"US envoy to Kenya resigns under cloud; Ambassador faced criticism of his leadership" by Jeffrey Gettleman | New York times, June 30, 2012
NAIROBI — The US ambassador to Kenya, once a confidant of President Obama, abruptly announced Friday — days before the release of an internal audit — that he was resigning, citing ‘‘differences with Washington.’’ His departure will leave the top embassy post vacant at a time when Kenya is increasingly being drawn into a battle with militant Islam.
He must not have been on board the expand the war doctrine.
Btw, readers, every time I see the code words militant Islam in my paper I instantly associate it with covert western intelligence operations. It's sad, but it's the truth.
At about the same time that the ambassador, Scott Gration, was giving a tearful farewell to embassy staff members, suspected Somali militants attacked a convoy of aid workers near the Kenya-Somalia border, according to news reports in the state-run media. The militants shot and killed a driver before kidnapping four international aid workers and two Kenyans working for the Norwegian Refugee Council in the Dadaab refugee camp, the world’s largest. The gunmen — and the hostages — then vanished, last seen heading into the Somali desert, the reports said.
This guy was forced out, and there are the CIA-Duh ghosts in the desert.
Gration’s announcement came just before the release next month of a US government audit that is highly critical of his leadership and management of the embassy, State Department officials said. Gration announced his resignation after seeing a draft of the report, the Associated Press said.
Kenya has suffered a string of kidnappings along the Somalia border, including the abduction of a Frenchwoman who was dragged from a beachfront bungalow and later died in Somalia. There have also been a number of deadly grenade attacks since October, when Kenya sent several thousand troops into Somalia to confront al-Shabab, Somalia’s most fearsome Islamist group.
That's Somali for "Al-CIA-Duh."
Related: Kenya Comes to Somalia's Rescue
So how many neighboring nations have armies in Somalia?
Gration, a former Air Force pilot and general who had served as a campaign adviser to Obama, said the ambassadorship to Kenya was his ‘‘dream job.’’ But since he arrived in May 2011, Gration has been a bit of a lightning rod. Before his posting to Kenya, he served as Obama’s special envoy for Sudan and was routinely criticized by advocacy groups as being too conciliatory toward Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, who has been indicted by the International Criminal Court on genocide charges for massacres in Darfur.
Ooooooooooh, there is the REAL RUB!!!!
In Kenya, many of his subordinates at the US Embassy said he was remote and imperial. He also did not seem to be engaged in Kenyan politics as the country heads into one of the most anticipated presidential elections in its history, the first since 2007.
Related: Around Africa: Coming After Kenya
U.N. Plays the Kenyan Card For Israel
That is who they seem to work for.
Related: Obama Softens on Sudan
You see what is at the bottom of all this, right?
"Kenya police: church attacks kill 15, wound 40" July 02, 2012
NAIROBI — Gunmen killed two police officers guarding a church, snatched their rifles and then opened fire on the congregation from inside and out on Sunday, killing at least 15 people, security officials said.
At a church, huh? The stench of a some covert intelligence op is staggering.
Two gunmen entered the simple wooden church in the Kenyan city of Garissa at around 10:15 a.m. Sunday, police commander Philip Ndolo said. When the congregation fled the attack inside, they ran straight into another hail of bullets from gunmen waiting outside, he said.
At least one grenade was detonated in the attack.
Witnesses reported seeing the four gunmen flee in dark blue outfits and masks.
The latest in western intelligence agency fashion, sigh. One wonders if they were in-house men, hired agents, locals, contractors. One thing we don't wonder is if my intelligence operation known as an agenda-pushing paper will tell me.
The assault was the bloodiest of two attacks against churches in Garissa, a city some 120 miles west of the Somali border.
Ndolo said 15 people were killed and at least 40 wounded at the African Inland Church. A grenade attack against a second church wounded three people.
Mayor Ismail Garat of Garissa called the assaults ‘‘evil.’’
‘‘We are not used to witnessing such kinds of acts in our country, where people are just shot in broad daylight. We really want to know who the heartless people who did this are,’’ he said.
