
Sorry, can't give you a link because there is none.
"Houses presses on with healthcare pact; more delays in Senate
WASHINGTON - House Democrats pushed ahead with a compromise health overhaul yesterday over liberals’ complaints, intent on achieving tangible, if modest, success on President Obama’s top domestic priority ahead of a monthlong summer recess that could start as soon as today....
The concessions made to the so-called Blue Dog Democrats infuriated House liberals, who threatened yesterday to vote against the bill if it comes to the floor without a stronger public plan. “This agreement is not a step forward toward a good healthcare bill, but a large step backwards,’’ 53 Progressive Caucus members said in a letter to House leaders yesterday.
Some details of the deal remained murky....
They backed away from that threat about two months later.
"Public option still has defenders; Obama’s critics cool to concession" by David Espo, Associated Press | August 18, 2009
WASHINGTON - .... complaints from liberals....
Liberals in and out of Congress were careful not to criticize Obama directly, but they made clear their unhappiness with his latest move.
“Leaving private insurance companies the job of controlling the costs of health care is like making a pyromaniac the fire chief,’’ said Representative Anthony Weiner, a New York Democrat who is one of dozens of Democrats who favor creation of a so-called “single payer’’ approach under which the government would take over the health care system. He predicted that the bill won’t pass in the Democratic-controlled House without the public plan....
I like his position, but the threat is just liberal bluster.
"Foes try to reclaim ground on health care bill
Two letters told the tale of the health care debate yesterday.
Sixty House Democrats penned a letter of protest to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who prompted a rebellion by liberals by saying Sunday that the “public option’’ - a government plan to compete with private insurers - was not an “essential element’’ of a health care overhaul as far as the Obama administration was concerned.
“The opportunity to improve access to health care is a onetime opportunity,’’ wrote the leaders of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus. “Americans deserve reform that is real - not smoke and mirrors. We cannot rely solely on the insurance companies’ good faith efforts to provide for our constituents.’’
Sebelius and the White House tried to get back on message yesterday, saying that Obama still prefers a public option, though he is open to other ways to create competition to private insurers. A new poll out yesterday showed that Americans are divided on the public plan. According to the NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey, 47 percent of Americans oppose a government plan to compete with private insurers, while 43 percent support the idea.
If it is not single payer, I don't want it.
Meanwhile, House GOP leader John Boehner wrote to Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America president and CEO Billy Tauzin, urging him to reconsider the drug industry’s support of Obama’s health care push - what Boehner described as “Washington Democrats’ government takeover of health care.’’
The drug industry agreed to kick in $80 billion in savings over 10 years to help pay for the overhaul and help fund an ad campaign backing an overhaul. In return, the White House agreed not to push for additional concessions.
“Appeasement rarely works as a conflict resolution strategy,’’ Boehner writes. “This is as true in the arena of policymaking as it is in schoolyards across America. When a bully asks for your lunch money, you may have no choice but to fork it over. But cutting a deal with the bully is a different story, particularly if the ‘deal’ means helping him steal others’ money as the price of protecting your own.’’
Tell it to Israel, Boner!
And look what got another mention, though much too late.
"Study finds lack of insurance can be lethal" by Elizabeth Cooney, Globe Staff | September 18, 2009
.... A new study says the lack of coverage translates into nearly 45,000 deaths each year among working-age Americans....
Coauthor Dr. Steffie Woolhandler, who advocates a single-payer form of universal health coverage, blamed three factors for the widening gap between those with and without insurance....
Of course, we are not getting anything near that.
Dr. John Z. Ayanian, a professor of medicine and health policy at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, said, “This study underscores the serious health consequences that people face when they are uninsured, as well as the potential benefit of extending coverage to all Americans so that they have access to good primary and specialty care when they need it.’’
You mean, like what Congress gets?