Ajmal Qasab, the only gunman captured in the India attacks, walked through a rail station in Mumbai last week. (Sebastian D'souza/Mumbai Mirror)
Bloggers have POINTED THIS OUT, so now you KNOW FOR SURE that AmeriKa's MSM is nothing but an AGENDA-PUSHING LIAR!!!!
What is his name? "Ajmal Amir Kamal?" Hmmmmmmm!!!!
Related: VIDEO: Mumbai Terror Attacks-Suspect Ajmal Qasab Captured
Mumbai: Debka coverup? US intelligence warned India of Mumbai attack in mid-October Report
CIA Foreknowledge of the Mumbai Attacks
Yeah, right, they KNEW ALL ABOUT IT!
Mumbai Terrorists Were Aided By Indian Authorities
Mumbai Mumbai Who Did It?
Mumbai attacks - city fears five terrorists are ‘missing’
Excuse me? Missing? I thought they were all DEAD, save ONE?
"Who Is Behind the Mumbai Attack?
"Mumbai and the Anglo-American-Israeli connection
Muhammad al-Arabi
Innocent civilians may be paying the price of India's closeness
to Israel, Britain and the US.
Muhammad al-Arabi argues that the clue to the motive for the attack on Mumbai lies in India's increasingly close relations with Israel and its identification with Anglo-American policies in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
At long last, the Mumbai horror show that we have been witnessing on our television screens for the past two days is over. So far, the death toll is 195 people, most of them innocent civilians.
We are still no wiser about the identity or motives of the gunmen responsible for this outrage. Predictably, the Indian government has seized the opportunity to blame Pakistan without having a shred of evidence to back its claim.
This is macabre opportunism at its worst by a government that is more concerned with enriching the super rich than with feeding its people, some of whom resort to eating rats in order to survive.
Also see sites: Divining the News
There Are No Sunglasses
Wake the Flock Up
Wake Up From Your Slumber
Winter Patriot
"Guerrilla group flourishes in spite of ban in Pakistan; Lashkar-i-Taiba is accused of India attacks" by Candace Rondeaux and Craig Whitlock, Washington Post | December 2, 2008
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - In January 2002, the government of Pakistan reluctantly announced that it would ban Lashkar-i-Taiba, a Kashmiri guerrilla group suspected of crossing the border into India and storming the Parliament in New Delhi, an attack that nearly triggered a war between the two nuclear-armed countries.
Almost seven years later, Lashkar-i-Taiba, or Army of the Pious, once again stands accused of helping to carry out a terrorist attack in India, this time in Mumbai. The group, although technically still outlawed in Pakistan, has managed to expand its membership, its operational reach, and its influence among the constellation of radical Islamist networks seeking to spark a revolution in South Asia.
With ISI and CIA help, I'm sure!
Inside Pakistan, Lashkar still operates training camps for militants, runs a large charitable and social services organization that has been embraced by Pakistani officials, and has even designated spokesmen to handle inquiries from the news media.
Yeah, that'll piss off any globalist/Zionist rulers (see Hezbollah, Hamas).
It has also branched out globally from its roots in the disputed Himalayan territory of Kashmir, opening fund-raising branches in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait. Some of its fighters have traveled to Iraq and East Africa. It has nurtured a mutually advantageous alliance with Al Qaeda, a longtime benefactor of its activities. One of the British suicide bombers in the July 7, 2005, London transit attacks spent time at a Lashkar-affiliated religious school in Pakistan.
Well, seeing as 7/7 was as much of an inside job as 9/11 was... can you say SET UP?
"One thing that has changed is their view of their mission," said Michael Scheuer, a former CIA analyst who specializes in Al Qaeda and other radical groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan. "They're a much more international organization than they were in 2002. They're better trained, and they operate all over."
Forgive me for saying it, but this guy profits from terror, doesn't he? Yup, a "dissident" CIA Puke. I'd rather hear from Ray McGovern, thank you!
Gonna blame 'em for the next false-flag on U.S. soil are ya?
Lashkar was founded two decades ago, with sponsorship from the Pakistani military, to combat Indian troops in Kashmir, over which India and Pakistan have fought repeatedly since the partition of the subcontinent in 1947. For years, Lashkar openly ran a 200-acre training complex - including a religious school, conference center, and fish farms - in the village of Muridke in eastern Pakistan, outside Lahore.
Fish farms? Muslims with fish farms? Zionist MSM, you gotta get out more often!
The US State Department declared Lashkar a terrorist organization in December 2001, days after it and another Kashmiri militant group, Jaish-i-Muhammad, or the Army of Muhammad, were accused of attacking the Indian Parliament.
The Pakistani government followed suit soon after, arresting dozens of Lashkar leaders and closing its recruiting offices in the country. But Pakistan refused to extradite Lashkar operatives suspected in the Parliament attack, and as international political pressure began to subside, it released the group's leadership.
To get around the ban, Lashkar renamed itself Jamaat-ud-Dawa. It began to bill itself as a charitable organization and was instrumental in delivering aid to victims of the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir.
