Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mass. State Budget: Property Tax Slap in the Face

That's what happens when you have a one-party fascist state.

"GOP says plan would circumvent tax limit; House official defends proposal" by Michael Norton, State House News Service | April 23, 2010

Republican lawmakers, with encouragement from two candidates for governor, will launch an effort next week to strike language from a Democrat-sponsored bill that they assert will permit sizable property tax increases without voter approval.

Citing a Citizens for Limited Taxation estimate that the proposal could spur as much as $550 million in additional property taxes outside those allowed by state law, House minority leader Bradley H. Jones Jr. called the proposal a “slap in the face to the taxpayers.’’


Also see
: The Perils of One-Party Politics: The Problem

The Perils of One-Party Politics: The Ruling Party

The Perils of One-Party Politics: Massachusetts' Democracy

Mass. Legislature Exempts Itself From Ethics Reform

Memory Hole: Learning How to Make a Law in Massachusetts

And they called it "democracy."