“Go back in your life to think about the hottest, most traumatic event you have experienced. What we’re saying is that very soon, that event is going to become the norm.... the coldest year in the future will be warmer than the hottest year in the past”
That is simply an over-the-top jumping of the shark, folks, and it's God-damn offensive.
"Study seeks to predict climate tipping points" by Justin Gillis | New York Times, October 10, 2013
NEW YORK — If greenhouse emissions continue their steady escalation, temperatures across most of the Earth will rise to levels with no recorded precedent by the middle of this century, researchers said Wednesday....
Related: Fart-Misting Fudge-Packers
So despite the massive increase in greenhouse gases the temperatures have not gone up at all and have in fact fallen?
Hey, you gotta have faith, right?
To put it another way, for a given geographic area, “the coldest year in the future will be warmer than the hottest year in the past,” said Camilo Mora, the lead scientist on a paper published in the journal Nature.
Mora is not a climate scientist; rather he is a specialist in using large sets of data to illuminate environmental issues.
Translation: he's nothing but a propagandi$t, pure and simple.
Unprecedented climates will arrive even sooner in the tropics, Mora’s group predicts, putting increasing stress on human societies there, on the coral reefs that supply millions of people with fish, and on the world’s greatest forests.
Predictions by $cienti$ts who were already proved liars by Climategate.
“Go back in your life to think about the hottest, most traumatic event you have experienced,” Mora said in an interview. “What we’re saying is that very soon, that event is going to become the norm.”
The shovelfuls of shit fear being tossed at you is beyond description, folks.
The research comes with caveats.
Say what?
It is based on climate models, huge computer programs that attempt to reproduce the physics of the climate system and forecast the future response to greenhouse gases.
Translation: This report being featured by my Globe's Nation section as the day's top national item is all this....

Although they are the best tools available, these models contain acknowledged problems, and it is not clear how accurate they will prove to be at peering many decades ahead.
Now take the hottest, most traumatic event you ever experienced.... SIGH!!!!!!!!!
The models show that unprecedented temperatures could be delayed by 20 to 25 years if there is a vigorous global effort to bring emissions under control.
Like it already is due to more influential solar activity?
While that may not sound like many years, the scientists said the emissions cuts would buy critical time for nature and humans to adapt, as well as for development of technologies that might help further reduce emissions.
Yeah, forget about the worsening problem at Fukushima because the Globe has since Friday.
Related: Ex-leader of Japan warns against nuclear power
Oh, I stand corrected by the bu$ine$$ section.
Yeah, forget about the Gulf oil spill harming the environment, or all the chemicals and poisons in the air, land, and water. Forget about fracking and its release of methane into the atmosphere. Forget about the AmeriKan war machine being the biggest polluter on the planet exempt from any environmental treaties. The threat is nonexistent global warming -- now pay up so banks can save the world by literally creating money out of thin air.
Other scientists not involved in the research said that slowing emissions would have a bigger effect in the long run, lowering the risk that the climate would reach a point that triggers catastrophic changes.
Sigh. That's never going to happen because weather is slow.
They praised the paper as a fresh way of presenting information....
Yeah, farting in your face is somehow supposed to convince you of their righteousness.
I couldn't breathe anymore, folks, so that's where I stopped reading this piece of $hit.
"Blizzards rolled into parts of Wyoming and South Dakota on Friday, bringing the snow-savvy states to an unseasonably early winter standstill and forcing a tourist town to postpone its annual Octoberfest’s polka-dancing bar crawl."
Yeah, just ignore the record snowstorm that just occurred like the Globe has. I get endle$$ fart mist like this instead:
"UN panel seeks to erase doubt about warming; Report to assert climate changes are man-made" by Karl Ritter | Associated Press, September 24, 2013
STOCKHOLM — Seeking to dispel doubts over the credibility of their work, United Nations climate experts called their latest report an unbiased and reliable assessment of global warming as they presented it Monday to officials from 110 governments for a final review.
Sorry, but once you $cienti$ts have been caught lying that is the end of trust and credibility. Continuing to do so as you are assures it will never return, not that it would have anyway so you guys should just keep lying. It makes you look even more foolish. I almost can not wait for this s***ty winter coming.
The final report by the officials making up Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is expected to state with more confidence than its previous four assessments that global warming is mostly man-made.
The report will also provide updated observations and projections of the changes happening, from the melting of Arctic sea ice to the warming and acidification of oceans.
The Arctic melt was the lowest on record for summer, but the agenda-pu$hing mouthpiece isn't going to tell you that.
Also see: Sunday Globe Special: The Rising Level of Bulls***
Actually, it is going down because I've been throwing away unread Globes en masse.
Thomas Stocker, cochairman of the group that wrote the report, said it has undergone multiple stages of review, with more than 50,000 comments considered by the authors. The final version is scheduled to be adopted at the end of the panel’s conference this week in Stockholm.
‘‘I know of no other document that has undergone this scrutiny,’’ Stocker said as the meeting opened. ‘‘It stands out as a reliable and indispensable source of knowledge about climate change.’’
