Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Neutered in North Carolina

I say we sterilize war-criminals and bankster looters.

"N.C. grapples with sterilization program’s legacy" June 20, 2011|Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. — Nearly 35 years after ending the country’s most active postwar sterilization program, North Carolina is trying to make amends to thousands of people who cannot have children because of eugenics-inspired theories about social improvement....

Eugenics programs gained popularity in the United States and other countries in the early 1900s, but most abandoned them after World War II because of the association with Nazi Germany’s program aimed at racial purity. However, North Carolina’s expanded, with sterilizations peaking in the 1950s and early 1960s....   

So that's where the U.S. hustled off all the Nazi scientists, 'eh?

Overt rationalization for the programs ranged from protecting the potential offspring of mentally disabled parents to improving the overall health and intellectual competence of the human race. Before the atrocities of World War II, it was seen by many as a legitimate effort to improve society.

Infanticide was also once seen as legitimate.

“Sterilization was always a cost-cutting measure,’’ said Paul Lombardo, a professor at Georgia State University’s College of Law....

Researchers estimate that more than 60,000 people were sterilized nationwide during the 20th century as part of government programs. Even in states without sterilization laws, the procedures occurred on local or informal levels....
Meaning you really have no idea how far the program reached.


Related(?): Decline in US births continues, hinting it’s tied to economy 

Right, it's the economy.  Of course, the only place that happens in in AmeriKa. In the poverty-stricken areas of Africa and Latin America they are pumping out kids anyway.  

Sorry, the agenda-pushing message and deception just doesn't pass the smell test.  When there is no work and nothing to do sex is a great pass time.

Also see: U.S. Gave Guatemalans Gonorrhea