Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boston Medical Center Blood Bank

It's where they dump their waste.

"BMC fined for waste disposal" by Patrick G. Lee, Globe Correspondent | July 15, 2010

The state Department of Environmental Protection fined Boston Medical Center nearly $39,000 for improperly sending hazardous medical waste to a disposal facility in Roxbury not licensed to handle such infectious waste.

Joe Ferson, a spokesman for the department, said yesterday that the incident last year was an isolated case that occurred because the hospital’s autoclave, which sterilizes medical waste before it is shredded, was broken....

In May 2009, the state’s Environmental Strike Force received a complaint about medical waste being left on Howard Street in Roxbury. The investigators used surveillance-camera footage to track down the source of the garbage, which included used blood bags and biohazardous materials, and eventually determined that BMC had sent it to a waste facility on Norfolk Street.


Also see: Boston Medical Bonus

Another kind of dumping.