Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Boston Globe is Blind

And their hearing is failing as well, just like their industry. 

Perhaps this is the reason why. The number of stories and amount of print that has been devoted to the Occupy Wall Street and Occupy Boston the last three days:

You understand what the blank space means, right? 

Yup, not a word for three whole days. 

IMHO, not an agenda-pushing, controlled-opposition movement. If it were there would be an article in the newspaper every day. Instead it's being misrepresented and ignored. Oh, I'm sure the Cointelpro co-opters are out there trying to get a foothold, but my sense from the coverage is they are not agenda-driven protests like the global warming, gay, and illegal immigrant media favorites.  Then again, I could be wrong. The "left alternative press" running with it makes me a bit wary, but that could also serve as a way to misrepresent and co-opt.  Same on some of the "right wing sites."

Related: Ninety-nine ruled by one just won't do

The post covers a wide range of views and poses some very interesting questions while making some very salient points. The rest, unfortunately, is for you, the reader, to decide.

One last observation, readers. With the Globe omitting any coverage of the American Fall (to match the Arab Spring, readers), one also has to wonder WHAT ELSE they are NOT TELLING US!!! It also calls into question everything they are telling us in their pos pages. It's really sad, readers, because this blog has always been about what my newspaper is telling me about you. After 5 years I feel they have failed miserably.

I now have an unread Sunday Globe sitting on the table and I'm in no hurry to get to it. I'm sorry, readers; I feel I have failed you. I'm simply having a hard time reading any more of the supremacist and elitist war daily's division, deceit, obfuscations, and omissions.

You know that heartbroken feeling in your chest that feels like real pain? I get it every time I start reading a Globe.