Egyptian military pressed to look into alleged abuse

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Say what?
Related: Egypt’s military presses media to censor critics (By David D. Kirkpatrick, New York Times)
That's the PoS that replaced what was in my printed paper.
"Egyptians decry 'virginity tests' on protesters
CAIRO (AP) — Activists and bloggers are pressing Egypt's military rulers to investigate accusations of serious abuses against protesters, including claims that soldiers subjected female detainees to so-called "virginity tests."
Bloggers say they will hold a day of online protest Wednesday to voice their outrage, adding to criticism of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, which took control of the country from ousted President Hosni Mubarak in February.
How odd that this story could not be found at the Globe website.
How odd that this story could not be found at the Globe website.
In the face of the criticism, four journalists along with a prominent blogger were summoned for questioning by the military prosecutor, according to a rights group. They were released without charges....
Amnesty International further documented the abuse allegations in a report that found 18 female detainees were threatened with prostitution charges and forced to undergo virginity tests. They were also beaten up and given electric shocks, the report said.
Same old Egyptian military.
I noticed that the NYT version cleaned all that up.
Egypt's military rulers have come under heavy criticism from the youth protest movement, which is upset at the pace of reforms that they hope will lead Egypt to democracy.
Yes, the PEOPLE CAN SEE there has been a FALSE VENEER of CHANGE!
Leaders of more than 20 youth groups on Tuesday turned down an invitation from the military government for a "national dialogue" meeting on Wednesday, saying it was hastily called while human rights violations and attempts to silence critics continued. The invitation was issued two days before the conference was to be held.
Amnesty International further documented the abuse allegations in a report that found 18 female detainees were threatened with prostitution charges and forced to undergo virginity tests. They were also beaten up and given electric shocks, the report said.
Same old Egyptian military.
I noticed that the NYT version cleaned all that up.
Egypt's military rulers have come under heavy criticism from the youth protest movement, which is upset at the pace of reforms that they hope will lead Egypt to democracy.
Yes, the PEOPLE CAN SEE there has been a FALSE VENEER of CHANGE!
Leaders of more than 20 youth groups on Tuesday turned down an invitation from the military government for a "national dialogue" meeting on Wednesday, saying it was hastily called while human rights violations and attempts to silence critics continued. The invitation was issued two days before the conference was to be held.
"Aug. 3 trial date is set for Mubarak; Ex-leader accused of ordering attacks on demonstrators" by Ernesto Londono, Washington Post / June 2, 2011
CAIRO — “It’s not going to happen,’’ said activist Aida Seif el-Dawla. “The military is an extension of the Mubarak regime.’’
She said she thought it was odd that the date coincides with the beginning of Ramadan, a period of religious observation and daytime fasting in the Muslim world during which little business is typically conducted....
An attorney for the former president told CNN this week that Mubarak denies having ordered the shooting of protesters. Farid el-Deeb told the network that Mubarak is being treated for a heart condition and a resurgence of colon cancer.
Many Egyptians have noted wryly that a president who long treated his health as a state secret is now eager to disclose his ailments....
In a failing bid for sympathy.
Death cures all physical ailments, so OFF with his HEAD!
In Washington, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said she was worried about reports of a crackdown on bloggers and journalists who have described being threatened and intimidated after speaking critically of the military....
This as the U.S. government creates a KILL SWITCH for the Internet here!
Related: Obama offers Egypt $1B to continue selling under priced gas to Israel
Not reading about that anywhere in my paper. Instead we are getting this:
"Boutros-Ghali kin convicted by court
CAIRO — A former Egyptian finance minister has been sentenced in absentia to 30 years for squandering public funds and abusing his authority, the official state news agency said. Yousef Boutros-Ghali, a nephew of former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, left Egypt during the uprising that forced out President Hosni Mubarak. Yousef Boutros-Ghali was a powerful confidant of Mubarak’s son Gamal. Boutros-Ghali’s location is unknown. A Cairo court convicted Boutros-Ghali yesterday in two cases. In each case, he was sentenced to 15 years and was fined $6 million (AP)."