Sunday, May 31, 2015

Slow Saturday Special: No Longer Facing the Nation

Schieffer of ‘Face the Nation’ Prepares to Sign Off

I long ago stopped watching such garbage which, years ago, I viewed as a Super Bowl every Sunday. So much for framed and controlled debate and choice, although maybe I should give it a go this week.


"Viewers who tuned in to the 10 o’clock news on MyTV38 Thursday night may have seen the future of local broadcasting. The question is whether they knew what they were watching.

Near the end of the telecast, the station aired an interview with Wellesley native Jeff Raider, founder of Harry’s, the online razor retailer. The segment ran during what is normally a commercial break but resembled journalism, with an interviewer posing questions to a business leader.

In fact, the piece was something in between — not quite journalism yet not exactly advertising. CBS and Boston marketing firm Allen & Gerritsen simply call it “content,” the first of its kind on Boston airwaves and possibly the first in the country.... 



NDUSchieffer signs off