Friday, June 10, 2011

Federal Extortion Over Abortion

"Indiana risks $4.3b in aid over abortion; In showdown, US threatens Medicaid cuts" by Tom LoBianco,  Associated Press / June 6, 2011

INDIANAPOLIS — The willingness of Indiana, led by a Republican governor and GOP-controlled Legislature, to challenge the federal government and risk a huge financial penalty could take the issue into uncharted legal and political territory....

Is the Obama administration actually willing to leave low-income families without health care to punish a defiant state?


Indiana conservatives are clearly hoping the administration will blink if it comes to cutting off health insurance for poor people. The money pays for all kinds of routine health care.... 

The Obama administration directed Indiana last week to drop its ban on Planned Parenthood, which the legislature passed this spring after becoming considerably more Republican and conservative in last fall’s midterm election.

The Department of Health and Human Services said the state cannot legally pick and choose which agencies provide health care to people covered by the federal-state program....

Jay Carney, White House spokesman, said 19 states have gotten into disputes with the Obama administration over health care funding, and all amended their plans to keep their money. He said he expects Indiana to do the same....

Planned Parenthood has filed suit to challenge Indiana’s law, so the courts could have a say in how the dispute is resolved....


Just hold that delivery, will you?

"Americans conflicted on abortion issue, survey shows; Majority says it should be legal, poll says; generation gap not an issue" by David Crary, Associated Press / June 10, 2011

NEW YORK — Views on abortion have been stable, with 56 percent of Americans telling Gallup pollsters this year that it should be legal in most or all cases compared with 57 percent who said that in 1999.  

Some conflict.

In contrast, support for same-sex marriage has surged — from 35 percent in 1999 to 53 percent in 2011, according to Pew Research Center polls.

A key factor in that discrepancy relates to attitudes of the so-called millennials between the ages of 18 and 29.

“Millennials strongly support gender equality and rights for gay and lesbian people,’’ the survey said. “However . . . younger Americans are no more supportive of abortion rights than the general population.’’


The Public Religion Research Institute, which conducted the survey with funding from the Ford Foundation, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that studies the intersection of religion and public life....   

Oh, an agenda-pushing organization continuing to divide us on social issues with the help of the media when we have so many other problems like economy, pollution, poisoning, and war.  

Related: The Ford Foundation and the CIA

The once-beloved left alternative media nothing more than a controlled opposition front? 

That would explain their ineffectiveness regarding the wars and silence regarding all the questions surrounding 9/11.

Also see: Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?

See why I am so disappointed in my AmeriKan media?

With the exception of white evangelical Protestants, majorities of major religious groups — including Roman Catholics — favor legalized abortion, according to the survey....  

Muslims, too?

Leslie Kantor, national director of education for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said the surge of young adults’ support for same-sex marriage could be explained by the fast pace of political change and by the prevalence of gay characters and celebrities on television and in other media.  

Yes, they do seem to receive a disproportionate amount of coverage relative to their numbers. 

All part of the agenda-pushing divisiveness and distractions. 

I'll bet you same-sex folks wouldn't mind a good, decent, single-payer health system like the rest of us, 'eh?


"A man charged under a fetal homicide law was sentenced yesterday to 13 years in prison for taking his pregnant girlfriend to an abortion clinic at gunpoint.... 

I won't be using a gun to keep you from getting one, either.


Related: My Abortion Evolution 

And please consider the fact that I live in a pro-abortion, pro-gay state, dear readers. I simply accept the will of my fellow citizens just as my belief system and principles require.