Related: Obama on Vineyard Vacation
So what was the final haul?
"Democratic Party brought in big donations last month
WASHINGTON — The Democratic National Committee is expected to report its second best fund-raising of this election cycle — an $11.5 million haul last month that leaves them with $10.8 million in the bank....
That will pay for the PARTIES!
See: Democrats Caught With Drawers Down
Think of that the next time that phone call from the political party comes.
Tell them YOU HEARD they were raising LOTS of MONEY and ask the caller why they are lying to you!
With its July total, the Democrats have raised nearly $65 million this year. Tim Kaine, party chairman, has committed to spending $50 million toward this year’s midterm election, including $20 million in transfers to state and national party committees....
The rest will be spent partying.
Yes, a well-earned rest for Obomber.
He worked hard gathering all that cash and contributing to the global warming problem.
"Out of the fray, onto the Vineyard; Obama begins not-so-carefree vacation" by Mark Arsenault, Globe Staff | August 20, 2010
TISBURY — President Obama returned to the cooling breezes of Martha’s Vineyard yesterday to begin a 10-day break from Washington’s oppressive heat and partisan atmosphere, leaving with a parting shot at Republicans’ “obstruction.’’
Although Obama left the usual tit-for-tat dialogue of Washington behind, it was harder to shed worries about a sputtering economy and unhappy voters as he returned to the Vineyard for his second summer. The get-away may well prove to be less carefree than last year, when he was buoyed by popular support....
He arrived aboard the Marine One helicopter at Martha’s Vineyard airport, landing in a swirl of dust amid tight security at 2:40 p.m.
Obama, without a tie or jacket, was met by a convoy of five dark sport utility vehicles, which led a motorcade of police and media....
More global warming gases into the atmosphere.
The motorcade traveled along winding island roads, which were mostly empty of people, although in some sections, a few dozen people waved American flags and cheered as he passed. One woman gave the motorcade a sour thumbs-down.
Michelle Obama and the couple’s children, Malia and Sasha, traveled separately, arriving unannounced on the island about three hours before the president on a sunny New England summer afternoon.
See: AmeriKa's Marie Antoinette
And more global warming gases up into the atmosphere.
The family chose to return to Martha’s Vineyard in part for its natural beauty, beaches, and food, said Bill Burton, Obama’s deputy press secretary.
Why didn't he stay down in the Gulf and set a good example?
Didn't want to get poisoned and sick?
“And it’s someplace that the president went before he was president and likes to go back because it’s a comfortable place where he can rest and recharge the batteries a little bit.’’
Before that could start, however, the president took care of several outstanding issues....
Obama bypassed the Senate confirmation process and installed three midlevel agency officials and a diplomat whose nominations had been held up by partisan squabbling by as much as 14 months....
Some change.
There could hardly be a better time for Obama to get out of Washington.
More Americans disapprove of the way he is handling his job than those who approve, according to numerous public polls. This despite the president’s many legislative and policy achievements this year — including the passage of a Wall Street financial overhaul, a $26 billion aid package for struggling state governments, extensions of benefits for unemployed Americans, and last spring’s exhausting victory on landmark legislation to overhaul the health care industry.
Don't you mean BECAUSE OF, Globe?
But the nation’s unemployment rate is stubbornly stuck at 9.5 percent, and Democrats are bracing for steep losses in the midterm elections, which could cost the party control of the US House of Representatives just four years after retaking the chamber in 2006.
Because they DID NOT DO WHAT WE WANTED THEM to do!!
“We’ve returned to a state where Americans are widely pessimistic about the future,’’ said Jeffrey Berry, a political scientist at Tufts University. “They’ve lost confidence that the president knows what direction he’s going on the economy. This president’s accomplishments are real and they’re important, but for most Americans they don’t touch them in a large way yet.’’
Plans, of course, are subject to unpredictable events....
“The bottom line here is that Americans don’t believe in President Obama’s leadership. He has to find some way between now and November of demonstrating that he is a leader who can command confidence and, short of a 9/11 event or an Oklahoma City bombing, I can’t think of how he could do that.”
"Al-CIA-Duh" going to strike on the ninth anniversary of 9/11?