Ndolo told reporters he wanted an investigation carried out before assigning blame to Al Shabab, the most dangerous militant group in Somalia and the group many people in this region assume is at fault.
Al Shabab = "Al-CIA-Duh"
And if that isn't enough war-promoting bulls***, let's TAKE IT UP A NOTCH!
"Officials: Iranians targeted Israeli, US interests" July 02, 2012|Tom Odula and Jason Straziuso, Associated Press
Two Iranians who led authorities to a cache of explosives after their arrest planned to attack Israeli, U.S., British or Saudi targets inside Kenya, officials told The Associated Press on Monday.
The two are believed to be members of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, an elite and secretive unit that acts against foreign interests, one of the officials said.

I thought I smelled something familiar.
The foiled attack appeared to fit into a global pattern of alleged plots by Iranian agents. Previous plots were uncovered in the U.S. — against Saudi Arabia’s ambassador — as well as in Thailand, Azerbaijan and India.
Related: Iranian Terror Plot Proves to be a Lemon
Thailand Learns Its Lesson
We all have, which is why we are sick and tired of the endless propaganda.
Also see: Israel Puts Flame Under Iran
But that's okay.
Kenyan security forces arrested the Iranians on June 19 and were then led to 33 pounds of RDX, a powerful explosive that could have been used against multiple targets or concentrated in one large bomb. If used together, the explosives could have leveled a medium-sized hotel, officials told AP.
That's all?
That was where my printed paper cut it.
The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the investigation.
The two suspects — Ahmad Abolfathi Mohammad and Sayed Mansour Mousavi — appeared in a Kenyan court last week, where Mohammad said he had been interrogated by Israeli agents. Israel’s embassy said it had no comment.
Meaning they "confessed" after being TORTURED!!!
In Israel, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the AP that “there are no limits to the Iranian terror.’’
“After Iran sent its people to assassinate the Saudi ambassador on American soil and carry out attacks in Azerbaijan, Bangkok, Tbilisi and New Delhi, now its intention to carry out attacks in Africa is revealed. The international community needs to fight the world’s greatest exporter of terror,’’ said a statement from Netanyahu’s office.
I'm hoping you can see and understand why I'm just no longer into reading this stuff anymore, readers. I'm so sick of the supremacist Jew perspective and prism being promoted as news when it is just a litany of lies.
Given the previous alleged plots against Israeli interests overseas, it appeared likely that Israeli properties in Kenya were the likely primary targets, said one of the two officials, a Western diplomat.
Anthony Cordesman, a Middle East expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the alleged plot fits into a pattern of Iranian actions against Israel.
That prick was one of the leading talking heads going into Iraq!
Israel wants Iran to be prevented from developing a nuclear weapon. Tehran insists its nuclear activities are for peaceful purposes only, such as generating electricity and medical research.
Five Iranian scientists with links to Tehran’s nuclear program have been killed in the last two years, and Iran has blamed Israel — as well as U.S. and British intelligence agencies — for the attacks. In return, Israel blames Iran for alleged reprisal missions on Israeli property and personnel overseas.
Iran has denied any links to attacks outside its borders.
“It is much more likely if they were to do anything in Africa that they would try to find Israeli targets rather than U.S., British or Saudi targets,’’ Cordesman said. “The reason basically is that to some extent, there is an al-Quds operation against Israel, which is a reprisal to Israeli attacks on Iranian physicists and scientists.’’
Yeah, somehow the WESTERN TERRORISM is just, you know, okay.
What is even more galling is IRAN is simply EXERCISING ITS LEGITIMATE and LEGAL RIGHTS by enriching.
Several resorts on Kenya’s coast are Israeli-owned, as is Nairobi’s largest and newest shopping mall. Militants in 2002 bombed an Israeli-owned luxury hotel near the coastal city of Mombasa, killing 13 people. The militants also tried to shoot down an Israeli airliner at the same time. An al-Qaida operative was linked to those attacks.
Excuse me, readers, but I need to drop a load. False flag propaganda has been having that effect on me.
