Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ringing Up a Ran$om

I screen all my calls, so.... 

"Boston police warn about phone scams" by Lauren Dezenski |  Globe Correspondent, June 11, 2013

Boston police are warning the public about a phone scam in which strangers claim a loved one is being held captive and can only be released after the victim pays a sum of money.

In almost all cases, the scam comes from an unknown number calling or texting the victim, police said....

You know, with the NSA scooping up all communications the last seven years someone should give them a call. They should be able to find them.

Anyone who experiences a suspicious call is encouraged to gather as many details as possible, as well as attempt to contact the loved one who is allegedly in danger to confirm his or her safety, police said. People contacted by scammers should also report the call, including the number, to police.