"Poll suggests more Americans confused about Obama’s religion
WASHINGTON — Americans increasingly are convinced — incorrectly — that President Obama is a Muslim, and a growing number are thoroughly confused about his religion.
As for my s***-headed fellow citizens, I have never been so ashamed.
Nearly one in five people, or 18 percent, said they think Obama is Muslim, up from the 11 percent who said so in March 2009, according to a poll released yesterday. The proportion of respondents who correctly said he is a Christian was down to just 34 percent.
Then why does he act like a Zionist Jew?
The largest share, 43 percent, said they do not know his religion, an increase from 34 percent who said that in early 2009.
Ignorant -- like most AmeriKans.
The survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center and its affiliated Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life, is based on interviews conducted before the controversy over whether Muslims should be permitted to construct a mosque near the World Trade Center site. Obama has said he believes Muslims have the right to build an Islamic center there, though he has also said he will not take a position on whether they should build it.
In a poll by Time magazine/ABT SRBI conducted Monday and Tuesday — after Obama’s comments about the mosque — 24 percent said they think he is Muslim, 47 percent think he is Christian, and 24 percent did not know or did not respond.
In addition, 61 percent opposed building the Muslim center near the Trade Center site and 26 percent said they favor it.
Why is this such an issue?
In response, the White House sought to tamp down growing doubts among Americans about the president’s religion.
As Obama headed out for his vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, White House spokesman Bill Burton told reporters aboard Air Force One that most Americans care more about the economy and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and “they are not reading a lot of news about what religion the president is.’’
Then WHY is the MSM pushing RACE, IMMIGRATION, MUSLIMS, and the MOSQUE?
Burton added, “The president is obviously a Christian.’’
But he acts like a real.....
The Pew poll indicated that about three in 10 of Obama’s fiercest political rivals, Republicans and conservatives, say he is a Muslim. That is up significantly from last year and far higher than the share of Democrats and liberals who say so. But even among his supporters, the number saying he is a Christian has fallen since 2009, with just 43 percent of blacks and 46 percent of Democrats saying he is.
WTF is WRONG with you IDIOTS out there?
Is it the DRUGS in the WATER?
Among independents, 18 percent say Obama is Muslim — up from 10 percent last year.
Pew analysts attribute the findings to attacks by his opponents and Obama’s limited attendance at religious services, in contrast with Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, whose worship was more public.
It is rumored that Satan can quote scripture, so some mass-murdering, war-criminal scum stepping across the threshold of a church should not be much of a problem.
Andrew Kohut, the Pew Research Center’s director, said the confusion reflects “the intensification of negative views about Obama among his critics.’’
And the FAILURE of the agenda-pushing MSM press.
Alan Cooperman, the Pew Forum’s associate director for research, said that with the public hearing little about Obama’s religion, “maybe there’s more possibility for other people to make suggestions that the president is this or he’s really that or he’s really a Muslim.’’
Obama is the Christian son of a Kenyan Muslim father and a Kansas mother. From age 6 to 10, Obama lived in predominantly Muslim Indonesia with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. His full name, Barack Hussein Obama, sounds Muslim to many.
While living in Chicago, he was a member of Trinity United Church of Christ....
I'm surprised the article didn't mention Reverend Wright.
Also see: 9/11: Mosques and Memories
And I thought you might find this interesting, readers:""Oil spill and Iraq combat over, Obama takes break MEDIA SCRAMBLES TO CHANGE "Oil spill and Iraq combat over, Obama takes break"
This is a search page for the story "Oil spill and Iraq combat over, Obama takes break" posted earlier today. Apparently the reaction has been quite negative because if you click these links now, the story has now been replaced by one about Obama visiting a bookstore (like this is something we should find interesting).
Here are the original first few lines of the story that is being "Orwellized" as I type!
Finally, President Barack Obama can relax on vacation.The Gulf oil spilled is plugged. The last combat troops are out of Iraq. And Congress is on its own summer break.
Clearly, the oil disaster is still a disaster, 52,000 US troops remain in Iraq, and somebody realized that this display of Presidential Arrogance was not going to help the Democrats this election season.
Webmaster's Commentary:
Apparently somebody realized what an arrogant headline this story originally had and it has now been changed all across the web to something more benign./ However the original cached page is still online at many places including here