Joanne Rathe/Globe StaffJennifer Davis, with Charlotte, said her contractions were 3 minutes apart when the state trooper made them wait for a citation. (Joanne Rathe/Globe Staff)
Here at MSM Monitor we CELEBRATE LIFE and ITS MOST PRECIOUS GIFTS given all the LYING WARS and the resulting DESTRUCTION of LIFE and KILLING in this world!!!!!!
You monsters will NEVER QUENCH the DECENCY of HUMANITY!!!!!
"In rush-hour labor, ticket delivered" by Stephanie Ebbert, Globe Staff | December 4, 2008
.... Jennifer Davis was stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic on Nov. 18, her contractions just 3 minutes apart. Her husband, John, was trying to appear calm for his wife's sake, driving in the breakdown lane of Route 2. They pulled up behind a state trooper to ask whether they could continue using the lane to reach the next exit, near Alewife Station.
Not only did the trooper say no, he gave them a $100 citation for driving in the breakdown lane, made them wait for their citation while he finished writing someone else's ticket, and even seemed to ask for proof of pregnancy, Jennifer Davis said.
"He said, 'What's under your jacket?' I said, 'My belly,' " Davis said. "He waited and gestured with his head like, 'OK, let's see it.' He waited for me to unzip my jacket. I mean, it was so clear that I was pregnant."
"Ironically, I was relieved to see the police. I thought, 'Oh cool, he'll help us,' " said John Davis. "He made it worse. He held us up."
Unfortunately, that is usually what police do; what ever happened to PROTECT and SERVE, anyway?
At least everything came out right! :-)