Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pope's Reichstag Remembrance

It's about a young altar boy in the backroom clos.... oh, different memory.

"Pope warns Germans about evils of power; Tries to stem tide of people fleeing Catholic Church" September 23, 2011|By Victor L. Simpson, Associated Press

BERLIN - Pope Benedict XVI addressed Germany’s Parliament in the historic Reichstag building yesterday, warning that politicians must not sacrifice ethics for power and evoking the Nazi excesses of his homeland as a lesson in history.... 

I'm so sick of hearing about those losers from 70 years ago when we have real Nazis walking around today.  And that is coming from a person who thought he loved history -- until he found out his state-sanctioned education was lies.

The pope spoke for 20 minutes in the Reichstag, which was torched in 1933 by Hitler.   

Oh, so the AmeriKan media knows all about false-flag, inside job? 

Notice the way they leave the impression that Hitler actually lit the match?

“We Germans know from our own experience’’ what happens when power is corrupted, Benedict said, describing Nazis as a “highly organized band of robbers, capable of threatening the whole world and driving it to the edge of the abyss.’’  

And in the 21st century it's the USraeli empire doing such things. That's how history will record this period because I AM HISTORY!

But he said even under the Nazi dictatorship resistance movements stuck to their beliefs at a great risk, “thereby doing a great service to justice and to humanity as a whole.’’

He also urged all Germans not to ignore religion.... 

He had me until he made the religious pitch, the pious pooper-pumper. 

Benedict also voiced strong support for Germany’s ecological movement, calling it “a cry for fresh air which must not be ignored or pushed aside.’’
The Pope is part of the New World Order crowd, 'eh?

After the speech, he met with a 15-member Jewish delegation, noting that it was in Berlin that the annihilation of European Jews was organized.  

Pander-bear Pope.

“The supposedly ‘almighty’ Adolf Hitler was a pagan idol, who wanted to take the place of the biblical God,’’ Benedict said according to a prepared text....

About 20 protesters stood outside the airport, holding banners with slogans like “Against anti-Semitism, sexism and homophobia’’ and “My body, my choice.’’
They literally are everywhere these days.


About 100 lawmakers from opposition parties boycotted the pope’s appearance, claiming it violated the separation of church and state. But Benedict looked out on a mostly full house as guests occupied the empty seats and finished his speech to a standing ovation.

Police estimated only “several thousand’’ protesters showed up at the capital’s Potsdamer Platz, far fewer than organizers had predicted. Some 6,000 officers were on duty throughout the city. In a rally during the pope’s speech, protesters held signs with slogans like “Not welcome.’’

“Today is a good day to be visible,’’ said Maria Pflugradt, a 22-year-old student from Cottbus. “Not only because he is against homosexuals, but also because the church has made far too many mistakes in the last centuries.’’ 