Representatives at the U.S. Embassy, the British High Commission and the Israeli Embassy declined to comment on the latest arrests. Kenya’s government spokesman did not answer phone calls or text messages seeking comment.
Investigators believe that if the Iranian plot had been successful, suspicion would have naturally fallen not on Iran but instead on the al-Qaida-linked Somali militant group al-Shabab. Al-Shabab has threatened to bring Nairobi’s skyscrapers to the ground following Kenya’s military push into Somalia last year.
I went to the toilet and when I got there I found I couldn't open the door because of the avalanche of crap. I'm gagging on this garbage, folks.
Six Zionist Companies Own 96% of the World's Media
Declassified: Massive Israeli manipulation of US media exposed
Operation Mockingbird
Why Am I No Longer Reading the Newspaper?
Yeah, I recognize that stench.
Militants — most likely from Somalia — have pulled off small-scale attacks in Kenya in the last year, including kidnappings, grenade attacks and a bombing in downtown Nairobi that peeled back the roof of a building.
It is unlikely the Iranians were working in concert with al-Shabab because the two groups come from two different branches of Islam and don’t normally cooperate.
Unless the Jewish war narrative calls for cooperation, then we get that. We are told Iran harbors "CIA-Duh," and when Israel decides to nuke an American city the media script will say it was CIA-Duh from Pakistan that got the bomb from Iran.
And LOOK HOW VAGUE by Jewish organ of obfuscation is when it comes to the Sunni and Shi'ite split in these two "extreme" cases. Yup, not told that Sunni CIA-Duh considers Shi'ites heretics and would rather kill them than western unbelievers.
The advanced explosives the Iranians had and their links to the Quds Force would indicate the mission in Kenya was cleared by the highest levels inside Iran’s government, the two officials who spoke to the AP said.
Cordesman said it’s not clear how much central direction Quds operatives receive from top Iranian leaders.
The two Iranians were arrested in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, but led investigators to the explosives in Mombasa. Mohammad said in court last week that he and Mousavi were injected with an unknown substance against their will.
As they were being INTERROGATED by ISRAELIS!!!!
The Kenyan magistrate ordered the allegation to be investigated.
Prosecutors said in their charge sheet that the two had explosives “in circumstances that indicated they were armed with the intent to commit a felony, namely, acts intended to cause grievous harm.’’
Despite the threats that the Iranian agents appeared to pose, the Kenyan government has not directly commented on the arrests or the discovery of the explosives.
Yusuf Haji, Kenya’s acting internal security minister and current defense minister, was asked at a news conference Friday about the case, but he said the issue was “sensitive’’ and that he had no comment while the court case was ongoing. Haji said more information would be revealed when the prosecution presents its evidence.
Aaaah, yes, and since no further info has been forthcoming from my Globe we begin to sense that even the Kenyan authorities suspect and know what I do.
Kenyan officials have an economic incentive to treat the case delicately. Kenya’s Business Daily reported Monday that Tehran and Nairobi will sign oil contracts next month despite the risk of sanctions for buying Iranian oil. Iran’s first vice president visited Kenya in May.
And the NEED for a FALSE FLAG becomes EVEN CLEARER!!
And seriously, readers of the world, you are NOT BUYING this ZIONIST S*** SWILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
David Kirimi, a lawyer who represents the Iranians, said in court last week that their arrests could harm relations between Kenya and Iran. The prosecutor said he was pressing a case against a specific crime and was not concerned with diplomacy.
Mohammad alleged in court that — in addition to the injection — he was tortured, although he described only difficult living conditions, such as having to sleep on a cement floor.
As he was being interrogated by Israelis.
And was it just me, or did the prism seem to be apologetic there?
Other overseas plots believed to have been carried out by Iranian agents include bomb plans in Thailand, an attack against the wife of an Israeli diplomat in India, and the targeting of Israeli teachers at a Jewish school in Azerbaijan.
Sorry, folks, but ALL BULL CRAP!
And now you can add a Kenyan pile!