Monday, June 15, 2009

The Perils of One-Party Politics: The Problem

It's frustrating being a Republican around here, folks:

"The concentration of power in one party: Of 160 House members, 140 are Democrats; of 40 state senators, 35 are Democrats."

That is 7-to-1, folks! About as ONE-PARTY as you can be!

"Meanwhile, it's been left to the badly outnumbered Republicans to push some of the bigger fiscal reforms"

Yeah, I noticed on the BLOGS a while back that ALL the CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS that were getting HAMMERED for rejecting stimulus monies had BALANCED BUDGETS while most of the "liberal" states are DROWNING in RED INK!

And NOTHING could be MORE TRUE here!

Oh, Mitt, we MISS YE!!!!

You know, it strikes me that the nation is also heading that way with the majority of Democraps thanks to the Repuglicans.

Liberals Can't Hear Ron Paul Republicans

Also see: A Republican In Name Only