Monday, October 10, 2011

Monday Morning Make-Up

Yeah, this A2 insult, I mean, brief should make up for the last three days

"Wall Street protests capture attention of veterans of past social movements" by Associated Press October 10, 2011

NEW YORK - To veterans of past social movements, the Occupy Wall Street protests that began in New York and spread nationwide have been a welcome response to corporate greed and the enfeebled economy. But whether the energy of protesters can be tapped to transform the political climate remains to be seen.

“There’s a difference between an emotional outcry and a movement,’’ said Andrew Young, who worked alongside the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as a strategist during the civil rights movement and served as US ambassador to the United Nations. “This is an emotional outcry. The difference is organization and articulation.’’  

I've had it with controlled-opposition outhpieces crapping on the movement.  They have organized and articulated, and as for the emotion, it is ABOUT TIME, America!!!

The nearly four-week-old protest that began in a lower Manhattan park has taken on a semblance of organization and a coherent message has largely emerged: that “the 99 percent’’ who struggle daily as the economy shudders, employment stagnates, and medical costs rise are suffering as the 1 percent who control the vast majority of the economy’s wealth continues to prosper.  

Meaning what Young just said was BS.

Labor unions and students joined the protest on Wednesday, swelling the ranks for a day into the thousands and lending the occupation a surge of political clout and legitimacy....
Yes, the AmeriKan media has decided that this particular protest is illegitimate unless it can cite its own tools of political and social control.

The growing cohesiveness and profile of the protest have caught the attention of public intellectuals and veterans of past social movements.  

And who are these intellectuals, according to the AmeriKan media?

“I think if the idea of the movement is to raise the discontent that a lot of people from different walks of life and different persuasions have on the economic inequity in this country - it’s been perfect,’’ said the Rev. Al Sharpton, who plans to broadcast his nationally syndicated radio show from the park today and to lead a jobs march in Washington five days later.  

Are you kidding? The publicity-seeker who is part of the media and had a Republican operative running his Democratic primary run for president eight years ago?

The Rev. Jesse Jackson said the protest could become a powerful movement if “it remains disciplined, focused, and nonviolent - and turns some of their pain into voting power.’’  

Another publicity-seeking charlatan blessed with agenda-pusher approval. 

Okay, the protesters have shown no such inclination to violence and if there is any it will be government intelligence and law enforcement provocateurs. That's how governments and society managers operate.    

And Jesse really disappointments me with the false reed regarding the voting booth; has he learned nothing over the last decade? Think he and his followers will be voting Ron Paul so the country can have a way of unanimity that can even overcome rigged voting machines?


I would also like to take a brief moment to apologize to you, dear readers, for the lack of enthusiasm I have been bringing lately. I have some posts logged (I hope) and will start putting them up shortly; however, today is a slave away day followed by hoop and I may not be back until tomorrow. I thank you for sticking with me, and will try to make it up to you soon.

Related: Civil rights icon Joseph Lowery celebrates 90th birthday 

Yeah, the Boston Globe is awesome today.