Sunday, July 11, 2010

Soccer Sunday: Nigerian Nightmare

What could they have been thinking, reader$?

"Pirates abduct 12 foreign sailors

LAGOS — Pirates kidnapped 12 foreign sailors off the coast of Nigeria’s restive and oil-rich southern delta during an attack that left one crew member injured, a naval spokesman said yesterday. The pirates boarded the German-flagged cargo ship BBC Palonia on Friday night off the coast of the Niger Delta. A struggle broke out during the attack and pirates shot one crew member in a leg during the fight. The crew consisted of sailors from Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, and Ukraine (AP)."

Also see:
Tales of Two Pirates

Pirate Patrol: Somali Double Standard

Ooooh, this may not have been such a good move on the Nigerians part!

Scroll my
Nigeria posts for more on what the Globe has given me regarding that oil-rich country.