Sunday, June 19, 2011

Moroccan King Tries to Mollify Mob

Gave them a little kiss, did he?

"Morocco’s king alters constitution; Prodemocracy activists say reforms aren’t real changes" by Paul Schemm, Associated Press / June 18, 2011

RABAT, Morocco — King Mohammed VI announced a series of constitutional reforms in a speech last night that he said will turn Morocco into a constitutional monarchy, though prodemocracy activists remain skeptical....

Activists from the prodemocracy February 20 movement dismissed many of the changes, describing them as cosmetic.

“Before we had an absolute monarch, now we have an absolute monarch that is a pope as well,’’ said Elaabadila Chbihna.  

That comment made me laugh this morning.

The speech marked the culmination of a three-month review of the constitution at the order of the king after protests calling for reform swept the North African monarchy in February.

Morocco has long had a parliamentary system with dozens of parties, but they remain weak and many are beholden to the king and his advisers.

While the king remains popular in the country, there is deep dissatisfaction over the government and the advisers around the monarchy who are believed to be corrupt and rapacious....


Also see: Clubbing in Morocco

But he's a very useful thug so he's okay.