Thursday, August 5, 2010

BP's Revolving Door in Russia

They just swapped places and you expect us to be fooled?

BP's Dudley Do-Right Rides to the Rescue

"BP’s next leader meets with Russian officials" by Andrew E. Kramer, New York Times | August 5, 2010

MOSCOW — BP’s next chief executive, Robert Dudley, met with senior Russian officials yesterday to discuss the company’s lucrative business here as he began shifting focus from plugging the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico to selling assets to pay for its cleanup.

BP pumps more crude oil in Russia than it does in the United States, including the Gulf of Mexico, and over the years its relations with the authorities here have been as delicate as any today with the governors of states along the Gulf Coast....

Dudley was accompanied by BP’s current chief executive, Tony Hayward, who is losing that position after BP’s bungled response to the spill and who is also no stranger to Russia. Hayward served on the board of the TNK-BP joint venture in recent years, and will return to the position when he steps down as chief on Oct. 1.

With a whopping $18 million pay out!


Dudley is also an old hand, having been chief executive in Moscow of TNK-BP from 2003 to 2008, when he was forced out in a dispute between BP and a group of Russian oligarchs who own the other half of the operation here.

Russians have oligarchs; AmeriKa doesn't.

That dispute has been smoothed over....

I wonder why that i$.
