Monday, May 28, 2012

The Globe's Invisible Ink: The Fund-Raiser-in-Chief

Every four f***ing years no matter who is in the office, sigh.  

Titled Invisible Ink because it never appeared in my printed paper.

"Is Obama spreading himself too thin with fund-raising?

The president of the United States travels in a government aircraft that contains his private cabin and bed. When Air Force One takes off and lands, all other air traffic halts. A motorcade awaits wherever he goes. And he has a staff that includes not just government aides but chefs, porters, and a personal doctor.

In short, if anyone can handle the rigors of the road, it’s him.

But President Obama has been keeping some long days lately, often due to fund-raising events for his reelection campaign. It begs the question of whether he is tiring himself out for his day job as the nation’s CEO, chief diplomat, and commander in chief....

A check of his official schedule and White House pool reports filed during the past seven weeks shows many of his late nights have been related to fund-raising activity....