Speaking of earthquakes, hy did the MSM press drop the latest one to strike Pakistan and break my heart.
A Pakistani villager (sitting at center right) looked at the body of a family member killed by yesterday's magnitude 6.4 earthquake as others sat in front of their ravaged homes in Ziarat. (Arshad Butt/Associated Press)
Yeah, that one just faded away and was forgotten.
The US government classified Jamaat-ud-Dawa as a terrorist group in April 2006, calling it an alias of Lashkar. But the Pakistani government has not reciprocated and allows the network to raise money, run religious schools, and offer social service programs. It hosts an extensive website.
On Sunday, Indian officials said that the lone gunman in the Mumbai attacks to be captured has confessed to being a member of Lashkar, and that the network was behind the plot. Joint Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria said the suspect told interrogators that he had received training at a Lashkar camp in Pakistan.
Well, WE KNOW that is a DAMNABLE MSM LIE!! He's a HINDU NATIONAL and very likely a LYING PATSY -- unless the government is lying!
Official representatives of Lashkar have denied the accusations. "We condemn the loss of precious lives, and we also demand an independent investigation into this incident," Abdullah Ghaznavi, a spokesman for Lashkar, said by phone.
There is your obligatory denial the MSM throws in to be "fair" -- one whole paragraph of it three-quarters of the way through! Didn't miss it, did ya?
It is difficult, analysts said, to pinpoint the extent of the relationship between Lashkar and Pakistan's main spy agency, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence. Some said the agency severed support for Lashkar after its operatives were suspected of being involved in an assassination attempt on President Pervez Musharraf in 2004. But officials in India have been more skeptical.
Shaun Gregory, a professor of international security and a Pakistan specialist at the University of Bradford in England, said that in contrast to its operations against the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and networks of foreign fighters along the border with Afghanistan, the Pakistani military has taken a hands-off approach with Lashkar. --more--"Which means SOMEBODY -- U.S., India -- needs to GO IN THERE, right?
Of course, the next article was "updated" for me. How nice.
MUMBAI, India - With tensions high between Islamabad and New Delhi after the terrorist attacks in Mumbai, the Indian foreign minister said.... Pakistanis were responsible for the terrorist attacks here last week and must be punished....
Facing public anger directed against both the Indian government and Pakistan, officials of India’s Foreign Ministry suggested that the planners of the attacks were still at large in Pakistan.... Nine of the 10 men who appear to have carried out the attacks are now dead; the remaining one is in custody.
Only 10 guys did ALL THAT? Something doesn't smell right there.
American and Indian intelligence officials said there was strong evidence tying the attacks to militants inside Pakistan. According to senior American government officials, satellite intercepts of telephone calls made during the siege directly linked the attackers in Mumbai to operatives in Pakistan working for Lashkar-e-Taiba, a militant Islamist group accused of carrying out terrorist attacks in Indian-administered Kashmir and elsewhere. The same group has been mentioned by some European security officials as linked to the attack....
The Indian government is facing strong criticism at home for its handling of the attacks.... with elections just months away, the government needs to be seen as acting decisively in the face of the atrocities. But.... there is also a groundswell of popular anger here aimed at Pakistan....
India’s assertion that the attackers were all Pakistani echoes a claim by the one attacker who was captured, identified as Ajmal Amir Qasab, said Rakesh Maria, joint commissioner of the Mumbai police, in a news conference. Mr. Qasab also said he was a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba, Mr. Maria said. However, no foreign identification documents were found, and some of the attackers had fake Indian papers, he added.
And WHO does a wondrful job at PHONYING UP PASSPORTS, etc?
What Were the Mossad with Fraudulent New Zealand Passports Doing in Iraq?
Inspector Maria also said there were only 10 attackers in all, denying earlier suggestions by public officials that there had been more. However, it remains unclear whether the attackers had at least some accomplices on the ground before the violence began on Wednesday night.
Translation: the WHOLE THING STINKS!
Some new details emerged on Monday about the difficulties faced by the Indian police commandos who responded to the killings here last week. The attackers used grenades to booby trap some of the bodies in the two luxury hotels where they struck, the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower and the Oberoi, so they would explode when they were moved, Inspector Maria said. It was not always clear, he added, whether the people were dead or just wounded.
That tactic made fighting the attackers more difficult, and significantly delayed the cleanup after the violence ended, Inspector Maria said....
Translation: We need an explanation for the stand-down orders.
But those details seemed unlikely to blunt the rising public anger at the government’s handling of the attacks, which have been widely described here as India’s 9/11. The ease with which the small band of attackers mowed down civilians in downtown Mumbai, and then repelled police commandos for days in several different buildings, has exposed glaring weaknesses in India’s intelligence and enforcement abilities.
Indian intelligence officials issued at least one warning about a possible attack on the Taj Mahal and Oberoi hotels, but that was in September. Security was increased for a while and then relaxed, intelligence officials said. There were reports of many other unheeded warnings, but it was not clear how many were actually communicated....
Have you had enough propaganda? I have.