Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't Go to the Doctor

"Healthcare System or Disease Industry?

August 2nd, 2009

Walter Goodpastor

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” - Adolf Hitler

Billions of dollars are pumped into the U.S. “healthcare” system annually, and therein lies the problem. According to Transparency International’s influential Global Corruption Report 2006, medical care is one of the most corrupt industries in the world – precisely because such an enormous amount of public wealth is made available to those who profit from it....


In reality, the U.S. does not have a “healthcare” system. It has a national socialist (fascist) disease treatment industry whereby certain politically favored entities are awarded a monopoly over the medical services market by government and allowed to defeat their competitors through restrictive government regulations and licensing. This philosophy of private profits obtained through public funding is the defining characteristic of all fascist systems, and in such systems, such human values as health and wellbeing always take a back seat to private profiteering.

This corrupt disease industry extracts, by a combination of deception and coercion, public funds in the form of taxes and insurance premiums from “we the people” and channels these funds into the private pockets of the disease industry cabal. This cabal consists of organized medicine, for-profit hospitals (these hospitals are anything but free-market entities), pharmaceutical corporations, biotech/medical equipment corporations, health insurance corporations, corporate executives and majority stockholders, and of course, an ever-growing horde of government bureaucrats. The cabal has control over the mass media; the ability to amass legions of lawyers and public relations experts to advance their interests; freedom from liability for their misdeeds and the right to amass unlimited property and financial resources. Because they are allowed to contribute to individual candidates, political parties and PACs and then deduct those contributions from taxable income, they are able to extend their control over democratic institutions. In addition, those who issue corporate stock often bribe politicians with insider information. In America, healthcare cost and risk are socialized, while healthcare profits are privatized.

Although the American people obviously want health and wellness, as signaled by their willingness to fund the growth of alternative medicine to the tune of several billion dollars a year out of pocket, the cabal has no interest in health and wellness. Its business plan is based on maximizing profits by keeping Americans dependent, ignorant, and in a state of chronic disease while pushing drugs, surgery and other treatments that do nothing to address the root causes of poor health. They have no interest in disease prevention, and none of them has a plan for making Americans well.

High profits are made through treating disease, not prevention. Therefore, “we-the-people” get toxic vaccines, toxic drugs, unnecessary mutilating surgeries, immune system destroying chemotherapy and radiation. Antibiotics, the only medications they offer that actually cure anything, have been overused to the point that they are becoming ineffective....

The cancer industry is simply a huge cash cow for vested interests in both government and the private sector… another uber fascist scam that has accomplished nothing but the transfer of hundreds of billions in public wealth into private pockets....

True healthcare reform is sorely needed, but the proposals now under consideration would do nothing to improve the health of the American people because they “reform” nothing. They simply increase the velocity and volume of flow of public money into the pockets of politically favored private entities....

Anyone reading this is also likely to be possessed of the knowledge and intelligence to realize that the best answer while Nero fiddles, is to reform our own personal healthcare by doing everything we can to avoid these people. This means living a healthy lifestyle, consuming a nutrient-dense, biogenetically appropriate diet of uncontaminated food, and seeking out qualified natural health and wellness advisors when needed. So don’t eat corporate food, don’t take corporate drugs, avoid unnecessary medical procedures, and try very hard to stay out of hospitals!
