Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Criminal State Senator Seeks Recount

That's because she wants to continue to feed at the government trough. It is time to take these scum-shit, corrupt politicians out of their offices, into the streets, and tar and feather them. I'm tired of stink elites living off the system and raping taxpayers.

Please, please read:
Primary Day in Massachusetts

Also see:
Corrupt State Senator Won't Go Quietly

Wilkerson Walks

"Wilkerson seeks election recount in five wards; Aide cites complaints of uncounted votes" by John C. Drake, Globe Staff | September 23, 2008

State Senator Dianne Wilkerson is seeking a hand recount of ballots cast in five Boston wards, adding more drama to a hard-fought primary campaign that resulted in challenger Sonia Chang-Díaz winning by a thin margin.

After offering qualified concession remarks a week ago, Wilkerson formally requested the recount in half of the sprawling district's wards just before a deadline yesterday afternoon. Hoping to protect her lead, Chang-Díaz also sought a recount of her own, in a single Jamaica Plain ward in which she did well.

A Wilkerson spokesman said the campaign had received complaints from voters about potentially uncounted votes. There were enough complaints, said the spokesman, Jeff Ross, that a recount is warranted to bring "closure and resolution" to the election.


Read Primary Day in Massachusetts again, will you?

City officials could not say yesterday how long a recount would take or what it would cost the city.

Oh, this corrupt piece of shit Wilkerson is something else, huh?

Haven't you ripped off the Mass. taxpayers enough?

Ross said voters complained that they saw some optical scan ballots not registered by machines at voting precincts. He also said some voters who cast provisional ballots worried their votes were not added to the total.

As the Bushies said about the 2000 election: GET OVER IT!!!

Every fucking election is rigged in this country, so just GO AWAY, Wilkerson!!

Take your FAT, FLABBY, CORRUPT ASS and just GO AWAY!!!!!!

Ever see such a shit-eating grin, Mass. residents?