It's just the opposite then: an unreliable piece of propaganda that can be thrown away.
He said millions of measurements on land, at sea, in the air, and from space underpinned what he called an ‘‘unprecedented and unbiased view of the state of the climate system.’’
Rigged readings don't amount to shit, sorry.
The panel’s work to improve the world’s understanding of climate change earned it the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 together with climate campaigner Al Gore. But a series of errors embarrassed the authors of its previous climate assessment, which was completed that same year.
It means they lied, folks.
Among the most prominent was an incorrect statement that the glaciers in the Himalayas were melting faster than others and that they would disappear by 2035 — hundreds of years earlier than other information suggests.
Related: Sunday Globe Special: Coming Clean on Climate Change
And then they shat themselves again.
An independent review of the UN climate panel in 2010 found that overall it has done a good job but needs more openness and regular changes in leadership. The review also called for stronger enforcement of the panel’s reviews of research and adoption of a conflict of interest policy.
IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri said Monday that he hopes the review has helped enhance the panel’s credibility.
‘‘Our processes were found to be very strong. Very good. Very effective,’’ he said. ‘‘But you know we have been in existence for 20-odd years and therefore it was time for us to get a second opinion on how we could improve ourselves. And I’m sure we’ve done very well in implementing the recommendations.’’
This back-slapping fart fest is fucking sickening!
The report being completed in Stockholm deals with the physical science aspects of the climate system and is the first of a four-part assessment that covers several aspects of global warming.
Earlier Monday, Pachauri told delegates in Stockholm that the latest report marks ‘‘a new milestone in the understanding of climate change.’’
He said 60 percent of the authors were new to the process, which shows the panel’s ‘‘inclusivity and openness . . . and the emphasis we place on new knowledge and expertise and fresh perspectives and approaches.’’
That hot air can't be helping things.
Nor that hot air.
"A stern warning on global warming; Warns of nearing key carbon level; says main cause is human activity" by Justin Gillis | New York Times, September 28, 2013
STOCKHOLM — The world’s top climate scientists on Friday formally embraced an upper limit on greenhouse gases for the first time, establishing a target level at which humanity must stop spewing the gases into the atmosphere or face irreversible climatic changes....
Somebody has to stop spewing something before their imploding industry reaches a cata$trophe.
Unveiling the latest United Nations assessment of climate science, the experts cited a litany of changes already underway, warned that they would probably accelerate and expressed virtual certainty that human activity is the main cause.
Virtual but not actual certainty. Big difference.
“Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time,” said Thomas F. Stocker, cochairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the UN-sponsored group of scientists that produced the report. “In short, it threatens our planet, our only home.”
Not as much as other things mentioned.
The panel, in issuing its most definitive assessment yet of the risks of human-caused warming, hoped to give impetus to international negotiations toward a new climate treaty, which have languished in recent years in a swamp of technical and political disputes. The group made clear that time was not on the planet’s side if emissions continued unchecked.
Then why are we in a cooling phase, you $hit-spewing f***er?
“Human influence has been detected in warming of the atmosphere and the ocean, in changes in the global water cycle, in reductions in snow and ice, in global mean sea level rise, and in changes in some climate extremes,” the report said. “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.”
Then shut down the war machine and keep Kohn Kerry off the planes.
The panel endorsed a “carbon budget” for humanity....
Is it going to be like all other government budgets where money is taken from the masses and given to the wealthy classes?
Once the trillion-ton budget is exhausted, companies that wanted to keep burning fossil fuels would have to come up with ways to capture carbon dioxide and store it underground.
Then where is going to go?
In the United States, the Obama administration is moving forward with rules that would essentially require such technology, expected to be costly, for any future coal-burning power plants; the president’s Republican opponents have accused him of waging a “war on coal.”
See: Slow Saturday Specials: Coal-Cocked by the EPA
Also see: GOP builds opposition to emissions proposal
But Republicans are bad so you shouldn't like any idea they have.
The report is a 30-page synopsis of a larger, 900-page report that is to be released next week....
I'll have to go check my Globe's to see if I missed something.
The group has now issued five major reports since 1990, each of them finding greater certainty that the world is warming and greater likelihood that human activity is the chief cause.
It's called repeating the lie hoping you will buy it this time.
The new report finds a 95 to 100 percent chance that most of the warming of recent decades is human-caused, up from the 90 to 100 percent chance cited in the last report, in 2007.
And since it has been cooling the last 15 years while greenhouse gas emissions have soared?
But the new document also acknowledges that climate science still contains uncertainties, including the expected magnitude of the warming for a given level of emissions, the rate at which the ocean will rise, and the likelihood that plants and animals will be driven to extinction. The scientists emphasized, however, that those uncertainties cut in both directions and the only way to limit the risk would be to limit emissions.
Climate-skeptic organizations assailed the new report as alarmist even before it was published.
They are not "deniers?"
The Heartland Institute, a Chicago organization, issued a document last week saying that any additional global warming would probably be limited to a few tenths of a degree and this “would not represent a climate crisis.”
If it is happening at all, which it is not.
Related: The great global warming swindle
And they are still committing it.